2nd Annual Sandy Hook Jam 11-11-12 Be Ready

Down the coast at Island beach State Park things are surely very bad and may not be accessible for weeks or months. The ferris wheel in Seaside Heights - a long time landmark for surf fishermen - has been completely destroyed and apparently washed out to sea as of recent reports this morning.
I'm getting a bit concerned for John at Betty and Nicks tackle shop, which is located right by the ferris wheel. It seemed he was going to ride out the storm and he hasn't posted recently. I don't check Facebook - maybe he's just out of power.
Hope all is well.

Good luck with that. Normal northeasters stir up the ocean enough that it takes 2-3 days for good fishing to return....for anything!
I'd vote to just wait and see for a few days.
Wouldn't surprise me if many hotels at the shore that are damaged will just close until springtime. Barrier islands and Sandy Hook may be off limits to tourists for a long time too. Will have to wait and see.
way it sounds from friends state parks in nj will close for season till spring to much damage..no sandy hook or i.b.s.p. seaside heights and seaside park have been just about wiped out.
That stinks but understandable. Would have been my first fly fishing the salt opportunity.
Becker, Cape May buddy still will have good fishing . got a skiff back bays and jetties will be turned on in a week.
It's gonna be a pain to get around down there. Good luck trying to find a place to stay. Fishing should come back. I hope at least. It's gonna be tough For the fly fisherman. Bait is gone. We might get sand eels but that is unlikely. The beaches are gonna have some great new soft structure. Jetties will open up and there will be some deeper water at our feet.

As for the jam. Does anyone know the status of sandy hook? Can't wait to see it. But that if we can even drive on it. I feel a day trip is probably the best bet. And maybe even changing the location a little further south and maybe even later in the season. I know cape may has good late season fishing. That being said I'm still game for what ever. But let's see if it is even reasonable to go down any time soon. Personally I think it's gonna be at least two weeks.

The Hook is a Federal Park and it has a Coast Guard base on it so they petty much have to make travel possible on the base . And almost all of beach replenishment from central NJ on up is based out off the base on SH . I'm just worried about the hotel .

Also the fish are migrating from the north which didn't get hit by the full force of the storm so I don't think it will stop them from going south. The fish are coming and I will be there :-D

No I think there will be fish. But fish like bait and if bait is not in the area it's gonna be hard to find them. Kinda like summer striper fishing. The fish are there but you got to find the bait. We'll see.

Looks like the entrance to the park didn't do to bad
SEA BRIGHTSea Bright mayor Dina Long admitted she broke down when she first saw the sand several feet deep along the borough’s downtown and most of the storefronts damaged.

“I did start to cry,” Long said. She called the damage catastrophic.

C. Read Murphy, a township councilman and borough deputy director of emergency management, said “the businesses in this town are totally destroyed.”

Heavy equipment, including front-end loaders, were clearing away sand that had washed onto Ocean Avenue and in some places was more than 4 feet deep.

Long urged residents not to return home because the borough was still dealing with numerous natural gas leaks from broken underground pipes.

Sea Bright had been under a mandatory evacuation order since 4 p.m. Sunday, however, Long knew that many people had not left.

“I spent two hours on the phone (Monday) pleading with people to leave,” Long said. She said police and firefighters had to rescue 11 people from homes on Monday.

David Coniff and eight friends thought it would be fun to ride out the storm in a third floor apartment. This morning he was not so sure it was a good idea.

“It was terrifying. We saw a steamroller swept away, a truck swept away,” Coniff, 26, said this morning.

The nine friends awoke today to deep sand covering Ocean Avenue, with power lines down and spouts of natural gas shooting up through the sand from broken pipelines.

They came down from the apartment above a hardware store to discover the storefront was gone and water had washed through the store, heavily damaging it.

“All the storefronts are blown out. Houses collapsed. We saw cars float by like they were toys,” said Joe Tripodi. The 28-year-old borough resident spent the night wearing one of only two life vests that the nine friends had with them.

This morning, the group walked over the sand left by the storm, carefully avoiding downed power lines and natural gas leaks.

They walked to the bridge leading into Rumson and they were not alone.

Coniff said he and his friend saw many others walking out of the borough.

Mike Cramer, 47, and his fiancée, Deneen Zotto, stayed in their second-floor condominium in the yacht harbor complex in Sea Bright, thinking the storm would not be any worse than Tropical Storm Irene.

“It was horrible. I don’t think there was a store that wasn’t blown out. The worst part was the darkness. You could only see shapes float by,” Kramer said.

What did he see go by?

“Boats, sheds, cabanas, dozens of cabanas and refrigerators,” he said.

Coniff told of fears he and his friends felt during the night.

“When the power went out and the fire department sirens went off and the waves were crashing into the building, I felt like we made a mistake to stay,” Coniff said.

Police were not letting anybody walk over the bridge from Rumson into the borough, but some people were walking in from the north end of the borough on its border with the Highlands.

Link to Source: http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2012/10/sea_bright_mayor_damage_from_h.html

Sorry Fred, they didn't mention anything about the fishin' or your hotel room......just about the people that lost their homes and their businesses and the struggle to make the area safe enough for people to return.
Yea, Guess I am out for certain now. I feel bad going there to fish, when people lost everything.
The spare spool was ordered last week and should arrive this week, which might be pushed back. My 350 grain line arrived yesterday. I'll be geared up ready to go, if conditions allow for it.
Well, if they are accepting people, certainly don't feel bad about it. I could see concerned, as in for your own safety, considering the structural integrity of buildings, mold, gas leaks, quality of water and sewage, etc. But if you think it's safe and they are accepting people, then don't feel bad about going, take them up on it!!!!!! You, the tourist, are their economic lifeblood. The last thing they need is lost business after everything they've gone through.
As soon as I find out what is going on with the park and the hotel I will let everyone know . Fema has taken charge of the rebuilding of Nj allot can get done in two weeks so stand by until I can get some information.

If anyone is interested here is the hotline to volunteer in the relief effort In New Jersey 1-800-JERSEY-7 (1-800-537-7397)
they are still repairing and rebuilding from irene in new england (was there just 2 weeks ago) its going to take months for jersey to get back up and running. if not a year or more. they will not open the parks till this is over because they pull the state park people from there to help rebuild...
I would like to go and fish Sandy Hook Jam

Many activities are put on hold. There are issues with safety, hotels, food, gas, etc.
My favor vicinity - Breezy Point - Queens, I have fished many times, got severely damaged.
Probably I will go there with Red Cross or FEMA and help and maybe fish “in the brake time”…
...I’m only wander if I can bear people “look” standing on the beach with the rod in my hand…

Afishinado, thanks for the valid links.
More links here:


Go: Jersey 1-800-JERSEY-7 (the hotline to volunteer)
Below are pics of Seaside Heights, the town connected to Island Beach SP.

FI, I'm sure Betty & Nicks is finished for this year. Hopefully all is okay and they rebuild and recover. When/if they do, I plan to go there and buy something.


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How 'bout the Delaware beaches? They were spared, for the most part, at least Rehoboth.

If not SW, how 'bout Pulaski pellet heads?

You're in charge, Sarge.