>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part II

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Yeah, sorry for the quality of the photos, Mike. Here is the materials list:

Hook: Daiichi 1550 size 14
Thread: Pearsall's silk - hot orange
Tail: Natural Pheasant tail fibers
Body: Natural Pheasant tail fibers
Flashback: single strand of green flashabou over the back and under the rib.
Rib: Copper ultra wire - size Brassie
Hackle: Hungarian partridge soft hackle

I think I will log off now before I blow up something! LOL.
Look at you Andrew!! You snuck off and came back an excellent tier! Really nice looking ties. John I love the crows flies, love your thinking at the vise. Mike that's a great looking dry there, that will get some attention. Really great ties by all.
Sunday before heading out I tied a few to replenish stock that I ran out of. It's a happy coincidence that I did because all of the trout I caught were caught on those.
Tigereye I had the same thought, some excellent photos here! I sure can't match them. Digging those red & white ones, have you used that pattern before and if yes how has it been working for ya?

March brown emerger for this spring.


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I fish over alot of stocked fish and the red and white is attractive to the stockies. Once they get edumacated, not as much so. It works really well on bass and pickerel in summer.

I tie another variation, though not pictured here that is probably my favorite that works wonders through the fall. Tied with a dark olive rabbit strip, pearlescent body and red hackle (gills). It mimicks a shiner or small chub found in the Lehigh. I will post pic after I tie a few up. That one is money in the bank on high flow days.

The gold/yellow one is also good on alot of pocono area streams that have "dark" tea colored water from the tannic acid draining the miriad of swamps in the area. The Lehigh and Tobyhanna being the two I fish most. It is not as productive on the clearer freestones ie Brodheads and McMichaels the dont have the tannic acid influence. The olive one or the white one are my choices there.
Ok, I got these anodized pink 5/32's beads from ripped lips at the tying show at Sumerset. I must have bought too many beads because he told me to pick any pack I wanted along with the discount he gave me for bulk purchasing, really didn't know what I was going to do with them so I've just been lightly thinking about it. Don't know if this will fish but it looks kinda cool. So what do you think is it doing it for Ya? Or should I take a razor to it? Abdomen is diamond hair dubbed over a bed of pink thread, thorax is fine uv ice pink, and peacock dubbing in peacock green.

What thread are you using for the hot spot collar? Also, what size are those?

Tioga, pink 6/0 then switched to green next to the bead. The hook is a size six, I used a 5/32 bead because that was the biggest they had in that color. I tried to make the pink thread under body fade in and out under the diamond hair but it's hard to see.
They are size 14, the hot spot is ultra thread 70 fl. Orange
Lv2 wrote

Look at you Andrew!! You snuck off and came back an excellent tier!

Lol .. yea I wish but thanks much for the complement. I look at all ur guys ties and I'm always so impressed. I feel like I snuck away from FF from Sept - Jan as I had some personal BS I had to deal with.

Still stuck on basic nymphs but it keeps me going and I find that enjoyable. Have been enjoying tying the past month when I have the time but just happy to be getting back into the swing of things. Still feel like a newbie tier but that's what U guys r here for ;-)

This is one of the simple blue winged olive nymphs up close

lv2nymph wrote:
So what do you think is it doing it for Ya? Or should I take a razor to it?

I bet the rainbows will dig those flies.
Cool, thanks. I know where one or two of those are at... ;-)
Canyon Creatures, best fly for the last 2 years in the canyon.



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I appreciate the feedback. Sticking with stuff that I fish a lot. I needed ants for my box and my wife had the right kitchen shelf liner in the pantry. I doubt she will miss the couple rows I trimmed off. If anyone needs some, I will bring it to the newbie jam to share in exchange for ideas and tutelage from you all. The stuff I have is white and takes color really well. I experimented with every sharpie color i had. Really liked the red ones. It is perfect on a size 16 hook. Ran out of those and tried a few on a 14 which leaves some room for more thread at the front. Anyone have a specific color they like besides the natural hues for an ant?

Laurel, glad you will be coming. I will be happy to give you some tying pointers at the jam.

I like them Jack. I think the fish will too. 🙂
One of Kelly Galloup's streamer patterns. This one is a size 2 White Butt Monkey.


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Tigereye thanks for the reply, really good info. The one you describe in the second paragraph sounds pretty sweet. Would love to see a pic if you get a chance.
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