2nd Annual Sandy Hook Jam 11-11-12 Be Ready

Rehobeth and the beaches from cape henlopen to Maryland have been devastated also. most parks are closed for season too. plus the fish most likely will not be back since they moved offshore so far.

afish your pics are labeled wrong, the bridge out is in belmar north of seaside, and the roller coaster is in seaside heights.
Here is a link to all the pics: http://news.yahoo.com/photos/sandy-from-above-slideshow/view-storm-damage-over-atlantic-coast-seaside-heights-photo-191001260--election.html

The pic is of the Park in Seaside Heights.

The bridge, I'm not sure. It's labeled Seaside Heights, not Belmar.

Our local news covers SE PA, S NJ & DE. Delaware was on the south side of the storm - more rain, less wind. I saw where Rehoboth was open for business yesterday, with little damage.

Check out this link: http://www.cityofrehoboth.com/
Here is a pic of Betty and Nicks . Tom I rather go north before I would go south fishing is much more productive up north .
Here is a pic of Betty and Nicks . Tom I rather go north before I would go south fishing is much more productive up north .

in light of sandy i am going to bail on the salt jam. i seriously doubt things at the beach/hotel will be in any working order by then, i feel it's disrespectful to go fishing while people are trying to pick up the pieces of their lives, and i was offered a ticket to the eagles cowgirls game. Sorry it didn't work out. It was a blast last yr and i was looking forward to meeting everyone. tight lines.

I am out of this Jam as well. Can't think about going to the beach to fish when the people in those areas lost everything.
I'm not out but I think it should be set back till the end of nov. Just to let the basic thing to get repaired and all roads are cleaned up. I dont feel bad going down fishing. If anything I'm gonna try to spend money and try to help them out.

I'm sure the guys in jersey will be fishing. Its the one thing that they still have now. All in all it sucks that it happened but you got to make the best ad a crappy situation.

marcq wrote:
I'm not out but I think it should be set back till the end of nov. Just to let the basic thing to get repaired and all roads are cleaned up. I dont feel bad going down fishing. If anything I'm gonna try to spend money and try to help them out.

I'm sure the guys in jersey will be fishing. Its the one thing that they still have now. All in all it sucks that it happened but you got to make the best ad a crappy situation.


+1. spending money on hotel/gas/food tackle etc. will help keep those small business going. Next week might be a little too soon though.
All employees are to report back to work on the hook tomorrow . Still no word on when the park will be open . I'm sure there will hotels available farther inland . If the park is open I will be there :-D

Betty and Nicks as of now

Fred, I read your FB post to the state park, and they responded that the park will not be open for some time. That does not sound like it would he open in a week.
Stalking my FB eh ...... They responded after my last post btw . I'm calling the park Monday not going to go by what guy running FB page says but most likely Jam will be cancelled .
for those interested in what happened to the shore line...


its a bit hard to navigate but:

1. Zoom to an area you want to view ( ie. sandy hook)
2. Stop your pointer on the area you want ( don't click, just hover)
3. A text box will pop up with a folder name from the left. ( for sandy hook it is Nov, 1 FLT1)
4. Click the plus (+) on the folder and expand it.
5. use the "response imagery" slider to move between pre and post storm images.

***Not all images/areas are processed yet, and some times if you zoom in to far it wont work.***

Holy Crap. As you can see Sandy Hook is still standing, but it is ALOT different. Part of the tip was almost separated, there are huge new tide pools and sand bars, and tons of sand on roads. Don't think it will be open soon. Could be wrong. Lots of new "structure" to check out.
oh and as far as the NJ situation, talked to a guy at the Bethlehem, PA Weis....he was from the NJ shore. Drove 1.5 hrs for supplies. Even the lines in Easton were long. No hotels, no ice, no water, no gas....not a good time to be down there IMHO. My wife's boss lives in NJ, not the shore, same story. Wait in line 3 hrs for gas only to find out they ran out 2 cars ago. Stories of bad things starting to happen too.....I say try for the spring run.
A lot of suffering and pain and chaos going on for those folks right now.

Here are pics from Seabright, the town just outside of Sandy Hook.

Can't see driving past all that (even if it's possible) to go fishing. I'm out.
WOW that map is crazy! If I'm using the site correctly, it looks like the beach we fished last year is gone.
if you fished the hook, there's a good chance the beach you were on is no more. The one consideration is tide difference between the photos. not sure if they were taken on the same tides.
According to that map the hook got bigger . Good news is that I didn't see the hotel in any of those pics which means it probably did better than most places . All of those pics were a few miles south from were the hotel is so I wonder if they went up that way. I'm kind of glad that all the SRC type beach clubs are gone there was a case going on in NJ similar to what happen here on The LJ which them privatizing beach access.
I would think that the motels/hotels that are able to operate will be used for clean up / utility companys from out of the areas. they are bringing them in from all states. going to take weeks to fix all the gas leaks alone in north jersey (used to do that kind of work) not easy in a sand based soil. very slow work to replace broken lines..plus elec phone also. water lines also. can't believe anyone would try to go down and fish while all this is going on..shame on them....