york county wild trout streams

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date

Never did post this shot. Taken from the run in the winter of 2005-06.
Sure looked like a native to me. 8".

Largest wild brownie taken out of the Breeches at 19". Dont think I can count on both hands how many wilds at 19+ inches I've caught but have never landed at 20+. Actuallty caught one 19 7/8 once.
Come to think of it, Sal, you never gave us the length on that thing you lucky schnit.
Thank u to all that pmed me wanting me to continue reporting my exploits. I really appreciate it!

First let me say that i do not fish to argue points or question a persons ethics. While I have tried to educate and stress the point that wild trout are our most precious resource in the flyfishing community, this is not why I fish. I fish because I enjoy the environment iam in and “experience” of my trips. I have tried to share this with u the board. I find pleasure in makin a guy at work on the computer laugh and maybe give him some ideas.
I find pleasure in allowing u guys into my life and my fishing trips to see what kinds of opportunities are out there.

Now it has come to my attention that what I got mad about started out civil. So I apologize to all those I have blasted on this. (things in my personal life are not so great right now) so iam sorry. But that is another reason I go fishing, to escape the daily pressure of the world. I just don’t like the people who seem to deliberately monitor my posts to start an argument.What I donot need are people belittling my experience /enjoyment And hinding my abilities to share this with others.

Tom why are u questioning my ethics about temps? And also why are u questioning my thought process about giving up a secret stream? First of all with all my fishing experience don’t u think I know to check the temps? Haven’t I posted about checking the temps on this very stream? Of course I checked the temps! Lol. The stream registered 61 degrees this morning. Is that cool enough tom? I dunno……I might screw it up.
Also this stream is by no means secret. Anyone can find it and in fact I found worm containers along the banks on my first trip there. I do think they were old as I haven’t seen anyone there. So have I thought about the consequences of my posting, yes. Do I think someone will find it, yes. Absolutely im sure someone else will fish it someday.
So am I worried about giving up a secret spot? NO. but don’t expect me to announce its location over the internet. So again tom why aren’t we talking fishing. Like how did I discover the stream? Or how is it possible for trout to get so large in a stream I can jump across? What they are eating? Or better yet……y are the big wild browns sharing a hole when they are so aggressive? Instead u feel more comfortable sitting in ur chair questioning my practices and ethics. But that’s ok, everyone is entitled to their opinion.i apologize to u for blasting u, but come on man!

Ohio I know what u mean. I find it funny though when I used to talk about all the big wild trout I catch, people didn’t believe me. I was told to get a camera. So I did and here are all the pics. Now im getting blasted as being a bragger. Well becareful what u wish for guys(im not directing that at u ohio, just so u know). Ohio my first post wasent the only post in this thread that gave temps, hatches, techniques or conditions. In fact my last post gave a lot of detail into techniques and I mentioned tricos. Ohio u once said to me that promoting brook trout fishing will help people care about wild brook trout. How is this(what im doing) any different? It sounds like djmeyers gets it. Maybe he will go explore some more, and find another stream to love. Another place to go and enjoy himself. As u eluded to, if you find a passion for something, you will start to care about it. Maybe someday dj will save a stream that needs help, one he has yet to fish.
You opened my eyes to that fact ohio. So I thank u. it has lead me to invite some less experienced brook trout fisherman to fish my most precious streams. Maybe they too will care about our great native trout.

Jayl of course I would help with info to a person that would respect the resource. I always have. In fact I helped 5 people this week with fishing locations. Because I fish so much and my range is so long. I know a lot about nc,ne,sc,and sepa streams. Iam always willing to give correct and informative info to a responsible flyfisherman. And yes that does go for u also. But u haven’t asked yet. Haha.

Anyways I don’t really care about what people think of me on this board fred. But I do care about people slamming MY fishing experience. See for some it is a hobby. For me it is a way of life.

Squaretail I know we have yet to meet but I feel you are a great and respectful fisherman.
I know I mentioned these feelings of leaving the board to u before. I guess I have finally had enough, but ill post now and again.I will be lurking so u can pm me anytime. We gotta meet up and catch some big ones!Those fish u catch make mine look small!=) that goes for anyone looking for information, feel free to pm me anytime and I will attempt to give you good info in a timely fashion.

Maurice thanks for all your help over there in york county! Im not done yet and will continue to keep u in the loop. BTW the treat this stream faces that u tiold me about, maybe that water quality guy could use these pics for his cause. U guys can be like, but look at these fish and this great fishery! It would be a shame if it got destroyed.

Lestrout, sorry I missed ur call yesterday. I have had my phone off a lot lately. I promise we will hook up and get sometime in on the water. Maybe this fall? Let me know bud!

