The Fly Fishing Show - Lancaster, PA. 2-3 March 2013

Had fun time catching with a lot of members from the site on Saturday. Seems like everyone is ready for some warmer weather and fishing.

Good to catch up with everyone at the Neptune for breakfast and then off to the show for the rest of the day.

Postes a few photos on Facebook. Please feel free to tag anyone you recognize.

TimB how was the post party?
Hi Dave, It was great to talk to you yesterday at the show. Im glad you were able to talk to my friends at the Sporting Gentlemen booth about possibly doing some advertising. I hope it all works out for the site and the shop!
It was a real treat to have an honest Lancaster Ct. breakfast, scrapple, bacon and all, at the Neptune. Someone took pix of the dozen or so of us who met up. The show was loads of fun, as usual. It is hard to recognize folks w/o their waders, but it mostly came back to me. The 2-pond format is fantasmic.

Glad you guys had fun at the show. After breakfast, I took a much needed nap and then headed up the side of a hill chasin' brookies. Warmer days are coming! The brookies were active again, and some were even taking the dry fly!
Squatch - you got away before I could give you some tobacco I brought. Next time, I guess.

hp and tl
Dang it! I even hung around in the parking lot a bit afterwards hoping you guys would come out, but you were all deep in conversation.
It was a good day spent overall! It was good to finally put some faces to the names on the forum!
Here's a picture of the PAFF crew at the Neptune Diner. Tim Robinson took the picture, and so wasn't in the shot...


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dkile wrote:
Had fun time catching with a lot of members from the site on Saturday. Seems like everyone is ready for some warmer weather and fishing.

Good to catch up with everyone at the Neptune for breakfast and then off to the show for the rest of the day.

Postes a few photos on Facebook. Please feel free to tag anyone you recognize.

TimB how was the post party?

It was a good time Dave. Sorry you couldn't stick around. Had about 10-12 folks stop by. Some old friends, some new ones, a mix of experienced & novice fly anglers. Lots of fish stories, tales of old Jamborees, and many plans to hook up and fish together soon. Oh, and the beer wasn't bad!
Great after party thank you TimB. Looking forward to seeing some new faces at the few tying nights left.

Sorry for the poor shot guys. I almost cut Dave out, sorry Dave.

Great hanging out with you guys and Maurice you need to write a fishing book, seriously.
Sorry I missed everyone Saturday, have helped float stock a section of Clarks longer than I care to remember.

Had a great time at the show yesterday, didn't buy much but did get a great deal on a Patagonia jacket (Saturday's cold morning was fresh on my mind). Highlights were definitely talking to the guys on the board FrequentTyer, DeanMyers, firandfeather, and NickR. Also, got to chat with Captain Brian Horsley about what to expect in the OBX this October which was very cool.

Nick, thanks again.

I only bought some flies and made donations/took chances to win and grabbed free literature and decals. Sat in on a slide show and watched Joe give casting demo. Me and the woman had a good time. I was hoping to buy a reel for a good price but no luck. I didn't see Allens there.
ratgunner wrote: I was hoping to buy a reel for a good price but no luck. I didn't see Allens there.

RG, check out Allen's post in the shop talk forum.
Okay,I just read it. Thanks for the heads up.
I was at the show on Saturday and then went to Donegal where I met a couple of the guys there for the first time. Was nice to put some faces to names.


Sorry I missed it!
