2017 North Central PA Summit 09/29-10/1/2017



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Tentatively scheduled, but I feel confident enough to put it out there, that the NCPA Summit is going to be held up on Denton Hill, Potter County 09/29-10/1. Lodging is at my cabin (directions via PM closer to the date), suggested donation of at least $5 per night to help cover the annual cost of running the camp (last year's donations went to drill our new well! Year before that helped fund the new porch)

Everyone brings food and beer, what's in the fridge is shared. This is the closest to true communism you'll ever get!

Swattie and Pcray will say they're planning on it...but then won't come.

And, if I'm not mistaken, this is the 5th anniversary of the summit!
woohoo! In as always!

Maybe this year I'll finally make it.
Hope so, Dave!

There is a chance I'll need to leave either Saturday night, or early Sunday, but I believe my dad will be staying to close up the camp if that is the case! I love my "job" but it does tend to tie up Sundays. But I hope this won't be an issue.
Haha...yeah that was fair game. Definitely not for not wanting to make it though!

I won't commit this time. Officially a "maybe" as of 05/01. ;-)
Yo 'squatch

Do I get dibs for past performance? lol
I can bring the major food groups: scrapple, pipe tobacco and whisk(e)y.
lestrout wrote:
Yo 'squatch

Do I get dibs for past performance? lol
I can bring the major food groups: scrapple, pipe tobacco and whisk(e)y.

Well, Les has all the food groups covered!

I'm considering lifting the ban on tenkara this year, so long as the fly has an actual hook in it
Killing me with the first weekend of archery.
csoult wrote:
Killing me with the first weekend of archery.
I know, I'm sorry man. It's just that the fishing was tremendously better in the Fall than it was when we were doing it in mid to late April. One of these years, I keep hoping you'll choose to come anyway ;-)
I'm still a maybe.
I'd love to come but too far away (the date) to commit with a family and all. I haven't fished NC PA for a few years and I really miss it! I'll make sure my music gigs are scheduled around it though. My little 7" Diamondback (3/4) hasn't seen the light of day for far too long!
Love to have you there. It is pretty far off in the distance, I know. I just like to get these things on the books.
Still officially a maybe.

Squatch – My issue with scheduling the last few years is it’s usually within one week one way or the other from the Fall trip I take with my Dad each year. I typically can’t get time off from work around two weekends in a row. This year there’s a decent chance we may be up that same weekend. If so, I’ll stay at the camp we belong to (Oleona), but we’ll be around for day fishing activities. Let ya know once we iron out which weekend we’ll be up around…depends on others use of the camp, and our work schedules. My Dad may stay up an extra few days to archery hunt so that may play into it too.
Great news, Roger!

Listen Swattie, don't be separate but equal. Just come to the summit, bring your dad. My dad comes too, it ain't no big thing. And camp with us. Oleona is like, 45 minutes!

Come on.......Just come on.
Iam going to make it a point to attend the jam this year Andy. I'm fishing slate, oswayo and 2 unmentionable streams. No one can stop me this time!

I bestow to Jared the Title: Sacajawea of the Northern Allegheny Plateau.

The 5th Annual North Central PA Summit is now officially on the calendar. The dates are solidified in the camp schedule.

The new well was connected during last week's 65th anniversary celebration of the cabin. Thanks to past summit attenders for their donations in helping to make that possible. For the first time in many years, we have DRINKABLE water!

Hopefully this wet summer pattern continues and we have a great Fall with water in the streams!