STLHD JAM 2015 Oct 30 - Nov 2

Part of the Lancaster crew arrived in Erie Thursday morning around 930. Elk was chocolate milk so we headed over to 16 mile. The winds were howlin and the waves were capping at 4-6ft out at the beach. We made our way up and found some fish. Jeff made contact with his first steelhead which surprised the heck out of him and promptly came unbuttoned. He was pretty stoked. RickinPa and I each landed fish and it was a good start.

Friday we met up Friday morning at Follies with FarmerDave and Mucka. Pumpkin whoopie pies were on point and we headed down stream. Mucka ran a clinic on water reading and approach. RickinPa would join in and stick a few older fish. Some chromers but not many.

We headed back to Follie's to find PatrickC's truck in the driveway so we hooked up with him. Patrick had 4 fish in that morning on lower elk so we rolled out. we went to lower Elk and found some fish. Jeff caught his first fish just as that sinking feeling of self doubt was creeping in. He landed a nice lake run brown. After that boost of confidence he picked up the example Mucka set in the morning and started putting on a show. We lost count of how many fish he hooked and landed. He was pretty much shell shocked by the end of the day. Everyone caught multiple fish in multiple spots and it was a really great day. Almost everything was fresh chrome. PatrickC was being a spot-snatcher so I had to follow behind him and pick out a few of the leftover stragglers left in his wake, that guy covers some ground, no camping out with Patrick.

Friday at the Avonia we saw Proformance, moose , art and farmerdave. unfortunately it was packed and we couldn't sit together. next time dudes!

Saturday was a zoo. Mucka, StreamerGuy, Jeff, and I explored some more remote waters higher up on elk and we were rewarded. And for a second day in a row Jeff put on a freakin clinic. dang newbies! Jeff was reading water like a seasoned pro and picked fish out of pockets that just about broke the necks of the guys standing in the deep runs. He was in the groove and it was fun and impressive to watch him working. I spent more time chasing his fish with a net than fishing. Mucka and streamerguy dropped the hammer on them too. It was a great hike back with a good mix of fresh and old fish.

we headed back down low as the creek really started to clear and drop quickly through the morning into the afternoon. We found better looking water and few more fish that afternoon when we met back up with TimB and RickinPa. Both of those guys pounded fish in the morning as fresh fish continued to move through. by saturday night the fish were shell shocked and lock jaw set in.

Sunday I had to stay in during the morning to finish some work but the guys went out and managed a few during the morning. I joined up with them in the afternoon and the creek was low and clear. Fishing was tough with only a handful of fish to hand.

As of this writing we have just driven into Lancaster. we left around 11 this morning. no fish to hand and elk is WAY back down. many guys were out yesterday and this morning. They're getting pounded. To whomever takes up the torch for next year: schedule the jam later for this very reason. it would have been a lot better if there would have been multiple high water events before this. it would have brought more fish in and spread the fish out, subsequently the people too. Think 2nd week in November.

All in all it was great to see old friends and make new ones. Jeff officially has steel-fever and is already scheming a trip to the SR so there you go, we corrupted another one! LOL.
TimRobinsin wrote:
He landed a nice lake run brown. After that boost of confidence he picked up the example Mucka set in the morning and started putting on a show. We lost count of how many fish he hooked and landed. He was pretty much shell shocked by the end of the day. Everyone caught multiple fish in multiple spots and it was a really great day.

Great to hear about lots of catchin - wish I coulda joined you guys.

Also good to hear about the brown trout. Did you see any others? I'm curious about the brown trout program - they should be turning up these days.
Tim Robinson, I would remind you whom it was that showed you each of those spots I "snatched" ;-) BTW, my phone informed me that evening I had walked 6 miles that day. I may have to take up Rick's method.
It was a great time indeed. Nice to meet some new faces and make some new friends. Looking forward to next year, or hopefully the spring jam.
It was awesome seeing Jefferson get into tons of fish, and the slight adrenaline shake in his hands while he showed off his first fish for the camera. Saturday he was picking fish out of the smallest seam or pocket that would go ignored by a lot of people walking to the next big run or pool.
Tim/Jefferson if you guys make another run up there let me know. I'm sure Jefferson isn't going to be able to wait another year to get his hands on some steel.
Fishidiot wrote:

Also good to hear about the brown trout. Did you see any others?

Jeff said he hooked another brown yesterday morning! He had himself a spectacular weekend for sure.......never would've thought he was a steelhead newb if nobody told me. Looked like a seasoned veteran out there. He even completed the Elk Creek trifecta with a bonus smallmouth! And man was it a whopper ;-)

Great time fishin with some great guys. Got to meet some new people, and didn't get a chance to meet many others....but that's what next time is for. Can't wait to do it again

good times with great people.

PatrickC You can fish in front of me anytime! LOL, thanks for saving the day on Friday. However, if you're going to chum keep your chum to yourself. Also, I'm going to have to make sure I get some camo for next time, judging by the guys doing all the catching I had the wrong color camo on.
TimRobinsin wrote:
Also, I'm going to have to make sure I get some camo for next time, judging by the guys doing all the catching I had the wrong color camo on.

You mean....egg pink?!?!!?

Great time as always. Will try to post some pics at some point once I get off my camera. Loved the "scenery" at the Quality Inn's bar for the redneck Halloween Party on Saturday night...