The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Murph wrote:
Is it too late to start making plans to attend this?

Delta Dog & I will be there Sunday to Sunday.

You have friends..... ;-)

Murph - these guys are more commonly called "known associates" :)
Delta Dog & I will be there Sunday to Sunday.

So far, so good on the babysitter front. If it works out I'd be arriving Monday or Tuesday and staying through Sunday.
I'll be there Thursday AM, so we must get out before the masses arrive. Introduce me to some small streams up there. I know none.
I'll be getting there Friday morning. Cant wait!
I can't make it that weekend. I will be there the weekend before the 9-10-11. Anyone else be there then?

What time of day is the best fishing likely to be up there at that time of year ?

I arrive about 7.30pm Thursday night - is it worth rushing to wet a line, or early to bed n early to rise ?

Where's the nearest water to Camp ?
geebee wrote:
I arrive about 7.30pm Thursday night - is it worth rushing to wet a line, or early to bed n early to rise ?

It's worth it.
It's about 15-25 minutes to either Penns or Spring Creek (there are some lesser known streams that are closer, but nothing within walking distance). The last hour of daylight usually fishes the best, so it's worth a run.
Just got a call from the campground and they informed me they are prohibiting the consumption of alcohol at this years Jamboree. We are always welcome there to camp and gather though.

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.

APRIL FOOLS! :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Not cool Maurice. ;-)
Fishidiot wrote:
geebee wrote:
I arrive about 7.30pm Thursday night - is it worth rushing to wet a line, or early to bed n early to rise ?

The last hour of daylight usually fishes the best, so it's worth a run.

good to know, thanks.

i'll have the rod set up ready to go.

What time of day is the best fishing likely to be up there at that time of year ?

I arrive about 7.30pm Thursday night - is it worth rushing to wet a line, or early to bed n early to rise ?

Yes, best fishing is evening. Cool, cloudy weather will spread that out from late afternoon through sunset. On a sunny day, often it's AFTER sunset when the best fishing takes place.

^^^That's for the big waters with hatches. The exceptions are all the little freestoners of the region, which usually turn on mid-morning and fish well through the early afternoon.

Convenient for the fishermen who likes both. Sleep in, fish the little streams by day, break for earlyish dinner, fish the big streams in the evening till after dark, get back to camp well after dark, party till the early morning hours, go to bed. Repeat.

High, muddy water will also upset this trend, and make daytime fishing more productive on the big waters, and decrease the importance of evening hatches.

Where's the nearest water to Camp ?

There are a couple of small streams within a few miles. Medium sized streams maybe 15-20 minute drive. For the big 4 famous ones:

Spring Creek: 25 minutes to Paradise, 25 minutes to Benner, 30 minutes to Bellefonte.

Penns Creek: 25 minutes to Poe Paddy, 35ish minutes to Coburn, over an hour to Cherry Run.
- Last year these were considerably longer due to road closures for road work and bridge outings, don't know about this year. It's an area where if you have to go around, you REALLY have to go around. Consider, Cherry Run is only 4-5 miles from Poe Paddy, as the stream flows. But it takes so much longer to drive there because there's no road between em, and getting to Cherry Run by car requires a very roundabout route.

LJR: 45-50 minutes, to village of Spruce Creek. Longer for anywhere else.

BFC: 45-50 minutes to the Narrows.

We've said it's a half hour to everywhere. That's pretty true regarding Spring and Penns which are the 2 big named streams that get focused on.
For many years I did this:

Leave early (8-9 am), fish all day breaking for lunch mid-day at a local establishment, maybe coming back to camp, then fishing until dark.

Now I am more casual about getting out and flexible if the goings-on at the CG are interesting enough, but will typically focus on the evening hatch/spinnerfall for fishing.
Yeah, I've kind of settled on something similar as Jack, as stated above.

I don't leave early, though. It is around the time where you can begin to have some morning success on big water. But except maybe for the first morning up there, I'm too wiped out from the night before to be an early bird. The little freestoners fish best during the day. They're still on the cold side and often don't turn on till 11 or 12.

So I sleep in and tell everyone who's going with me to do the same. We take our time in the morning. Maybe cook up a large breakfast/lunch before breaking camp. Then head out late morning. With an eye on switching gears around 4 or so. Whether we come back to camp, or grab a bite on the road depends where you are and where you're going.

But the focus is on the evening fishing, just like Jack, and given nice, normal May weather, I like to be on the destination stream at 6ish, well fed and happy. Sometimes I kick myself for this as it may not turn on till 8:30 or 9:00. But sometimes it turns on at 6 too. And it's crowded in May, we aren't alone in chasing the evening fun. If you show up at 8:00 or something you end up spending good fishing time trying to find an area where your largish crew can fit in.

P.S. Regarding the evening partying. I consider it an important part of the jam. But we are a LATE group in May, due to the fishing schedule. Newbies often aren't fully prepared for that. Consider this a public service announcement.

Fishing out the spinner fall till the fishing shuts off, a hike back to the car in the dark, unwadering, plus a longish drive back to the campground typically gets me in around 10:30, plus or minus a half hour. And I typically am among the first SUCCESSFUL groups to arrive, lol. There's a lesson there.

Everyone who's been partying for a while by then did poorly. They usually say they quit early because the fishing sucked, or don't even realize they quit early because they never did the evening thing. But the reality is that the fishing sucked because they quit too early, and left just before things started getting fun. There will be more groups arriving, some may push midnight before getting in. And almost every group that arrives late does so with stories of success. There is plenty of food, drink, and socializing going on till 2 a.m. and beyond. You ain't gonna miss it, so don't skip the best fishing to get there extra early.
pcray1231 wrote:

Everyone who's been partying for a while by then did poorly.

Depends on perspective, dunnit?

I view these things more as a party than I do as a fishing trip. Then again, I've only been to one.;-)
thanks pcray - apart from the first night i plan to fish to at least oh dark 30. i've bought some mouse flies especially....

that is often a problem with early rising, missing the late fishing.

i often prefer the split day myself, with a big siesta from 1-4pm.

18 hour fishing days ran out when i hit 40.
Im usually up at first light...from the night before.
unless you consider the US Constitution and our other founding documents social contracts.

Give em a shot. But most of our evening/"night" fishing is typically done with spinner patterns. Rusty in sizes 10-18 should cover you for just about anything you might encounter. Have a coffin fly or two just in case, but it's probably a few weeks too early, specially this year with an early jam and after a cold winter.

For me, anyway, when the rising stops, so do I. That's often well after it's too dark to see much of anything, and you've been casting to rises you HEAR instead of see. Mid May, so that can be pretty late.

If I wanted to do the REAL night thing, I'd probably arrive about then.
Like the quote pcray hahaha.

For anyone coming early in the week, you're more than welcome to come into state college and use my shower.
lol, oops, flipping threads, copying and pasting. :) Meant it to be the mouse pattern quote.

The CG has showers.