Steelhead Thread 2014-2015

JackM wrote:
Luckily, the walleye and other predators take the weakest for the most part, thus increasing the fitness of the remaining specimens.

Walleye taste better, too.
Return numbers have been perfect. You actually have to hunt them and fish for them now. That's what it's all about ;-)
Yes, perfect. Everyone should go to PA and fish for them. No steelhead in Ohio.

My foot has been bothering me lately. I think I need to fish with a Podiatrist again. :lol:
saw this on FB

better get some rain
can't belive people are actually fishing puddles in an all but dried up creek bed
Hey I know saying return numbers are low is like saying a four letter word. I get that everyone catches lots of fish heck I know how blessed we are I am no fool. I know how hard you have to fish in parts of the world to just hook up with a steelhead Oregon's Deschutes comes to mind.

You guys that are locals know steelhead don't get as much love as the native Walleye and yellow perch. Most lake fisherman actually dislike them and they are referred to by many as "Slimmers". Many people who care about the resource are not locals. Its people that come up a few days in the fall spend there money and vacation time to enjoy something they would otherwise have to shell out mega bucks to enjoy.

Not everyone that enjoys the resource is a accomplished fisherman or physically fit like most of the guys on here. After all this is a STOCKED resource that tax dollars and license fees pay for. Its nice to see plenty of fish that people that cant hunt for them don't have to i.e children, elderly, disabled.

I truly believe that with the steelhead the fisherman are the number one indicator if there is an issue with the resource. Once the states stocks them they really don't do much to keep tracks on them. There not going to conduct studies on a stocked resource. Especially when yellow perch and Walleye numbers are actually at near all time lows in the lake.

Its not complaining as I said I still believe its a fabulous fishery with DECENT numbers of fish. But anyone who is honest with themselves and familiar with the fishery can obviously see there is a decline in fish. It would be nice to know whats going on with everyone's investment considering stocking remains high. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers was never the intention.
Pbfc does do annual steelhead catch rate data collection. Booklets can be sent to those willing to full out trip logs.. Data is sent back to.the state at the.end of the season for analysis. It's not much but it's still something
Trike, you didn't ruffle anyone's feathers, and I hope I didn't ruffle yours when I said Walleye taste better. They do. But I am not into trolling. At least not for fish.;-)

Perch are even better. But I don't need to go that far for either of them.

But one thing I have to say... I'm pretty sure that no tax money goes into the steelhead program. License fees, yes. And you have guys like me that buy a non-res license and all the stamps and I fished for steelhead a grand total of three times last year which is more than most years. I hope you are getting my money's worth.

As far as the anglers, it takes all types.

I personally prefer a more natural experience than fishing for 6 lb fish on a pool table (reference to the flat shale bottom). It was fun the first could times I did it, but not as much anymore. I stay away from the usual haunts whether it is PA or Ohio. I guess I was fortunate enough that I started steelhead fishing in a stream (or streams) larger than any of PA tribs.

The PF&BC provides places where people you speak of can fish for large numbers of fish that they can actually see. Look at the project waters on the nut for example.

What they should do is sell tickets to those spots, or have a lottery to limit the numbers of people in those spots to raise even more money, but as long as some are OK with bumping elbows while fishing, there is no need. I usually prefer the bumping of elbows after fishing.

The problem is that there so many people who want that kind of experience. But don't expect PF&BC to make the entire stream into blasted out project waters.

There are other places where you can fish over lots of fish as well, and you don't have to be an athlete. You should have seen the crew I fished with last year. Aside from Bikerfish, we would have made a pretty good commercial for an orthopedic surgeon or personal injury lawyer (sorry Art and Jim). It sucked when I broke my rod and had to walk all the way back to the truck to get another. This year if everything works out, We should also have a Jewish chain smoker with us.;-)

At least my limp has mostly gone away since my right foot started acting up. I'm all evened up now. Doctor is also a fly angler and said I should soak it in cold water, so I am good to go.;-)

Truth is, if they stocked more, it would just mean more ending up in Ohio streams which of course I don't mind.

My intention is not to offend anyone. It just comes natural.;-)
Who said the numbers were not on the decline?
After reading it again, I think he is just asking why return rates are on the decline and they clearly are.

I for one think it is global warming.;-)
FarmerDave wrote:

The PF&BC provides places where people you speak of can fish for large numbers of fish that they can actually see. Look at the project waters on the nut for example.

What they should do is sell tickets to those spots, or have a lottery to limit the numbers of people in those spots to raise even more money

I've been saying that for a long time. Even sell discounted tickets for people who just want to watch.

The PFBC should also set up some concession stands along the project water. Nothing crazy, maybe just burgers and dogs, pizza, powerbait, pop, coffee, etc..

They're really missing out on some good money making opportunities. Maybe they'll raise enough cash to start a lightening-steelhead program. Now THAT would be awesome. It would make seeing the fish in the Manchester hole at 5:30am so much easier :-D
Sponsored holes as well? ????
Dang, streamerguy. Those are some really good ideas. Rather than start those concessions themselves, they could sell concession permits and they could set up right there in the big parking lot at the Walnut Creek access below the projects. The concession stands would make a fortune and the fish and boat commission would as well with minimum additional work. It could be like the Autumn Leaf Festival in Clarion, or the Apple Farce in Franklin.

