Steelhead Thread 2014-2015

I'm sure it wont last long, but things are back on the rise.
Yes, it dropped down to around 65, and came back up to 152.
i have an itch that needs scratched. Thinking about heading to Elk tomorrow.

How big of a waste of time do yinz think it'll be????
It's barely come up enough for any fish to move.
FGSIII wrote:
Fun show to watch and it was great to see some of my friends on tv as they helped the veterans of our great country!!

FYI - The section they were fishing isn't open to the general public.


where were they ?

They were between the lower fly zone and the upper fly zone.....basically behind the altmar hatchery where the general public is not allowed.
oh. nice water. reserved for DEC employees only probably lol.

its a good show that, and sometimes they have rivers that you don't have to mortgage your children for.
I kicked around the lower Miles Creeks and Elk this morning. I would not rush to Erie to fish this weekend. There are very few fish around. The Miles are really low and gin clear. Elk is low and clearing. The only value in hitting the creeks this weekend would be to survey the streams themselves for changes related to the flooding in the Spring. There are some changes, but not much. A few downed trees gone. A few new downed trees. The holes have not changed much. The good news is that the water temp on Elk was 62F. I don't want to burst your bubbles, but you would be wasting gas to drive to the area if you do not live close by. Hang in there, they are coming soon!

The 22nd-24th looks good to me...
ryguyfi wrote:
September 22nd will bring the first big rain and cool temps to start the run. That's my prediction this year. I've actually been within several days the last few years on that.

I hope to get out a handful of times this year. Didn't get up much last year.

Ok, any preference for the JAM this year?

October 31-2nd
November 7-9
November 14-16

The JAM has not been kind to us for fishing the last few years. Hope this year is different.

Pretty close on my prediction if it happens...
I too bounced between walnut, elk, and the miles streams today. Saw maybe three fish throughout the entire day (at Walnut above the bridge). saw a guy carrying two out from the falls on walnut. figured it wouldn't be good- but didnt think there would be that little of fish! oh well, good mental notes of differing structures and beats a day at the office any day.

Also, word on the street up there is that there was a significant fish kill on 16 mile from some discharge from the Welch's plant. Probably a good thing there weren't too many fish in there yet. All word of mouth though, not sure the extent, if its cleaned up yet, or, if its even actually true- did hear it from two different people though.
Pulaski air temps into the 30's on Monday Night - 39F. highest day temp in the next week will be 66F.

with the cooling trend, it can't be more than 2 weeks away surely ?

they've predicted snow for the GL and NE in mid october....
Popped this fish just before daylight. She was a nice way to kick off the season.

Hang in there guys, there will be plenty of fish to come.


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Patrick you are a bad bad man, nice.
Nice ice breaker. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Nice ice breaker. GG

It felt good. Early Fall steelhead are always full of energy. Just wish i could report that the run is is not :-(
What exactly is "The Run?" There are multiple runs. And there are multiple upstream migrations. The fish move at certain times and rest at other times. Moving fish are the more catchable fish.

If you are there for A run, you will notice the difference.
JackM wrote:
What exactly is "The Run?" There are multiple runs. And there are multiple upstream migrations. The fish move at certain times and rest at other times. Moving fish are the more catchable fish.

If you are there for A run, you will notice the difference.

Lawyers muck up everything. Thanks for clarifying ;-)
way to go patrick - what type of fly ? what are they feeding on this early, not eggs surely ?