Im not going to argue on this board with u guys anymore. Any responses that I don’t like will be completely ignored. And as tom said, if u feel this is my “daily braggin board” simpily don’t click! U know u have the right to change the channel tom? But my posting because of this will be limited. Sorry to all those that enjoy my fishing experiences and amusing stories. I will from time to time post a good one. Don’t blame me, blame those that ruined it for the masses. I have enough to deal with, I don’t have to deal with ignorant comments. I was once told that once a relationship causes u to much undo burden or energy, its probably best to let go. That is good advice and im tired of arguing rather than talking fishin. So now its your turn. If you want a good story, go explore and find a trout fishery that is amazing. Find a trout that youll remember for a life time. I have many times and the nay sayers can never take all these wonderful memories away.

Go catch some trout!

i didnt measure but if i had to guess. 20-22 inches. nice fish buddy! and yes that looks like a native! bigtime!
Ohio u once said to me that promoting brook trout fishing will help people care about wild brook trout. How is this(what im doing) any different?

Its not. I think its wonderful that you share your pictures. Should attact new people the sport and help motivate the rest of us to get off our butts and fish. I just see enthusiatic fisherman who post a lot of pictures of fish time and time take a beating, a lot of times unfairly so, IMHO.

My largest Venago County brown (pretty sure its wild) of the month (well actually about 7 weeks ago when the water was higher-- we're getting tons of rain now, though):

From this smaller stream (he was hanging out by that log on the left when he bit my adams):

BTW, I, too would not name the stream you posted on either, not for the resons you stated, but because its on non-ATW private land, out of respect for the land-owner.

I also now carry a rubber coated net specifically so I can take AND POST pictures without grief so I don't have to hear the chorus of your hand isn't wet enough, you're squeezing the fish, you beached the fish, yadayadayada. The fish stay totally in the water except for brief moments to do a handless release with my hemostats and another brief exposure as a lift the net out of the water to take a pic. I'm not saying this is what you should do, but I personally got tired of hearing it from other prople about my fish handling when I take pictures.
And yes, I am am jealous of Sal cause he catches bigger fish and gets to fish as much as I work apparently......
Very nice brookie squaretail. Looks wild to me. Hard to say whether it is native or not but it sure looks streambred. I don't fish the run but I watched a young boy about 12 years old catch a brook about 6in. out of the run about 6 years ago. Salvelinusfontinalis, keep up the good work. I look forward to your postings and love seing those beautiful fish. I must admit I am a bit jealous but it does get my mind off of work for a moment. It reminds me of my days right out of high school when I was fishing just about everyday of the year. Look forward to your next posted trip!!!!! I would like to thank everyone for sharing their experiances on the water and in the wild.
Sal wrote: “Im not going to argue on this board with u guys anymore. Any responses that I don’t like will be completely ignored. And as tom said, if u feel this is my “daily braggin board” simpily don’t click! U know u have the right to change the channel tom? But my posting because of this will be limited. Sorry to all those that enjoy my fishing experiences and amusing stories. I will from time to time post a good one. Don’t blame me, blame those that ruined it for the masses. I have enough to deal with, I don’t have to deal with ignorant comments. I was once told that once a relationship causes u to much undo burden or energy, its probably best to let go. That is good advice and im tired of arguing rather than talking fishin. So now its your turn. If you want a good story, go explore and find a trout fishery that is amazing. Find a trout that youll remember for a life time. I have many times and the nay sayers can never take all these wonderful memories away.”

Sal – Say it aint so!…….I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your photos, and so do many others.

I read all the posts and IMO, no one was really out of line with their comments. I don’t agree with the opinion of some posters some of the time……but so be it! That’s the great part of the forum – reading different views from different folks, whether you agree or disagree - as long as they remain respectful to others.

Don’t take any comment or criticism personally. Keep on posting Dude – don’t forget…..you’re the King!
Really Sal, even I like looking at the pics...don't get all grumpy and then leave. Stand by your comments as the rest of us do. As Jack said, some of us enjoy the debate. I didn't even accuse you o anything or call you names or anything other than ask you a could rhetorical questions. You reacted to the questions without answering most of them.
Put me on the "don't stop posting" bandwagon. I don't really have an opinion on all of this, but to stop doing something you clearly like to do would be a mistake in my opinion.
ok well......i actually did answer the ?'s. i really dont enjoy debating. i was not a captain of a debate team in high school or college and i am not reliving the good old days of when i was on one. i simpily like talking about fishing.......
as far as me getting grumpy and leaving....i suppose yes that is what iam doing. look guys it wasent this post. ive been dealing with arguing almost the entire time i have been on this board. i suppose im finally sick of it. i do stand by my comments but see i dont have to forever defend them on a medium that really does nothing. too much energy wasted.

