Hi DC, nice ties
can you describe how you fish the topmost fly? it looks like it has snowshoe like an emerger for riding in the film, and soft hackle like a wet to swing.
Thanks mikesl. I fish it right in the film. It is designed to be a cripple pattern. Takes on a real buggy and kind of screwed up look like a sulphur that just couldn't free itself of the shuck and is just stuck drifting aimlessly in the film. Hangs real good in the film with the snowshoe and CDC. Easy pickings for the trout!
Woolly Bugger on size 12 4xl Orvis streamer hook. Even with micro chenille they look too fat so I tried tying a few with cotton floss from Walmart for the body.
No they are Synthetic Quill body. Those are Adams grey. You don't have to soak them, they won't break and when I tie it off, I coat them with Clear Cure Goo Hydro.