Traveling Trout Co. - Trout Towns

The PA Angler Magazine and now the Pennsylvania Angler & Boater Magazine was and is a valuable source of information for anyone who fishes in the Commonwealth. That's where I learned all about Operation Future, Class A streams and the works LONG before the Internet...

IMHO, Everyone who lives & fishes here or outsiders who want to learn about what Pennsylvania has to offer should subscribe...

I been a subscriber forever and IF you were a subscriber way back when, we might have bumped into each other on some obscure Class A back in the 1980's back when NOBODY knew about Jean's... :D

I guess you could say the PA Angler Magazine was the first "official" spot burner...

...although unlike PAFF & the Internet IF you didn't have a subscription you were SOL.

BTW - I believe I told you about Mill Creek which I didn't learn about via the Internet... ;)
Dear Bamboozle,

I've been reading the PA Angler since the late 1960's. My father was a subscriber and I've subscribed to it since I returned to PA from Florida in 1987.

Back when I attended PSU, I spent a lot of time in the Pattee Library reading old issues of the Angler. They had every issue ever published and they were bound in book binders cataloged by year.

Yes, I'm freaking weird, sue me! ;)


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Bamboozle,

I've been reading the PA Angler since the late 1960's. My father was a subscriber and I've subscribed to it since I returned to PA from Florida in 1987.

Back when I attended PSU, I spent a lot of time in the Pattee Library reading old issues of the Angler. They had every issue every published and they were bound in book binders cataloged by year.

Yes, I'm freaking weird, sue me! ;)


Tim Murphy :)

Even though I haven't always lived in PA, I always fished here and I have learned about more places and options in PA from the "Angler" than any other source.

When Chauncy Lively was still alive and writing the fly tying articles, I anxiously awaited each issue, cut out the pages, put them in sheet protectors and a three ring binder. Those binders were my source for patterns & ideas for decades and they still are sitting on a shelf behind my tying desk...

Maybe it's because I don't turn my nose up when the article is about using bait for catfish or some crick in Yinzerland that I'll never visit, but the egalitarian nature of the Pennsylvania Angler/Angler & Boater in regards to fishing is the reason it is the ONLY fishing magazine I subscribe to and it has for a LONG, LONG time....
You know guys, our forum isn't much different. I have learned about streams from other members here that I probably never would have step foot in if it wasn't for this forum. Likewise, I have shared certain stream info with people and they probably wouldn't have found or gone looking for that stream without me sharing it with them.

Seriously, just last week I was on a stream I just can't get out of my head. I didn't have enough time to explore it, but that stream checked every single thing I like about a trout stream, and the fishing was just damn good. I would have NEVER gone there without this forum member giving me a tip about it. You know who you are, and thanks again. That stream is probably going to the grave with me.

So, we are crowding each other's waters, but is it all okay because are friends? Or it is all okay because we know how fanatical we are about fly fishing and we all cherish the resource so much? You know what I mean? Like we have faith that we will wet our hands enough when we touch the fish, not broadcast the name of the stream around, and not disrespect it to ruin the access....ya know?
Yo, Josh. I look at it this way. I am happy to share info with guys who also contribute to the forum. I post a report once in a while for that very reason. I also think that unfortunately or not, one has to post a pic of a big fish once in a while to establish your bona fides. That's why I ignore Bam's posts 😁

In all seriousness though, he contributes a lot, right? So he if asked you for some info, you would give it to him no questions asked (well, most info).
I guess you could say the PA Angler Magazine was the first "official" spot burner...

...although unlike PAFF & the Internet IF you didn't have a subscription you were SOL.

True, I have fond memories of driving around NCPA with the map issue they put out just trying cricks with my old man. You had to pay for that to your point!
Dear Bamboozle,

I've been reading the PA Angler since the late 1960's. My father was a subscriber and I've subscribed to it since I returned to PA from Florida in 1987.

Back when I attended PSU, I spent a lot of time in the Pattee Library reading old issues of the Angler. They had every issue ever published and they were bound in book binders cataloged by year.

Yes, I'm freaking weird, sue me! ;)


Tim Murphy :)
I did the same thing back in the 70's in our school library with Outdoor Life, Field & Stream, and Sports Afield magizenes. They too, had every back issue. Those were the good ole days.
Yo, Josh. I look at it this way. I am happy to share info with guys who also contribute to the forum. I post a report once in a while for that very reason. I also think that unfortunately or not, one has to post a pic of a big fish once in a while to establish your bona fides. That's why I ignore Bam's posts 😁

In all seriousness though, he contributes a lot, right? So he if asked you for some info, you would give it to him no questions asked (well, most info).
I would. He also frequented Eylers, so how could I not trust sharing info with him? :)
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Me too. But Chris has the correct word in his post. Let me quote it for you.
In all seriousness though, he contributes a lot, right? So he if asked you for some info, you would give it to him no questions asked (well, MOST info).
There, I capitalized and bolded the most important word. I will give away lots and lots of good information to guys I like on this forum. Some stuff, however, I will stay pretty tight lipped about. I have shared and will continue to share certain things with certain people. Sharing with people and sharing those experiences is part of the reason we are all on here. Hell, I can fish alone without knowing any of you guys. Ya know?
Soon after my book came out, I was at a fly show. A guy who owned a small fly shop and who was exhibiting there said that guidebook writers "should be taken out and shot." He said that right to me, with other people there hearing what he said.
That’s all kind of wrong. I own two copies, one at home and one at camp. That book was a valuable resource for me when I really got into trout fishing way back when. It was a great introduction to PA trout fishing for someone who didn’t have anyone to learn from.

