Steelhead Thread 2014-2015

Mucka wrote:
You think? Even better![/quot

I don't think you want to take Jack seriously in this thread. :roll:

Some great fish pics in this thread however.
If that is indeed a PFBC fish and didn't come from another source, it swam at least 40+ river miles to reach that spot, including a stretch that is known for having muskies, pike, largemouths, and walleye. Plus it had to have survived the summer(but then again this was a great year for holdovers......and I'd imagine it stays sorta cool up in the headwaters).

Definitely an unusual place to get your first brookie!!
Fishidiot wrote:

I don't think you want to take Jack seriously in this thread. :roll:

Some great fish pics in this thread however.

I agree with both points made.
Some really nice fish in here streamer. I'll be back in the Burgh next week- planning on taking a trip to Erie on Tuesday with a few friends. I'm also hoping the recent high water has brought some fresh fish in.
It has at least on the east side. Had a banner day today and heard the same from other eastern Tribs after the last blow out. It's back to low and clear over there now though
I fished out there last Thursday afternoon, all day Friday and Saturday morning. Fished Elk Creek all three days. I caught a few fresh fish from the last high water. Others landed seemed to be in there for a while. Friday I walked quite a bit to catch fish.
Pretty good morning on an Ohio trib today. Received a text from Mucka saying to not leave those fish to find fish, and well........I left them.

Checked out the next trib to the east(where I had a decent day yesterday) after the action slowed on the first one and I got the big ole goose egg, despite great conditions. Should've listened.....
It's always easier to give that advice than to actually follow it yourself... I say it to myself and yet still manage to do it far too often!
streamerguy wrote:
Received a text from Mucka saying to not leave those fish to find fish, and well........I left them.

Should've listened.....

MEH.... It's certainly something you will hear guides say, especially when they have clients that only care about catching. Beyond that, there is so much more to the fishing experience than just pounding one fish after another in the same spot for hours on end. Besides, to sharpen and broaden your skills, you need to move on and experience a variety of waters under a variety of conditions. You really are not doing the wrong thing by moving on unless you just need one of those days where only the catching matters. And admittedly, a couple of times a year (for me at least) it does.
Very true, and that's why I felt the need to move. Just didn't feel like it would've been the best use of my time to pound the same couple pools all day. Needed to change it up and hit some different water............just didn't expect to come up empty handed the rest of the afternoon on what is usually a productive stretch of water. And I hear ya, if I was in desperate need of a day where I needed to step up and bring a lot of fish to hand it would've been a smart decision to stay, but that day it didn't really matter to me. Catching is icing on the cake(for the most part ;-) ).
I am new to ffing (started less than a year ago) and was thinking about making a trip with a friend who started at the same time to the salmon river the weekend of January 10 and 11 depending on weather. I have a few questions. Is this a good idea? Will there still be steelhead around? what and how should i fish for them? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Stopped by the nursery water at Avonia Beach on Thursday. You can faintly make out Trout Run flowing left to right and the raised ice dunes are out over the lake. The best way to catch steelhead right now is drilling a hole in the bay and soaking some minnows.

Hows the streams lookin?
Was up there saturday. Things were a little slow on elk, a little high and murky from snow melt. Managed a couple between McKean and 79... smaller fresh jacks.. Not much else there. moved to the east side once the wind sleet and rain picked up. 4 mile was a circle jerk at the mouth, just turned and walked back to my car.. went to 7 and had it to myself. Did well by the mouth with fairly fresh fish of good size. Hopped to twenty mile by the mouth.. need ice climbing gear to navigate the banks.. water was high so didn't bother to fish it... looks like it's been reshaped again from the ice though. 12 mile is loaded with smolts right now.. left there after 3 casts yielded 2. More snow up there than I thought, particularly the west side. East wasn't as bad.. seemed most had melted.

Based on the condition of the Ohio tribs that I pass over to and from work, I'm guessing the PA tribs will be in good shape.

Chagrin looks quite fish-able up near 322 with some color.

Upper upper upper grand near Orwell is back down and well within it's banks. A week ago, it looked like a lake. It comes down slowly.

I seriously doubt any make it up that far, but it does give me indication of what it might look like between Harpersfield and the lake.

Sorry this isn't a report directly on the PA tribs, but maybe it is useful to you. Also sorry for not posting this sooner.

Today we are expecting light rain this morning and clearing in the afternoon. High near 60. Probably more like 50 near the lake. But I'm guessing today would be good. Tomorrow it will go to crap again with a cold front and heavier rain expected. Then snow on Friday and Saturday.

Today would be the day if you can get out (depending on how much rain).

I'm leaving work early, but unfortunately not to fish. Need to assess the damage the winter caused to the bee hives so I know how many replacement packages I need to order. It's the first day that will be warm enough to do a proper inspection. Preliminary inspection, looks like 80% loss. 1 of 5 survived ... hopefully.
I fished a NE Ohio river and a smaller creek yesterday. They were both VERY icy in the the point were you couldn't get your flies beneath the floating ice, but just about all of the ice/slush burned off after lunch.

As for the fishing.......I only caught two. Other than the cold temps the conditions were perfect. Good flow and a little stained in the deeper water.

Another guy I talked to said Conneaut was still a little high and on the muddy side. Another guy said the Chagrin looked very good. The Grand is still high and muddy.

Was going to head up again this morning, but I checked the radar and went back to bed! Probably could've had a pretty darn good hour of fishing before the river blew out....but I decided not to make the drive.

Not sure what the creeks will look like after today.
Thanks for the reports, guys!
Fishing all day tomorrow in Erie, all by my lonesome for once too, can't get anyone to tag along in the weather we are having this weekend
Fuller how did you do? Three of us braved 12 degrees Saturday morning to find massive amounts of slush. Basically casting an ice fly until lunch! Only Saw 3 caught all day and very little in the way of fresh fish action. heard today good number holding way upstream but I ignored my gut and we stayed close to the mouths all day... I'd recommend heading to the strettetania area if you go