york county wild trout streams

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
Man,all this wild talk....what is and what is n't?As far as I'm concerned a trout is wild if it holds over for a year.And speaking of native Brownies,there were no Brown trout in Penna. until they were imported from the old country.Who cares?The "natives" that you catch are beautful fish and real treasures,keep the pictures comming.The brookies are nice too,but I would rather catch a "wild" 12-15 lb. Steely any day.

E A G L E S!!!!!!!! Win or lose they're my team.
suppose i gotta rattle spectors cage and get out that way!

Got it mapped out. When we goin'? We be findin' where them native brookies be swimin' to the Breeches from. If they be there. Squretail coming too?

Oh and Jay, you don't know me very well do you. I didn't have an argument nor do I waste my time argureing on an internet forum about petty things. I prefer to argue face to face where a persons emotions can actually be read through facial expressions and the tone of a voice not the words on a page.

I make a statement move on. I stand by my staement and Sal.

I hope all the people with their calculations on fish size don't work for NASA although that would explain the last 2 space shuttle accidents. It's impossible to exactly depict the size of a fish from a picture on the internet. Especially after the pic has been cropped, resized, pixle size changed for easy uplaod along with different monitor sizes, display sizes ect.
Besides to accuse Sal of altering the pic is just ignorant. What kind of person would even bother doing that. Or even suggest someone would do it. I know Sal doesn't even have the time to do it much less have the program on his computer to do it.

You say you don't argue than come into a happy little thread and get all belligerent. Irony.

I didn't want an argument, I just pointed out that your argument wasn't logically sound. Given your response, I'll call it a "victory".

Nobody accused Sal of editing photos, we just commented that it was a wierd lookin tail is all. Again, I disagree with your logic, though. Given that the fish was measured relative to other objects in the photo which have been subject to the exact same resizing, cropping, etc.... I'd say that the estimates are fairly accurate to within an inch or so.

I won't argue... Just making a few points is all.

The main problem that causes fights on the internet is that everyone thinks everyone else is lookin for one. ;-)
lol. ok. Go on with you bad self victory boy. But I would first have to respond to your question which I haven't yet but now have the time to do so.

If you have pics of a stream and the quality fish that inhabit it, when the stream comes under fire from some type of danger (i.e. a new sewer plant being built on the stream) you can take those pics to the proper oganization who could use those pics as proof of the water quality of the stream and possibly help block the plant from being built.

That very example helped save Furnace Run, a class A stream from having a sewer plant built on it.
If you guys knew how to catch big brookies you wouldn't be complaining about their size, you'd be out there catching the big ones. You generally won't find big brookies in small streams, you've got to find bigger streams that have them where they are relatively undisturbed. Then you will consisantly catch big brookies, I'm not talking about 6 to 8 inch fish either, I'm talking brookies from 10 to 15 inches and more.
No stocked trout can ever be considered wild. Not ever.
There are no native brownies, only wild brownies. And Jack you can enjoy brookie fishing that isn't fishing for stocked trout, you just have to know where the big brookies are.
I've got to get out more.

You claimed that his posting them for the public's viewing without any knowledge of the stream's name or location was helping to save it.

I still find that to be logically unsound. You can change the point I made all you want, I guess.

Your argument has nothing to do with posting anonymous stream photos on the internet, which was the source of the debate in the first place.

I admire anyone who helps to save a stream. If you have done this, then I clearly owe you a beer. However, I still don't agree with the points you are making.

Oh, and keep in mind that I was pro-Sal's posting of these pics the whole time, please.

Oh, and the "victory" thing. Note my use of quotes. I was attempting to make light of the fact that this would soon, if not already, be a pi**ing contest. Perhaps I wasn't clear, but if not then you have trouble understanding some things.


"I didn't have an argument nor do I waste my time argureing on an internet forum about petty things."

Haha. Nice signature. Petty? no way.

I'm officially done with this, so respond all you want. I don't think I'll read it.