This Needs Attention START SCREAMING

"PSU was also required to replace the lands taken with like lands withing [a] certain distance, which they have not done, so much for their creditability...."

I have my doubts about this statement.
Jack: Fifth paragraph down on the first post
Yes, I have seen the Sierra Club news article and my doubts remain whether it accurately depicts the situation. What the guy says is the the Game Commission was required to find replacement land (by the Federal Government, I assume, which is the organization that provided them money to acquire the land that PSU messed up with waste-water spraying). Then the author, using language which seems misleading to me, suggests that by seeking to purchase the Rockview land that they are thereby thwarting PGC's effort to acquire the replacement land. PSU's legal obligation (so far as I understand it) was to pay the 8 million damages NOT to help PGC acquire replacement property.
I would say that it is a true statement that historically PSU sides with development (as they should) and the Game Commission sides with environmental protection??
Jack: Lets not forget that the Game Comission offered a significantly higher price for the lands, which I assume would go to the state coffers, hopefully to pay for access elsewhere.
I am a Penn State Football fan, but lets not forget that PSU makes a TON of money from those fall weekends! They overuse the most scarce commodity in Nittany Valley, drinking water! It would not be a ridiculous idea to start to charget a percentage of footballs gate to preserving the water supply in the area. Think of all the water consumed both for drinking and flushing!! PSU gains tremendously from Spring Creek and the watershed, time for them to pay up!
The Game Commission had 8 million dollars to bargain with and PSU is always begging the State Government for cash. the purchase price goes to the state anyway, so it is a little like moving the money around from the checking to savings account. (I know, I know, the Game Commission gets no state tax money).

As for who sides with what-- a big part of the Game Commission's business is to hold land that can be used for hunting. Still we anglers as well as hikers and other nature-watchers can enjoy the property. On the other hand, PSU is in the business of educating and researching. Sometimes this involves development and consequent pollution as well.

Nonetheless, every time I'm up that way, I am thankful that PSU has maintained ownership of a certain 1/2 mile or so on Spruce creek, because otherwise I would never get to enjoy that gem.
That stretch of Spruce is enjoyed by many. Thanks to George Harvey and whoever was in charge of the college at the time of purchase. Today however George is anything but a supporter of the college and what it has done to the area and the watershed.
Well earlier I had made a post that was uncalled for according to the guidelines and Jack had pulled it. My reaction and my next post was somewhat knee jerk. Jack and I discussed this and I've appologized to him via PM but felt compelled to do so here. The disagreement was started here, so this is also the forum to thank Jack for making me better aware of the posting guidlines. So Jack, I apologize again for the previously stated comments and thanks for the opportunity to discuss this further. You guys really do a great job keeping this place going and an enjoyable experience for us all.
We worked it out. I didn't need an apology. There was a misunderstanding that I think ended in a better understanding. I actually enjoy the arguments, but I am in a small minority in that regard and I have to try to help the other moderators when I can despite myself. I probably come as close to the line and over as anyone on many touchy areas, so I try to let the substantive moderating be primarily done by Maurice and Padraic and I try to stick with safe duties like admitting photos, cleaning up errant or double posts, etc.

PS on the site and forum comments forum, there is a thread started to share your thoughts on the political post issue. the mods are going to try to set forth a written policy just for fair notice and your thoughts might help us.