3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!

is anyone on here responsible for why I couldn't get the liars den for the weekend!? if so....please let me stay with you! we just stayed there last weekend and all I can say is...WOW! sorry for spot burning this lodge, but Brian and Jen deserve all the business they can get!
SOB, I can't make this fully. I am still going to try to arrange something, but I have my 30th Class reunion Saturday night. I have only attended one, #10, and nearly got thrown out of Station Square Sheraton(?). Anyhoo, I could make it Sunday, but I am going to be hurtin' I just may be bowing out. My loss, I was looking forward to it, but I really want to go to the reunion. Shiznit!
You'll be missed if you don't make it Jack. Maybe just head up Friday, and leave Saturday afternoon to head back for the reunion?
Jack, I'm taking Friday off, fishing Fri-Sat, camping at Folley's Fri night, and catching dinner with the fisherpersons before heading home Sat night. I don't think we can share a ride, but I'd be glad to share a campsite with you Fri night.
Thanks. I think I'm going to have to bow out until Sunday, if I can make it up at all. Like I said, it's my loss as I was looking forward to seeing some folks again. Farmer Dave will show up in my place. The only difference is he'll catch fish.
Well we're 2.5 weeks away from the event. I've got a pretty good list of people in a post above here that are planning on attending.

I sent a message out to MillerTime and he's planning on coming too.

Anyone else is more than welcome to join. Who knows what the conditions will be, but it'll be fun none the less.
I fished yesterday with Squaretail and Atlantisboy on Elk Creek. They had fished Walnut and 20 mile on Monday. The fish are in throughout the streams, we caught fish north of 90 on Elk. Fish numbers seem to be up from the last two dismal years in my opinion (your mileage may vary), but not epic numbers by historic standards.

The size of the fish this year has impressed Squaretail and I. All three of us caught steelhead over 30 inches on Tuesday, fish that were personal bests for all of us. While this was Atlantisboy's first trip to the Erie tribs, Squaretail and I have been coming for a number of years.

We had low and clear conditions, but we still got the fish to cooperate. Here's a nice shot of Squaretail posing with his new person best steelhead!

There were good numbers of fish as evidenced by this photo from upper Elk Creek.

Just kidding, that's Trout Run of course... Great new parking lot at the mouth of Trout Run!

We did see some browns mixed in with the steel at trout run, less than 1 percent though. The photo is poor, but this brown was as big as the neighboring steelhead.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Jam in under two weeks! I think I've talked Bruno into coming up for the day on Friday.
thats a nice fish. looks like its been in the stream for a little while. good report albie.
Looking forward to it! Well the fishing at least, the drive not so much.
Thought Bruno had to travel to Arizona or some other desolate place?
Once again Squaretail impresses with a nice fish. I've heard good reports of numbers from several of my friends so far as compared to the last few years, and also good reports of a handful of browns.

I'm headed up on Saturday, so hopefully I'll have a similar report.

Right now I will be there on Saturday only, but trying to work out leaving work early on Friday and fishing at least a few hours that evening and hanging out a bit with everyone.

This has been a great event the last few years and can't wait to see some familiar faces again and chasing some steel together.
the fishing as been good had a few guys up sunday and we got into some fish. The crowds have been unreal I live here and I dont even want to fish that much. Elk creek was a zoo sunday every parking area was packed. So far the numbers are pretty good a lot better than the last few years but not as many as there should be with all the rain we have had. The size of the fish is larger than normal not a lot of long fish but very thick fish. A few I have caught this year looked like footballs. If the weather stays like it has been it should be a great weekend. Not sure if I will fish all three days but should be there for dinner friday and to fish some of the day saturday. Unless I kill a buck before then. If anyone needs any info on gear or directions shoot me a pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone agin and to meeting some of the new people.
SBecker wrote
Thought Bruno had to travel to Arizona or some other desolate place?

He leaves for AZ on Sunday and needs family time on Saturday. Hopefully he'll make it up Friday.
Nice fish Squaretail. Great report ,Albatross. GG
Is anyone planning on being there Fri. morning? I may have the day off and will probably be around sometime in the AM.

I may be there in the afternoon on Friday. Hopefully I'll find out soon.

Fished 20 mile on Saturday with flipnfly, and 2 of my buddies.

Water was a tad low, but not bad. Some spots were crystal clear, but the deeper holes were still flowing pretty good. Saw one brown in the 18" range.

I landed 2, all my buddies landed at least 3. Had a good time and missed the snow up there. Snowed at home 2 hours south, but not in Erie. Very atypical. Almost creamed a nice 8 point buck on the way up too.

Looking forward to sharing some of the streams with you guys here in less than 2 weeks!
Well It looks like I'll be making the JAM. Filled the buck tag this morning, and with some vacation still left, I'll probably do some recon later this week for steel.
My plan is to arrive Saturday morning, depart Sunday mid-morn.
See you all there.

Leaving Friday from Lancaster, coming back Sunday or Monday depending. If your in the area and want to split gas and room I'll take ya.

Im barely gonna make it up there but we're gonna make it work, splitting the cost with someone would help.

I like to fish from before sun-up to lunch and then from about two hour before sun down to after dark. I want to go to the jam stuff but I want to fish more.

Only reason why I mention all that is because my earlier trip this year was high jacked by hung over buddies so that can't happen again.

Pm me if you want to go, I got room for one.
Looks like I'll be making the trip to Folly's. Should be there Friday at daybreak, but need to be back by the evening. If everything pans out, I should be back up on Saturday.

Anyone fishing the AM Friday?

Ry, in an awful turn of events, my girlfriend kindly reminded me that "we have a wedding to attend" the Saturday of the JAM. I can still pull a kamikaze run and be up there Sunday for the day, but I might not if everyone is just packing up and heading out.