The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

I know it's too early yet but I can't wait to see the menu build.
very interested in attending this what is the cost ..
eseabee1 wrote:
very interested in attending this what is the cost ..

That's up to you. Make arrangements for lodging and bring what you need. Again, the only money that gets exchanged communally is that a raffle is held where attendees can voluntarily build a small kitty to pay for the pavilion, firewood, some coffee supplies and maybe some cleanup items.

Otherwise, you can finance your own trip as inexpensively or extravagantly as you choose.
Looking like my buddy Shane and I will be heading up after I drop the boy off at the bus around 8:15 Thursday morning. Prolly bringing some chili and hope to have a case or so of home brew as well. Not gonna be the rock creek ipa this year. Working on something extra special creepy, if time permits. Leaving Sunday a.m.

Boyer,don't you owe mea beer from last year? GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Boyer,don't you owe mea beer from last year? GG

Pretty sure you're at two years to be honest. :)

Glad you remembered. Thirsty already.GG
This is the event to be not missed.


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I wont be able to attend unfortunately but I should be able to make it to the Little J one evening. Does anyone from the jam fish there or any streams closer to Cambria County?
I just booked a tent site. I'm a newbie to the site. But I love PA, even though I'm a Browns fan from Cleveland. But don't worry some of my best friends, from college, are Steelers fans. See you all there.
Does anyone from the jam fish there or any streams closer to Cambria County?

We usually have a contingent on the LJR, yes. Of course, conditions matter and often dictate where people go, and thus not many may plan detail that far in advance.
Haligator wrote:
I just booked a tent site. I'm a newbie to the site. But I love PA, even though I'm a Browns fan from Cleveland. But don't worry some of my best friends, from college, are Steelers fans. See you all there.
Cool, welcome aboard. You are gonna be blown away by the jam, saying it's fantastic doesn't cover it.
A idea about newbie's from a newbie. What if there were such a thing as adopt a newbie for the weekend. Newbies put their names in a hat and the same for willing vets. Shake it up and pair the people up for the weekend. It would seem to work better for the shy or quiet newbies and they would have a partner with a wealth of knowledge to guide them for the time on the water and any off stream advice and teachings. Just an idea.
Please don't come to the Jamboree to be shy. If you simply ask for a raise of hands at the fire ring for those who want to find a more experienced angler to tag along with the following day, you are bound to be approached before the night is through.
Adopting a newbie is typical.

We get 100ish people at the jam. It's like an army. And when it's time to attack the trout we split up into units. They're all pretty welcoming to newbies, in fact most of the vets prefer to get the newbs into fish than do so themselves.

If you don't find a group to go out with, you weren't trying.
I'd been to one of these Spring jams before, and there were only a few "units." :p
This looks like an awesome event. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend as my daughter graduates college that weekend.
That reminds me. I never went to my own college graduation. ;-)
I walked as an undergrad for my department ceremony, but not the school wide ceremony. Was in a class of 2. They woulda noticed if I had not showed up. The thing was like a roast, where professors told stories about each of us to our families who attended. Weird.

I didn't walk for my grad school graduation. With the way the thesis stuff works out, my "official" grad date was 6 months after I actually finished up. I had moved and was working for 5+ months by that time.
The graduation ceremony at Pitt was held in the Civic Arena. You class was announced, and you stood up. that's it. You didn't even get your diploma there. They mailed it to you.

I said screw that. I told some classmates that while they were sweating their asses of and passing out from heat exhaustion, I'd be sitting along the Clarion River with a fishing pole in one hand, and a beer in the other. And I have always been a man of my word.

It's still a sore spot for my mom, but what was she going to do. Kick me out? I had a sheepskin, was already engaged, and already had a job lined up 500 miles away from home. Only had about a week between finishing finals and starting the job. Why would I want to waste it in an atmosphere like that?

It also gave me a good reason not to go to my little sisters' graduations. Why should I when I didn't even go to my own.;-)
