Otter in valley forge ?!

There were some float tubers attacked by a river otter out in Montana last summer. That thing tore up the one lady's face badly. She said the attack was relentless, and thought she was going to die.
Saw some otters in Trout Lake in Yellowstone a few years back swimming smoothly and minding their own business. Then when floating the Ruby we must have gone by a mother and pups. I've never heard such growling and snarling and was glad we were moving along at the time and she decided not to attack. Hanging around to take pictures would not have been a good idea.
Otters are protected in PA. That may change when populations get higher.

There are still people trapping a lot of beaver in PA. I've seen them posts photos of their catches and some of them are taking big numbers. I suspect that beaver numbers in "Big Woods Country" is suppressed well below their normal level because of over-harvest, and that this suppresses brook trout populations.
Actually 7 of the 23 Wildlife Mgmt Units in PA have an otter season. It’s an 8 day trapping season with season limit of one. I buy a tag every year but haven’t pursued them yet. My neighbor caught 2 this past year. One in otter season and another while beaver trapping. When a mistake catch is made you have to call the Game Commission to release it.