york county wild trout streams

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
There is definately natives in the Yellow Breeches. I have seen them in a few locations, especially in spring. I don't know about the run, I've actually never bothered with it. Too much like opening day on a stocked stream. Check out some locations above 34 and look for some of the cold mountain streams. This time of year they will be around the mouth but in the spring and fall they will be more spread out. I would also argue that the Yellow Breeches is a wild trout fishery. I have fished the breeches regularly for 10 years now and I cant think of a time without catching a wild brown. I probably catch 1 stocked fish for every 2 wild browns. The largest wild brown I've caught in the Breeches is 16in and have seen quite a few between 12 and 15 with the average size probably about 7-9 in.
gonna go fishing in the a.m. gonna go get that brown then ill be out and about exploring! wish me luck!
Glad to see your explorin some of the great water in York. I'll be home the week of July 30 to Aug 4. This is the first full week I've been home in the York area for 2 years. Hope to do some fishin on a few streams that I haven't fished in a few years. I'm glad someone else in the area takes the time to explore some of these streams just as I did as a kid. Good luck and keep explorin. Also I usually found that posted signs didn't really matter unless you were hunting you just need to ask.
i was beaten again! in the worst manner possible! :-D i went back to the stream that has the 20+ wild brown trout in it. not only is he in there still but a 17-18 in wild brown is sharing the same big hole. i didnt see him last time, but he is more spooky that the bigger fish. every time i go up there the fish see me (low water). well the 17 incher ran under a downed tree into its roots. he never came back out. just above that tree is another downed tree that goes across the water. the big brown hides under that tree. i got him to take the same fly he hit 3 times the other day. well i had him! i had him good. he is the fish ive been looking for. i was so excited i was shaking. he ran under the tree roots. from the position i hooked him in i had to reel him from under the downed tree and bring him out of the roots. we did this 3 times. i had him beat and he made that final run that they always do. but rather than running to the middle of the creek, he ran straight at me and the downed tree. he then jumped over the tree and swam back under it. he looped my leader and tippet around the tree! i knew i was had, it happened in slow motion. i was yellin ,noooooo as it snapped :-( i think he tried it. this fish is smart to keep beating me. i found my nemisis fish! :lol:

so fish 4 and sal 0. but im going to get that fish! i headin back again towmorrow.

then i thought well, its over so i decided to check out more of this watershed. i went up stream to another big hole. i found another 17-18 inch wild brownie! i got him to come out from an undercut bank. he saw me and wouldnt come back out! if i do everything right towmorrow. i could catch 50+ inches of wild trout in 3 fish!

i also went way downstream. it started raining and the fishing got hot! the fish couldnt see me with the surface being disturbed. i landed about 16 wild browns in the 7-13 inch range. this stream has tons of trout! it also makes some huge holes! a few hole had to be 20 ft deep or more and the waters low!

anyways, im going to produce this fish. mark my words! i have been trying to find a 20+ inch wild brown for years. now i found him.....just gotta land him. BTW he is bigger than i once thought. when i had him today he might be 24 inches! with all the beautiful colors!

ill put up pics later tonight. tight lines! :-D
as promised here are the pics:

these guys make me nervous





look at this hole!




another huge hole








maybe towmorrow ill get a pic of one of the big boys! :-D
Congratulations on your success finding wild trout streams in York county and keeping them secret while constantly bragging about them here. I just hope those streams have already been posted on the internet by the PFBC as class A, wilderness, or natural reproduction. Should oil & gas, mining, timber or developer interests come along, your anecdotal evidence is not going to do much good in protecting them. Even if you don't tell us where the stream sections are, be sure to get them documented by the PFBC and DCNR. You owe it to the children. ;-)
im not trying to brag. i ve been trying to fish all the wild trout streams in york lancaster and lebanon. some of these are documented. what iam doing is trying to find streams not documented. i ran into a little trickle trib that ran into the stream i was fishing today.it isnt on the delorme map. anyways this little stream isnt documented and i caught one 3 inch brookie in it. what iam attempting to do is find these streams for the back the brookie program. i have already found three in lancaster county that isnt documented. i just happened to run into a gigantic brown the other day and i just have to try to get him. ;-) keep in mind while im lookin for brookies...all i really keep finding in york is wild browns! :-D other than that one little guy.
i thought about not continuing reporting my exploits in york county. i do not want to appear to be "bragging" i was just going to keep these trips to maurice and myself, but after overwhelming pms of tellme how much ppl love my reports i have decided to continue.

the past week has been very frustrating on this stream with the big wild browns. the larger browns are becoming angler wary very quickly as i have been harassing them. my suspisions of the larger browns eating up the smaller fish to get big has been confirmed. the largest of the browns chase the minnows and chubs in the shallows. i have watch him this for days now. early in the week he chased schooling minnows right up to my position. his back was out of water and he just sat there starring at me! it seemed like forever, but then he swam away unspooked! it was amazing and something i will not forget for a long time! :-D the fish has very large eyes and is very colorful. after watching this u would think that he would be easy to catch. this is just not so. this fish is a true predator but is also very lazy. he wont chase the minnows vey fast. i think because of his size he is conserving energy.

