STLHD JAM 2015 Oct 30 - Nov 2

bikerfish wrote:
Not sure what my plans are yet, might end up chasing wilds in the boonies of WV instead, which is more my type of fishing anyways.

Ah come on Al, it isn't my favorite type of fishing either, but it aint about the fishing. Did Norm **** you off or something?LOL!
Farmer Dave's correct Al. Your part of the Motley Crew . GG
Hey Art. Play the old card. My grandmother used it effectively for years to get the family together.;-)

I couldn't **** him off, he wasn't at the Spring Jam either.

Motley crew, Halloween, steelhead, and dirty pinners.Can't think of a better time. Maybe even ghost amish fishermen
Al, You wouldn't want to miss that again, would you?
Moose and I might need help getting to the crick? I figure I 'll buy at least a round at the Avonia. GG
Woohoo GG is buying ! Cmon Al you cant miss it. Although I wont be making J-BQ at this jam, there will be plenty of other Shennanigans.
There goes the SS check.GG
Haha!! You guys are killing me!
OK, since Art refused to play the "Old card," I will

Al, you are getting old. Who know how many more of these you will be able to attend in the future.
haha! uh, I think I'm younger than a bunch of you. :roll:
Yea, I was being sarcastic, so let me try that again.

Norm is getting old, so this could be the last chance you will have to fish with him.

haha! I think Norm will be just fine for a while, he has that steady healthy diet of JBQ!!
Al, if you don't show up who will take photographic evidence of my one fish all year.
Al, you have a point there.

Norm, I almost forgot. You whiffed at the Spring jam. Of course I didn't do much better, but better none the less. :p
This just might be the year when we all catch some "STEEL". GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
This just might be the year when we all catch some "STEEL". GG

Why, is moose bringing the DuPont spinners?

yeah c'mon Biker, who's gonna help finish all the pumpkin cream cheese whoopie pies and Michters!?

Looks like some rain this weekend and maybe late next week. keep doing those rain dances and we won't have to be stuck to the beach!

Although I wonder if we could get a fire going at the bluffs and cook on it?
FarmerDave wrote:
There is now a good chance that I won't be able to make it on Saturday (75-25). At least not for fishing. The bar afterwards might still be an option.

Might make it Friday and/or Sunday.

Well, odds have improved slightly. Back to 50-50 chance of me making it on Saturday.

I've been trying to schedule some work to be done on the barn and an outbuilding, and it will depend on how much gets done this Saturday.

I hired an Amish guy, but should have hired Bikerfish. Bikerfish works fast and does nice work, but he's a little bit prissy and doesn't like working on dirty old barns and outbuildings.;-)

Note to PPF, I said outbuilding, not outhouse. I aint got one of those, but if'n I did, it'd be a nice'n.