i know ohio i do have too much time to fish.see i was laidoff work a while back. gave me all sorts of time. i got called back to work and worked abouta month. i got the flu fo weeks. really bad case of it, so they laid me off again. my benifits are running out so i got to start looking. this is sals last week of everyday fishing. :-( that fish u got isnt as golden but it could be wild. either way nice looking fish. i wont post the name of that stream for many reasons. one being that this is the internet and any meat lookin fisherman could go get them. although, good luck it took forever! two is because i worked to earn these fish, while im not opposed to giving out locations privatly to a responsible fisherman, sometimes people need to stop being lazy and go get them! three is because i promised maurice to keep the stream names out of it. while posting reports and pics are okay, we dont want a mass heard going to one stream. while my posts may make a few fisherman and start spreading them out to diff streams, tis okay. good luck to anyone going to explore now! your going to have fun.

again thanks to everyone for all have learned on this site. its been one hell of ride this year! i never in my life have caught so many trout and so many big trout. you all have helped me do it(inbetween the arguements). like i said i will from time to time post a good or amusing story. i will post some pics of nice fish in the photos section. i hope all ur endevors are filled with 20 inch wild brown trout and natives as long arm! :-D

now im going fishing.....later all.
OhioOutdoorsman wrote:

People who post a lot of pictures of fish on boards always seem to get criticized. There is a measure of jelously, but also some valid points. People will say you are bragging if you don't tell where you caught them. People will get pissed if you do tell about where you caught them in all but the biggest streams. Then people will criticize your pictures of beached fish, fish held out of the water, hands that are handling fish that arn't sopping wet, fishing in certain conditions, etc, etc, etc.
I have only read the first 2 pages of this thread, but I agree with Ohio.

I have really enjoyed reading about your fishing exploits, and for the life of me I can't understand why posting interesting stories about stalking big wild trout on a fishing web site should result in people complaining about so many side issues. Loosen up, people.
Look at the second to newest Brownie Sal posted in the photos section..(I think he called it the hardest to catch) does that tail look disproportionately large? Some kind of mutation for swimming in fast current or something? It just looks like a really big tail.
tomgamber wrote:
Look at the second to newest Brownie Sal posted in the photos section..(I think he called it the hardest to catch) does that tail look disproportionately large? Some kind of mutation for swimming in fast current or something? It just looks like a really big tail.

Surely you aren't implying that sal stretched that fish are you? Or photoshopped it? Man, everyone is picking on sal today.
I noticed that as well, Tom.

Odd, to say the least.
Well guys, I just think its a big trout. Big trout are allowed to be disproportionate.

I have the same exact rod as Sal does in that picture and it measures 22" from the reel seat threading to the alingment dot on the rod and Sal's fish extends an inch or two beyond that. I put the fish at 23-24"....whether or not the photo has been "streched".

Again, nice fish, man and thanks for sharing.

As for my fish, I think it is at least a holdover. The red along the tail fin and adipose fin, along with the bluish dot between the gill and eyes have always meant wild to me, and this fish has all three. But who knows, and I don't really care. Brown trout have so many variations. Apparently there were both german and scottish/english strains stocked in PA in the 19th century. Who knows what strain the PFBC stocks today. I think the fish you have are a different strain than mine.

I agree, I am weary of argument, and I have a real high tolerance for shooting the crap.

Keep fishing posting pics though and watch everyone else bicker.....its actually kind of fun.
I think that it is just jealousy! If some of guys spent half the time on the water that Sal does you would still only be half the fisherman he is! Tom remembered what i said to you? I think you should do the same here.
How is his posting going to give up the streams location? What you gonna recognize that tig in the picture? Geeze! In fact his posting may help the stream more than anything. Being a close friend of Sals i know what stream he is fishing. If no one fishes it and no one knows about these fish, then it is in more trouble than if someone does. This stream faces a great threat, maybe his pics and experinces can help save it!
Nice fish Sal!
I was just commenting on the large tail. It's a beautiful fish nonetheless.

And Spector...

I find a flaw in that argument... If nobody knows what the stream is, the pictures can't help save it.

I'm not going to argue... I don't really like to. I just wanted to point that out.

Again, I like sal's posts and wish they would keep coming.
The fish is beautiful and big. And at the risk of further accusations of jealousy, I think 24" is a stretch, though, no pun intended. Assuming the cork grip is standard at 7.5 inches at most, my eyes tell me about 20-21".
lol i never thought this subject would be so well discussed and viewed. i think what spector meant was i told maurice about the stream jay. being that a serious threat is threatening this stream and maurice's tu are the stewards.....it could help.
no i didnt stretch the pic or manipulate the tail. lol
but i didnot measure the fish....i never really do. but ohio might be right. i dont know. as i stated(and it was guess) it was around 20-22 inches. mabe bigger i dunno.