i tied some special flies just for this fish.i have not seen this fish rise and hasnot even looked at my dryfly offerings. the one is an extremely larger beadeyed black bugger. it has green an red christmas tinsil in thebody. i left the black hackle very long so it fol over the body and takes away some of its flash. i also left the tail very long for extra action. so yesterday after watching him chase some minnows, i threw this fly at him. he was coming for it and then the unthinkable happened. another nice fish took it! not nearly as large by any means but a nice wild. the fight spooked the big wild and he ran to his roots he hides in never to return for the rest of the day. figures. here was the fish i caught:


and of course the other very wary big wild brown he shares the hole with was already hiding as always.

so i was foiled. i headed upstream to where another wild is and had him take this fly in one cast! and again he came off the hook. these fish fight so hard and thrash thier heads so hard the barbless hook doesnt have a chance. then this fish ran under its undercut bank never to be seen again :-(

another day of disappointment. score: fish 10 sal 0.
boy they are kickin my butt!

today i was feeling lucky! so i headed out there and made my way to the fish. of course as always the second i got there.... the smaller big wild brown ran into his roots and that was that.
:roll: i dont think anyone will ever catch that fish in low water!
again the larger one was cruising the shallows. i watched him swallow a chub that was about 5 inches long. i tied on that special fly and gave it a shot. and again i caught a smaller trout first! urgh! and again he ran spooked into the roots. you have got to be kidding me! here was the fish i caught:


so foiled again i headed upstream and was suprised. just up from the undercut bank was 2 large browns! so 2 are sharing that hole also. they were rising to what seemed to be tricos! i tied one on and had a take! finally! but the fish snapped me off. *sigh*. both big browns ran into the undercut and again that was that.
score: fish11 sal 0!

well this all happened in the morning and rather than going home i stayed for awhile. figured i catch some smaller trout.

i went back down to where the biggest one was hiding. i caught about 4 nice little browns. it was the last one that was the key.
i was tossing at those roots hopin he would come out. a small brown was sitting in front of it. he took my bugger. while the fight was on that big brown came rushin out and smacked him hard! not mouth open but did knock out blow to make him easy to eat. i quickly brought that fish in with the large wild following. the fish was knocked out and it took me some time to bring him back to his sences. the fish knocked out:


now the big wild was in the middle of the hole. i figured he had a taste now and was hungry. i tied on a size 10 bh yellow/black bugger and drifted it to him. it hit the streambed floor right in front of him. the way the fish angled himself i could tell he was looking at it. i slowly and easily drug it on the bottom like a nymph and he gobbled it up! this time i hooked him in the meaty part of the lip. if he doesnt snap me...i got him. the fight was the most epic battle i have ever had. there are undercut rocks deep he tried to get into. he tried for those roots again making me reel him in under 2 trees. it was an amazing battle. i was shaking the whole time.again i had him beat! he was coming in on the side. then i saw it again. that last run and again right at me. was gonna jump that log again! but as the trout learn i do also. i came right for him also very fast. scaring him back into the middle away from the log. a short order later the fish was in hand! I GOT HIM!
and here he is!:


i had to take one more too!


let this b a lesson. i deserved this fish. after all the exploring ive done, battling wits with this fish, fighting this fish,and spending about 100 dollars in gas. i finally won! :-D

then i thought hmmmmm. i went back up to the undercut with the other 2 wilds. took my yellow bugger with me. i figured i had one really spooked, the other might strike. ad he did! heres this wild fish:


i can tell they are wild cause of the fins and the red tip on the one fin. beautiful fish.

yes! fish 11 and sal 2 but my 2 is worth so much! i will never forget this stream and these endevors. it was some of the hardest fishing i have done! i can finally leave them alone now.

i hope have enjoyed my story and report as much as i have enjoyed my day down there. i can finally move on to the next stream. i gonna hit that one u have been tellin me about maurice! :-D

here are some various pics i took enjoy!

big wild sittin in the water

greenie weenie

a froggy
Nice fish and nice report! I'm thinking that if we get some rain I might head out Monday. I'll PM ya later in the week.

I have a stir the pot kind of question:

How would you feel if someone said, "we don't need any protection or special regs for wild trout streams...according to the number pics this one guy on some message board posts, it appears that there are plenty to go around."

