>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part II

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Nice Clouser John. Bob nice fly. I would shorten hackle though.

Just tying up some patterns for the Upper D...if the bugs ever hatch this month...
Red Quill loopwing emergers and some cutwing dun blue quills


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fisherboy3, IMHO the wings are too large. Just my observation.
Yeah Im not sure why they look so big. I took the pic on my iphone. When I have the fly in my hand, it doesnt look that big at all! Maybe because they are pointed a little outwards instead of straight up and down.
outsider wrote:
fisherboy3, IMHO the wings are too large. Just my observation.

Yes I agree a bit too large. But very nicely done. Hard to see the colors on your emerger.

Yeah camera quality is crap on small shots due to it being an iphone. It wont focus close up. It is a red quill, will catch trouts for sure.
Tied some tungsten grey squirrel nymphs at lunch, gold and black bead heads

tail: 2 brown goose biots
rib: holographic gold tinsel
thorax: grey squirrel dubbing (from tanned hide)
wing case: dyed brown pheasant tail fibers
body: grey squirrel dubbing (from tanned hide)
bead: 2.8 mm gold and black tungsten beads.
hook: 1xl size 14 nymph hook

Caught a pile of fish on this pattern over the years. For some reason the suckers love these as well. I tie them in brass beads as well, but have better luck with the bottom dredgers.

Almost that time...
Nice SH Bob, killer sulfur Jack.

Mickey Finns.
It's a hends bl 454
Thanks a lot Mike, hope it turns the trick!
Jack, you ought to send me a few of those. I will field test them for you. Lets make sure they work. LOL

This week I found a pack of SkyBlue's UDT wing material that had gone unused since the tying jam. I gotta say...I like it!


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Nice Jay. Not bad for a deer hair guy! LOL.

I think we can arrange something Ed, but I get to choose the bar you buy it at! Mike, we'll field test them during the jam :-D nice looking ties Jay...
Anyone ever tie with Cree hackle? Got a great deal on a whiting bronze cree full cape. They're rare so I couldn't pass it up. Any other ties to use it with besides an adams?
fisherboy3 wrote:
Anyone ever tie with Cree hackle? Got a great deal on a whiting bronze cree full cape. They're rare so I couldn't pass it up. Any other ties to use it with besides an adams?

March browns, EH caddis, fluttering caddis, delaware river adams, I also would not hesitate to use it on certain stimulator's.
Sounds like you got a great cape there. Congrats on that.

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