>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part II

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Tried some Ken's Crazy Ants. Still very much a novice but I think these will fish when it gets warm


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Tied some Letort Hopper's tonight.


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Can you make the original thread a sticky so all of those patterns are not lost??? Nice ties everyone.
dc410 wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:

Are you using pearsall's floss? If so, where do you get it in purple?

Yeah, I always referred to it as Pearsall's silk. I used to buy it at a fly shop in Lancaster which is no longer in business. I have about six or eight different colors. My favorite colors are Primrose yellow, Hot orange and Purple. For some reason I have always seemed to catch a lot of fish on the purple. Maybe its just because I fish them with more confidence. Not really sure. I'm really not sure where to get it today but when my purple spool runs out I will be looking for it.

Ok, you're using the silk thread not the floss.
Finally motivated to tie again! Tied a few of those mink nymphs late last night, woke up today eager to get back at it and try some new stuff. Realized i used the wrong part of the mink fur for the collar but my experience with generic buggy looking nymphs tells me they'll still catch plenty of fish 🙂

I said I would tie last weekend but ended up getting a new video editing program and going on an editing kick instead. I'll throw up a pic or three later

Thank you Dave. Tioga, love that one...
Great ties everyone. Laurel nice ants. Will you be at the newbie jam this year?

Thanks LV2... Rusty spinner variation of the same pattern...hackle is a bit too short on this one..also that head should be smaller


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Tiogadog Those both look awesome to me.

Like seeing some terrestrials too, makes me think of summer...

I tied a dozen flies today, all either new twists on old patterns or totally new patterns. So as you might expect they didn't all go smoothly, but it was good to get back on the vise again. Tied #18 BWO dries, have used this pattern before with just olive thread body and CDC, this time I wrapped some black thread underneath then olive overtop. Last time on the water the BWOs there were darker than I'm used to seeing so hopefully the dark thread underneath does the trick. Also added a TINY bit of yellow dubbing and teased out a few strands for the legs. I dare the fish to refuse it now!

Also tried to do some bwo nymphs, did the same thing with black thread underneath and olive on top, but this time did not overlap the olive on the wing case area. Also added some "gun metal blue" ultra wire ribbing just because I think that color looks cool and it might work just by being different than the fish are used to seeing. I got the proportions all wrong though, in my head I picture it with a more slender abdomen and bulkier body up front. These look more like zebra midges.

Then 4 of Jack's dark brown (they look black in the picture) mink nymphs, tied with the wrong type of fur in the collar but I think they'll still work fine.

Friend of mine gave me some quail feathers, I tried to use them in 2 soft hackle patterns. The first could pass for a sulfur emerger or nymph, the feather I happened to pull was too short to wrap, so tried the dubbing loop and it came out looking like a nymph and not a soft hackle. I actually really like it though. The second I'm not sure matches anything in reality, but I got the hackle right. Trying to decide whether to get rid of or trim the tail or just leave it be and see what the fish think.

Sorry for poor pic quality.


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Tioga, you're being a little hard on yourself I think they'll work the trick just fine.
Sarce, looking good at the bench man. There are plenty of flies that take fish that look like nothing in the stream, fish those puppies and see what happens!
a few zonkers yesterday. didn't realize that taking pictures of flys could be that difficult. I am just as impressed with you gouy's photography as i am your bench skills.


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by lv2nymph on 2015/2/23 6:41:30

Tioga, you're being a little hard on yourself I think they'll work the trick just fine.

I know...just have always been my toughest critic. Nice flies everyone.
Tiogadog wrote:
by lv2nymph on 2015/2/23 6:41:30

Tioga, you're being a little hard on yourself I think they'll work the trick just fine.

I know...just have always been my toughest critic. Nice flies everyone.

I hear you. I am my worst critic as well. That being said your flys look good. They are nice clean ties. Well done.

GenCon wrote:
Tiogadog wrote:
by lv2nymph on 2015/2/23 6:41:30

Tioga, you're being a little hard on yourself I think they'll work the trick just fine.

I know...just have always been my toughest critic. Nice flies everyone.

I hear you. I am my worst critic as well. That being said your flys look good. They are nice clean ties. Well done.

I know where both of you are coming form, I'm the same way...
Tied up a few of one of my favorite soft hackle patterns. This is a size 14 Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail flashback. Great pattern for when the sulphers start poppin'. Can't wait for the jam!


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Nice John, material list please? Hard to tell from the pics.

Nice John, material list please? Hard to tell from the pics.

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