No offense to the town of Franklin, I just think it sounds better.

But really. I would pay a couple bucks to see the circus.

Better yet, I'll set up a stand and then retire early.

Not trying to be a jerk, but do you do the PA steelhead thing often? Low, gin clear water in early fall is the norm, this is nothing new. There is plenty of water in the lower ends of the streams with the lake level being higher than normal. Fish will continue to pile in, regardless of rain.
fishrmn wrote:

Not trying to be a jerk, but do you do the PA steelhead thing often? Low, gin clear water in early fall is the norm, this is nothing new. There is plenty of water in the lower ends of the streams with the lake level being higher than normal. Fish will continue to pile in, regardless of rain.

In fairness to Rollingdog, I have seen people "fishing" in puddles, on Elk Creek between the last bridge and boat ramp where it is so shallow that their backs are out of the water. Poor things were decorated with fuzzy ornaments and cheese cloth. But yea, there is deeper water below the boat ramp as well as the mouth of Walnut.
The madness has started Dave! Ive been to Walnut a bunch of times since the middle of Sept. and water is plenty deep enough up the the first hole, but there's no fish, maybe 20-30 or so but they're so freaked out it's pointless fishing from late morning til dark. But there's been two fish in particular that sport "bling" on the rear and dorsal fins, one guy caught and landed one that had swallowed a hook with about 2ft of at least 10lb line hanging out, a Nymph and yarn ball hooked on one side of it's mouth. Thankfully we got a good rain today and more on the way this weekend.
I was bored more than usual yesterday afternoon so I loaded up the wife and went on a road trip.

It had indeed rained yesterday and apparently they got more in Erie than I got at home.

That said, it made very little difference. Water was still quire low everywhere. Trout Run was probably up to about normal, but off color. Definitely not high.

Saw a couple hookups in the lake. One from shore, and one on a small boat that was trolling just off shore. Neither landed their fish.

Allow me to back up a little bit so I can give a thorough report.

First places I went were a couple spots on the Ohio side of Conneaut Creek. Flow actually looked pretty decent. Stopped at State Road covered bridge, and one other downstream from there. Didn't see any. Water was fairly clear, too.

Now, my regular glasses are at the shop betting new lenses, and I didn't have polarized, so there could have been a few, but I seriously doubt it.

Next stop was the boat ramp at Elk Creek. There is a lot of water at the mouth likely due to the lake being higher, but the flow was still quite low. Saw a lot of fish jumping, probably excited from the rain that had ended shortly before. Looking upstream I saw a half dozen guys who must have had a pod of fish cornered. Either that or it was a semi-circle jerk. I could see a lot of fish jumping between them and the East bank and they were damn near standing on them.

Next stop was Trout Run. I already covered that. Fish in the creek and fish obviously along the lake. Water was off color from the rain.

After that, I drove down (up) to Foley's CG and bought a few things. Creek is a series of pools with a ribbon of water connecting them, and yet the guy at Foley's said it actually came up 2 inches. Whoohoo!

I can't end one of these without a food report. It's what I do best (eat). Heading south on route 7 (in Ohio), just south of I-90, up on the hill there is a restaurant. Hard to tell except for a big sign that just says "FOOD." I'd passed by there many times and always wondered about it. Well, yesterday I stopped. Apparently the name of the place is "Beef and Beer." I'm thinking, not very creative name, but could be my kind of place. I'd always seen lots of cars going in and out.

Wife said, if it isn't clean inside, I'm walkng right back out.

Walls looked a little grungy because it was unfinished wood, but the floor and tables seemed clean. Since we didn't intend to eat anything off of the walls, we stayed.

Menu said "hand cut steaks to order." Something like that. Our goal was to order different things so we can try multiple dished. Wife ordered an 8oz Delmonico. and I ordered the "big cod" dinner. Both reasonably priced (read as cheap). Both came with a vegetable (broad green beans) and two other sides. Wife's Delmonico was done perfectly (as ordered) and was very tasty (I tried it). My fish was fairly big, and quite good as well. For the additional sides, I had fries and a cup of vegetable soup. The fries were the lightly battered type and quite good. The vegetable soup was clearly homemade and also quite good. It needed some pepper, but other than that... I liked it and have no problem adding my own pepper. I hate soup that is too salty (like I had at outback last Friday), and this was not. I'd order it again. Outback? Not so much, and i tried a couple varieties. Wife had a baked potato as one side and it was baked perfectly. She upgraded the other side to a small side of spaghetti with meat sauce for an extra fitty cent. I had some and it was also good. We both had iced tea with the meals and wife had a piece of pumpkin pie for desert which looked homemade to me. I tasted that as well and it was excellent. All that for $32.42 including tax. The steak dinner was only around 10 bucks. I think it was less than the cod. Buy that same steak in a grocery store uncooked and it would be at least $6.

Service was perfect. Very friendly staff. I won't hesitate to go back.

I am in no way affiliated with that restaurant, or any other.

No significant chance of rain for the rest of this week and calling for temps in the 70s.
Thanks Dave now I'm HUNGRY
Great report, and way to spot burn. Soon there won't be any steaks or cod left!!

The forecast for the weekend looks promising.
best water to fish so far has been the lake around the tribs. small with constant flows have been the best for me, west or east side.