Steelhead Thread 2014-2015

Fished an Ohio trib on Sunday--levels were really good and by late in the day the water hand a really nice tint to it. A few jacks were caught. Really slow day and COLD.
Fished an Ohio trib on Sunday--levels were really good and by late in the day the water hand a really nice tint to it. A few jacks were caught. Really slow day and COLD.
I think the fish are going to run late in Ohio again this year.
Watch the foliage.
That's a good thing. I like catching them in a t-shirt. :)
My brother and I fished a couple places in Ohio yesterday. The fishing was great! We got into a bunch on the first stream before the circus showed up. Fish weren't very spread out, but there were a few holes that had a lot of fish. Kinda the same situation on the next piece of water. Not a lot of fish, then we'd hit a couple pools and start hooking up left and right. Crowds were very light on the second stream by the time we fished it in the afternoon.

Other than a couple people, the majority of the guys we talked to didn't report catching anything. With that said, I noticed just about everyone was looking for fish in the very shallow areas......and the fish simply weren't there. On the first stream we didn't spot a single fish, but the deeper pools held a bunch. We spotted one group of spawners in the afternoon and the fish in the two pools below them were very happy to munch on eggs and small streamers. Fun day

Mucka is fishing the same water today and is doing very well.
stal42 wrote:
That's a good thing. I like catching them in a t-shirt. :)

Is that legal? :lol:
Great day today bouncing around in Ohio.. tough to pass on heading there after Streamer and his brother had such a good day the day before...More fish holding today in riffles and runs from what they saw (still had a fair share out of deep pools too), and they seemed to be a little more spread out today. Saw some hens digging out redds and one group actively spawning. Things seem to be heating up in the buckeye state.
Thanks for the reports from Ohio. If the flows are good, might try to fish there this weekend.
Good luck. Should be good with all the rain just hopefully not too high. As Streamer said easter was a zoo for the most part, yesterday crowds were very light.. made for a very enjoyable day. Let us know how things shake out for you if you go. Hoping to make 1 more trip this season
Heading up tomorrow, my fiances first trip for steelhead. Should be interesting haha