york county wild trout streams

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
my point was have u ever shot a 12 point buck?? (sorry jack :-D )
finding a deer that large makes it special.
now if the game commission stocked 12 point bucks....it would lose its meaning. then (if i hunted) i would be looking for virgin forests with wild whitetail in the 12 point range. :-D
does that make any sense? :-D

squaretail, lol u want proof of brookies in that area.....
suppose i gotta rattle spectors cage and get out that way! :-D
gimmie a few weeks yet in york though, man the fishings been great! :-D

p.s heres to the sun not blowing up and everything melting :pint:
lol wulff your right, whats the point!
But what's the point, if there are no humans or trout?


We could still blame the PFBC, but in theory only. I'm sure this would be enough to satisfy some. :-D

These are conversations best to be had with a beer in one's hand....
OhioOutdoorsman wrote:

These are conversations best to be had with a beer in one's hand....
I'll drink to that..., and to the world not melting!
I had my thrills years back catching 5-6 inch brook trout. I too was so excited to catch a trout bred in the stream. I couldn't explain to my stocked trout fishing friends what was so neat about it. Then I came to a point where I realized I was only catching 5-6 inch fish and I went back to fishing stocked creeks where you can get a bend in the line.
jack dont ya think that brownie bent my line! u just got look and explore. again, i find stocked fishing to me enjoyable. but i would rather catch sub-legal fish for a year or 2 and then find a stream with a large wild trout and catch him. its real, its a real experince. when the hatchery system fails in my childrens life time. this maybe all there is, and its alot better IMO.
Sal, this off topic topic was started when I claimed that Squaretails brookie from the run may be wild but not native. There is a stream I fish that has wild brooks of abnormal size in it. I talked to an old man who lived along the stream for many years. He claimed that there were no wild brooks in the stream till about 20 years ago. Since there was no natives in the stream and a club did stock it in the past, i would think that these brooks are a product of stocked fish. Question is, are these fish considered native even though they were not here in the past.
You know, If everyone ends their posts, from now on, with the phrase, "and to the world not melting!" This wold be like a good Monty Python bit. I say let's do it! ....and to the world not melting!!! :pint:
no they are not. a native trout is a strain of trout that was porduced naturally through mother nature. now as squaretail eluded to, if the fish was breed from native eggs and then placed in a stream, that gets confusing. let me try to simplify.

have u ever fished for wild brook trout and in differnt parts of the state they look different? well i belive that to be differnt strains of wild brook trout. now if a region produces a certain look to its natives, and even if removed and breed, then placed back into the same region. they are still native. one that is removed and placed into a differnt region would be an exotic wild strain of brook trout. am i making any sense?

the easiest way to look at it is i stopped using the word native for the most part sooooo looonnnggg ago. there is no way besides gentic testing to find if a brook trout is stocked, native or streambred. you can tell the diff between a wild brook trout and a stocker though. i for the most part call them just wild. that i can be sure of. :-D

and thats my story im stickin to it.......and to the world not melting ;-) :pint:
Got to agree with you there Jack.When I first moved to Montana I was determined to fish the smaller more intimate streams like I was used to in Pa..and use the same lightweight tackle which would make it just as fun and exciting as big fish in bigger rivers using heavier tackle.
Its not the same.A twelve incher on a 2wt. just can't get the adrenaline flowing like a four pounder on an 8wt..All things are not relative.Maybe it was the big brown under the wild rose on the Letort that planted the seed.I was shocked when it plowed over the cress to take my Letort hopper and never had a chance but I never forgot that image.
I lived in York but never thought to fish there.
ya but pete......those browns in letort are wild ;-)
Thats what I thought but I've been told different. Brookies look a little different just from valley to valley, don't have to travel across the whole state to realize that. I've fished about 100 wild brook streams in the state and I still find brooks that look like nothing I've seen before. Thats whats so great about them. Every stream and every fish has its own beauty. No one has ever seen it all. PM me when you start adventuring cumberland co. I can probably help out with couple streams.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
jack dont ya think that brownie bent my line! u just got look and explore. ...

I am sure you get a bend in the line[rod] with those fish, but you are fortunate to live in a part of the state with decent wild trout streams, even though you could always use more and better. Unfortunately, I have to drive 2.5 hours to get to those. Trust me, I have explored locally. We don't have those kinds of wild fish in our streams, but that's another argument, id'nit?

I prefer a wild trout experience to a stocked or even fingerling stocked experience, but I can't spend months brush-busting, sling-shotting and belly-crawling for 5-6 inch trout with an occasional 8-9 incher. Been there, done that, as they say and to me, it gets old and that's a fact. ... and to the sun not exploding :pint:
ya ur right about them looking slightly diff ...stream to stream. i supposed i used region to expand the issue. yes some will say that they are not strains but they are.there are species sub species and strains. in order for brook trout to recieve a very special protection they often need to be classified as a sub-species. which is hard to do becuase it is just often a strain.
if anyone has not yet purchased Nick Karas book on brook trout and u love these fish. please do! the is an entire section dedicated to this very subject.
cumberland county i often find myself on famous limestone creeks. but iam alwyas into exploring. i will be sure to shoot u a pm next time i visit. i actually am planning to hit FS soon, just to take some beautiful pictures. FS IMO is the MOST beautiful stream in all of pa. slate run is a close 2nd :-D
thank you though for the offer of info. im sure ill use it sometime. i also extend my hand if u ever need it! :-D
yes jack that is a differnt animal all together. iam not familiar with ur side of the state other than pittsburgh. and that aint for fishing. i am sorry that the wild trout experince in your area is anything but exciting. iam glad to hear that you prefer this experince over stocked fishing though. hopefully someday someone will help change the dramatics of the wild trout fishing in your area. i do understand where u are coming from about the bush whackin. it does get old and i have gone a week before with out finding quality fishing but 7 days of ticks and torns. :-(
i guess it is just my prefernce. cause when u find big wild trout it makes all that go away. even if it isnt a rod bender. heck i still shake when i see a 10 inch brookie on my line, but that is a big wild brook trout.

BTW speaking of pittsburgh. GO STEELERS!!!! is comin man. oh its comin! :-D heres to the steelers......and the sun not exploding
Jack Wrote:
I prefer a wild trout experience to a stocked or even fingerling stocked experience, but I can't spend months brush-busting, sling-shotting and belly-crawling for 5-6 inch trout with an occasional 8-9 incher. Been there, done that, as they say and to me, it gets old and that's a fact. ... and to the sun not exploding :pint:

Wild brookie fishing never gets old. People just get to old to do it. I'll be on those little gems till my legs dont work any more.

If you're going to spew that Stillers nonsense, I might retract my statements from before and ask you to follow through with leaving the forum.

Dead serious.


To the eagles and the sun not exploding :pint:

Oh, and GO FLYERS above all.

Senior at Drexel U in Philly. I'd say go dragons, but we keep missing the NCAA tournament, and I'm here more for an engineering degree than school spirit.

I was referring to Philadelphia Flyers hockey.
lol! hey now i always root for the eagles as long as thier not playin the steelers!

heres to an all pa superbowl and to the sun not exploding :pint:

although if that would happen the sun would probably explode!
Fair enough. I'll drink the all PA superbowl.

As long as we beat the cowboys and the steelers beat the colts and broncos to get there, I'll be thrilled.