i'm just saying...
lol tom actually this stream does need protection. it would only take one fisherman to eliminate all the big fish in the stream.
would u want that? it just so happens that no one is fishing it but me.
urgh,? it appears to me tom that maybe u are one of the people on this site that just dont like me. its like the masses are split on me. some for some reason dont like me and others do. i for one am sick of people wanting to "stir the pot" on any of my posts. im not sure what i did to any of my haters but im frankly gettin sick of it.
i think i am going to limit my contributions or go to no contruibutions in the future.
so what ur saying tom, is if wild trout dont get more protection it would b my fault. nice.....
why not have a poll to see it i should leave the site.
Speaking as one of the people you think don't like you, I was thinking similar thoughts as tom when you were arguing with me about how SEPA needs more and better trout streams, and as I say, I'm thinking to myself, when I see these lovely trout you are catching-- "dang, I have to drive 2.5 hours just to have a shot at wild fish of that size."
cant i have a post with out an aguement? jack better? ok then i guess we shouldnt try to improve our fisheries anymore because u have to drive so far. ok all sepa tu 's stop working cause jack thinks we have it so good. :-x there is a difference between better and more. im sorry if i fight the good fight guys. :-x

p.s. jack instead of complaining go out and do some work then. it seems, as u admit, u like to argue. i like to discuss ways to make our fisheries better

have a poll im gettin sick of it guys :-x

oh and all these latest photos came way after our arguement on sepa wld trout fisheries. so i think u are full of it and are just trying to **** me off. with that said york county is actually, if im not misaken, considered southcentral pa jack. but if im wrong im sure youll tell me :roll: :roll:
If I had meant to be mean I would not have prefaced my question with that sort of disclaimer.

I was just thinking that someone who's been consistently secretive of where they catch these fish, when you keep posting pick after pick after pick...one would think you are trying to make people more interested and work harder to find the streams location. I don't think that's what you really want.

I was just wondering if you merely thought beyond your daily "braggin' board" that you might actually be doing that stream harm. I know you would feel terrible if you were to blame...and you said it..not me. This is where Jack and I disagree sometimes...If it is truly a secret stream, perhaps you'd be better off keeping it that way.

My only hope, in this time of low flows and high temps, that this is spring fed or had some other attribute that allows it to stay cool. Because if "it would only take one fisherman to eliminate all the big fish in the stream." You might want to stop pounding them until conditions improve.

But hey that's just me... and look...no little mean faced guys!!!

People who post a lot of pictures of fish on boards always seem to get criticized. There is a measure of jelously, but also some valid points. People will say you are bragging if you don't tell where you caught them. People will get pissed if you do tell about where you caught them in all but the biggest streams. Then people will criticize your pictures of beached fish, fish held out of the water, hands that are handling fish that arn't sopping wet, fishing in certain conditions, etc, etc, etc.

I don't post many pictures for these reasons.....

A picture or two with details of conditions, hatches, temps, techniques used, and lessons learned will tend to bring more uniformly positive feedback, even if you don't divulge the location....like your first post of this thread did.

Just food for thought.
I think that there are just some feelings like I am feeling, JEALOUS. But They are public trout streams that anyone can go and find and fish. It just goes to show that there are more than our "normal" good fisheries out there. Just go and explore and find them. I applaud you for sharing these great endeavors and to give us hope that there can be wild trout streams that provide great edeavors. Keep up the great work and thanks for letting us know that there are all kinds of trophy fish to enjoy. We all get stuck at "our honey holes". Maybe we should take some of Sal's initiative and find these nice streams. My only problem is I don't get a 1/4 of the time to explore and it is a rush to read these stories and to know that this type of fishing is available if I ever get to go exploring. I think you all should trust him a little more than what you are. I believe that he is only going to fish in cold enough streams. As much fishing as he does, I believe he wouldn't want to ruin any future fishing for himself, let alone anyone else that gets the time to go exploring in our wonderful SEPA streams!

So much bickering on this board lately. I believe those that are just need to go exploring on some streams, whether it with a rod or not and go find a new possible honey hole like Sal has found. Everyone should just enjoy some nature instead of fighting on this wonderful fly fishing board!
I think that if you worry about what people think of you on here than you are insecure . And if you like to play with people minds on here than you need to get out of your house or your office and find some real life drama in your life . And SAL start making slide shows with your pics on photobucket it would save all time so that we can see the nice looking fish you caught without clicking on 10 on or so links :-D and keep posting I rather look at pics than read about bickering :cool:
I will just say this. I'm not saying I think it is, and I'm not saying others think it is...

But it can really get skewed as bragging very quickly.

When it comes to stream reports, my motto is "if you can't say anything informative, don't say anything at all."

Now, in Sal's defense:
Some of these stories are amusing, primarily the one about the farmer earlier in this thread. He also doesn't post them in the stream reports section since he refuses to divulge his spots.

Personally, I'm of the school of thought that keeping spots closely guarded is a bit of a grumpy idea... then again, the internet is a different animal.

I've always been of the impression that Sal would give information to someone that he feels would be a steward of the water, in a private fashion.

I don't know that for a fact, as I've never asked him. If I were to be heading toward his area, though, I'd probably shoot a PM and hope he'd trust me after reading my posts for so long.

That's my unbiased view on this hopefully soon to be averted pending argument.
That was great reading about your hunt for that trout. I too cant seem to fish as much as I used to lately, but I was able to share your experience and even SEE the trout, thanks to you. I'm not sure about that farmers nemesis fish, but these trout sure look wild to me.
I certainly dont want you to leave the board, but if you do, please pm me your e-mail and you can brag to me all you want.