2017 North Central PA Summit 09/29-10/1/2017

If you ever find a 5wt and under Fibatube, Fibalite or Sceptre , buy it because you likely won't see another and they are delightful.
I love that reel too :-D

Sounded like another great North Central PA Summit. Again, sorry I had to miss out this year. As usual some interesting happenings in the big woods. That was really bizarre with Al and Chuck with the bear taking off with there tents. Thank goodness you guys weren't in the tents. Of coarse never a dull moment when Jared's at the summit, I am sure his burgers were tasty as usual after a long day on the water. Andy and Sal awesome pictures. Sal, nice brooks and browns you landed on Cedar Run. Was a little surprised you didn't do better on the East Fork, but with the low water conditions that's to be expected. I liked the pic with the October caddis on your CFO reel.

Andy and Jerry again a big thanks for hosting the event at your camp. Hopefully next year I'll be in attendance for the 2018 North Central PA Summit.
Envious! Looks like it was another banner trip. Sal those are some great pictures and stunningly beautiful fish. CDatching them in that low waster is a compliment to your skills as an angler. great job. GG
Sal, I have 2 screw-backs that I bought when the CFO's were introduced. I think I paid $45 each brand new.
Wow - what a time! Some great scenery and fish pics. And the bear takes the cake - er, tent that is.

Who says you can't catch fish in low water conditions (actually, Sal can catch trout from a glass of water).

Wish I could have made it. Keep up the good work gents.
Sounds like a great time! Sorry I missed it.
Great Potter County 2017 Jam.
Nice food and fun people, all under one roof.
The water was low but fishing in high tunes.
Sal took all good fish from the Cedar Creek; I think he is a high roller (what was left for me – was only to take the photographs)
On the way home I went to Slate Creek along Black Forest Trail, amazing scenery, at the end of the day I went to the Spring Creek and I found the honey whole.
Enjoy pics.[color=0066CC]~~~


OH!!! I forgot to post about the Jehovah's Witness who came the whole way back our lane to the cabin to convert Chuck! I had never had a Jehovah's Witness pop up at camp before!!!! What the heck!?
haha!! that was priceless Andy!! Great pics Jared! I love the expressions on our faces at the fly shop!! honest, we WERE having a good time!!
Lol @ High Roller!

Today in my Facebook Feed, my pictures from the NCPA Summit 3 years ago came up. It was the best fishing we ever had at the jam, I think, and it's a week later. So next year, I'm thinking Oct. 5-7th, which SHOULD mean that it won't interfere w/ the opening weekend of archery!
Oh my! Can't believe the bear story. Scary stuff. Glad no one was hurt. I'm bummed out that I had to miss it all this year. Sounds like everyone had a great time. I enjoyed reading through all the comments and looking at pics. Good stuff.