3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!

we need to pull an "old school" and get turkey...does anyone have a tricked out black van we can blast master of puppets through while we kidnap him?
^ That would be pretty f'n cool.
First thing that came to my mind was the A-team van.
^ exactly!

we should roll up just as he and his gf are walking into the church and let her know we'll have him back by monday morning...LOL
Turkey's Getaway


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could you imagine rolling up to the erie tribs in that...LOL

just having like 10 guys pile out in full gear ready to wreck shop...I would die...LMAO

edit: it needs mega rod tubes on the top though
I'm not that good with paint.
that van is awesome but it really needs lifted and a bigger brushgaurd i like the ones the pittsburgh port authority have on their trucks (about the onlything about the port authority that i like )
TimRobinsin wrote:
we need to pull an "old school" and get turkey...does anyone have a tricked out black van we can blast master of puppets through while we kidnap him?

This would be so cool. She couldn't be mad about that.

C, good work on the van. I would be honored to be kidnapped in that thing.

Flip, I agree about the port authority. I heard a private company is buying them.

I guess when we get closer to the JAM, let me know if any of you guys are going to be fishing Sunday. Ive done dumber things than driving up, fishing, and then driving home in 8 hours. I'll just be a little tired.
looks like some rain wed and thurs. if erie gets some decent rain, the weekend could see some good fishing! if not, the weekend will see some good drinking and donut eating!
I should be getting to follies around lunchtime friday, maybe earlier. for those that don't know me, I'll be in a bright red GMC truck and will be waving an old junk glass rod on the crick.
Sorry guys I haven't been on here much lately. Had a death in the family last week. I'll just be up early on Saturday for the day only. I'll have donuts in hand and try to be there as close to sun up as possible (opens at 5am and a 2 hour drive for me). Just meet up at Folly's on every morning and we can plan our attack from there. Depending on how much rain we get this week (doesn't look like much) we'll figure out what stream will be the best to fish. Any new guys make sure you find someone to fish with so you can get some good tips and know where you're going. I'll be more than happy to show anyone around and there's many other "seasoned pros" that are going that will do the same.

Looking forward to a nice weekend where we can hang out, catch a few fish and see some familiar faces again.

Should I plan on leaving Thursday night so I can be there by Friday morning?
Think Ed and I will be arriving noonish Friday.
Anyone staying beyond Sunday?
I was wondering that too. ;-)
forecast got significantly better today....


precipitation is up now. Dress warm this weekend!
I'll do my best to round up some local honeys for beckers amusement!!
bikerfish wrote:
I'll do my best to round up some local honeys for beckers amusement!!

I'm coming as early Fri AM as I can get myself out of bed, hopefully pull in to Folley's between 7 and 8 AM (maybe a little sooner). I want to fish right away and take a mid-day break to set up my tent (back at Folley's in the noon-one range). Then back out till dark and meet folks at Avonia for dinner. I'm staying over and fishing all day Saturday, probably with a mid-day break to tear down camp. I'm heading home after dinner Saturday evening.

I'm in a silver Jeep Liberty with PaFF stickers.