>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part II

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Some dry fly stuff...


Nice job Tyger. John, real nice streamer. I bet that would be killer in olive as well.

Random stuff these past few weeks...the only common theme is warmer water than right now.

1. carp swap flies
2. deceivers for the river
3. mini d&d's for the maybe two times i'll toss a sink tip all season


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Nice stuff Jay,

Jay, real nice ties!

RC, its an attempt at a caddis or stone...or probably just streamside tree ornament 🙂
tyger, those flies are really nice. They should fool a lot of fish.

Just read Flicks Streamside Guide and was messing around with quill bodies.
Hey, just catching up with you guys.

Tyger- those are some great looking dries. What is that fancy looking piece of equipment you are using? It must be working well if you're cranking out flies like those.

Jay- awesome looking ties. Love those d&ds.

Mike- thanks. Galloups's streamers are fun to tie. He sells the Butt Monkey in white, black, gray, olive, tan and rust. I agree that the olive would be cool. I have an idea for that one. Just need some time at the vise. I'll post up a pic of it when I get it tied. Galloup's streamers have caught a lot of big fish over time.
Bill, thank you I hope the trout agree with you.
Nice creatures Bob
Really nice looking streamer John
Jim, those ties rock! Really look good.
Jay, those ties are looking good
Brian, that's a fine looking tie.
I'm glad that so many tiers are posting up their time at the bench, I enjoy seeing the ties!
Hey guys I love seeing what everyone is tying it motivated me to post one of my own. I'm just getting back into tying after taking a few years off.


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That's a good buggy looking nymph. Thanks for posting one up. It doesn't look like you have been away from it too long or else it's just like riding a bike. Nice job! Keep em' coming.
My son and I just started a few days ago learning to tie flies. Here are some of what I have did this evening. My supplies are limited for the time being but so far I am enjoying it.
Here is a good looking wet fly that I found on line the other day. It is the Leisering Black Gnat. I am always looking for some new soft hackle patterns to try out.

Hook: Daiichi 1550 size 14
Thread: Pearsall's silk - red
Body: 3 black fibers from a natural turkey tail feather wrapped like herl.
Rib: small chartruese ultra wire
Hackle: original called for **** starling (I substituted with a small crow covert feather)

The black fibers on a natural turkey tail feather located near the tip of the feather just below the buff colored tips really make a nice dark herl body for small wet flies, this was the first that I ever used that portion of a turkey tail feather in tying.

For any of you guys that are lucky enough to hit some Grannom hatches this fly may produce well when they are active.


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A small herd of March Browns and a few of olive/pearl zonkers


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John, nice tie. I really like you used the crow. Makes a great looking hackle.

Yet another snow day in central VA yesterday... so in between taking my 5 year old sled riding and other household chores I tied up a dozen or so biot nymphs on jig hooks.

The jig hooks were Dohiku. I have been unimpressed with my results with jig hook nymphs in the past but I have endeavored to try them again.

I used Jan Siman peacock dubbing for the thorax...that stuff is awesome...easy to dub and really picks out nicely.

Sorry for no pics but as it was a snow day my daughter conscripted the ipad for Netflix.
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