My 18 year old has really been into fishing the last 3 or 4 years and when we talk about where to go on the next trip I direct him to your book and the DeLorme atlas and tell him to have at it.

That’s all kind of wrong. I own two copies, one at home and one at camp. That book was a valuable resource for me when I really got into trout fishing way back when. It was a great introduction to PA trout fishing for someone who didn’t have anyone to learn from.

My 18 year old has really been into fishing the last 3 or 4 years and when we talk about where to go on the next trip I direct him to your book and the DeLorme atlas and tell him to have at it.

Dear Forestfishin,

Old school FTW baby! It's nice to see some people still do it the old way!


Tim Murphy :)
I wonder if stream reports on here do more to funnel people to places than those videos. I mean the reports at least have useful fishing info in them, lol.
Dear Forestfishin,

Old school FTW baby! It's nice to see some people still do it the old way!


Tim Murphy :)
Thanks, for me that’s the fun way to do it. The scouting, planning and anticipation is part of the fun. Certainly doesn’t always pan out but rewarding when you hit the jackpot.

And the DeLorme never loses service when you’re out in the middle of nowhere like we were this week 👍
Algorithms and auto play…

That’s the difference between a print guidebook, or even this forum and the YouTube/IG/tiktok heroes. If I want to read a conditions report on PAFF or a guidebook I need to already be looking for it (there’s nothing wrong with helping out folks looking for a little extra help- in fact it’s one of the best parts of the sport).

BUT… Contrast that with YT where I can be watching a plane crash documentary and the next video up is PAspotburningandsingingtomyself fishing the same pool on the WB for the 80th time this year. Social media will always be way worse for that reason. The damage done by those algorithms is really insidious- it puts already pressured waters in front of viewers that never even thought to check them out. Next thing you know they’re booking a trip!

If you want help upping your game or finding new water, guidebooks like Troutbert’s require you to take the initiative and do some legwork. YouTube just smacks you with big fish after big fish video, and the worst offenders name drop the exact waterways, access points, parking areas, and techniques. Hell they basically tie the fly on for you and tell you what rock to cast behind. That cheapens the experience for everyone, and is why I’m never gonna be cordial to some self-aggrandizing doucher out there wearing a GoPro
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True, I have fond memories of driving around NCPA with the map issue they put out just trying cricks with my old man. You had to pay for that to your point!

PA Angler April1983
I bought this book last year and absolutely love it. I could spend ten lifetimes and never fish every stream listed in this book. Reminds me of how fortunate and blessed we are to live where we do. I doubt this book, or even YouTube can really be blamed for 'spot burning ', if spot burning is even really a thing.

As much as folks in steelhead alley complain about spot burning and what they claim the area looked like prior to the Internet, vintage photos from the 70s-90s of Trout run etc, during the coho years proves that the area actually had MORE pressure back then. There are some crazy vintage photos of Spring Creek looking like an ice cream stand at a Boy Scout camp, back in it's day too. Who did we blame for spot burning back then? The newspapers? The local watering hole?
Dear Bamboozle,

I've been reading the PA Angler since the late 1960's. My father was a subscriber and I've subscribed to it since I returned to PA from Florida in 1987.

Back when I attended PSU, I spent a lot of time in the Pattee Library reading old issues of the Angler. They had every issue ever published and they were bound in book binders cataloged by year.

Yes, I'm freaking weird, sue me! ;)


Tim Murphy :)
That is not weird. We spent many hours reading old Pa Angler in the Clay Bookstore. We bought enough that I guess they weren't pissed!
The Wellsboro one popped up in my algorithm right after that conversation on here. Did not watch.

Good thing I didn't mention my recent mind-blowingly awesome trips to downtown Youngstown, OH and all the wild trout there in that thread.
Now everyone understands my suggestion of nominating Hinkletown when this was originally brought up by that joker.
Exactly. I once had an idea to sell feral rocks but it didn’t work out how I expected. Then someone else took my idea, built on it, and domesticated the rocks. The rest is history.
Sucks when that happens.
The first Class A List I ever laid eyes on, (which I posted previously and below) existed BEFORE the Internet and came from a mailing from PA Fish Commission and later sort of appeared in the PA Angler Magazine.

With that simple list, those of us who weren't lazy & didn't need to be spoon fed by current day egocentric losers figured out the what & wheres and went fishing...
And the satisfaction of finding a true gem in the process was more rewarding due to the time and effort required to find them.