Steelhead Thread 2014-2015

That rain better hit next week- girlfriend is out of town for the weekend so I'm going up come hell or high water.. haha
Next week would be OK.;-)
Anybody have an opinion on the cabins at Uncle John's Campground?
Some cabins appeared brand new and others certainly older. I think they are fine, nothing fancy for sure. Have electric. $65 a nite base price. Not bad but you can find cheaper hotels in and around Erie to be sure but some of those would not be better than the cabin IMO. I have not stayed in the cabins but have camped there before. Can't be much closer to Elk , for getting up and hitting the water. You could try Foleys campground up river as well- not sure if they have cabins but I have tented there as well.
interesting theory - it could conversely mean that the steel enter the streams on time but feed much more aggressively on the shiners in stream.

they are not salmon, they feed all the way up.

air temps are going to drop rapidly, from Friday air temps are going to be in the 40's.

shore line fishing should be starting to heat up along the lake shores. just walk and cast like at the beach.
Looks like the rain dances may pay off tomorrow night..
I hope so. I've got a weekend with no girlfriend at home- I'm going Saturday regardless.. more or less to just spend the day walking around and scouting- but hopefully can get a line wet.
if you have cable, the new flyfisher tonight on WFN was showing the Salmon river.
Fun show to watch and it was great to see some of my friends on tv as they helped the veterans of our great country!!

FYI - The section they were fishing isn't open to the general public.
Looks like you'll be waiting a little longer boyz....that rain did about nothing for the cause.
Shucks. Big disappointment from Conneaut on east.

Gotta remember it's not even the middle of September yet..
When the air temp lows are consistently around 50 degrees and we get enough rain that you don't see anything but water in the 4 pictures below, then make plans.

Yep, and that has yet to happen this year. Still early folks but I know we're getting antsy!!

For those who haven't been watching the gauges, Walnut only peaked around 100cfs
Are you sure about that Patrick?

Rainfall map shows more than an inch fell in the Lake Erie (PA) watershed within the last 24 hours, and it was raining like hell when I crossed Geauga County this morning. That had to go someplace.

Map said that I got an inch and a half at home and although I slept through most of it, I have no reason to disbelieve. It started raining about the time I pulled the burgers off the grill (6ish). Didn't even get a chance to toast the buns.
Some will be caught in late Sept. They'll be there in force by the 2nd week of October. Most of the initial surge will be in by Thanksgiving.

Just like every year.

Doesn't matter what temps or rain we get year to year, that's how it happens. Only thing rain does is blow open some east side tribs and give necessary flow for them to navigate some obstacles.
Non toasted buns = Blasphemy
geebee wrote:
ryguyfi wrote:

I used size 10's and felt quite fine with landing fish on them. I would say if you're targeting salmon I wouldn't use anything smaller than 12 or you have risk of breaking or straightening a hook. 8's and 10's should be good. I use a heavy gauge scud hook.

Bring lots of flies and LOTS of split shot. NY doesn't sell lead in any form so bring your own. The large spin fishing shot, not the dinky fly fishing kind. Literally bring 3-4 times more than you think because you'll go through it. Guys in my group a few years ago were picking shot out of trees and snags because they didn't take my advise and ran out.

All flies I tie for the salmon river are 2 minutes or less to tie. You will go through flies so no use in spending a ton of time on them. Eggs are estaz and yarn. Don't worry about making them look pretty. I also tie a simple zonker pattern... cone head or bead head, 1 zonker strip tied in at the bend and then wrapped with chenille for the body and the zonker tied over top attached by the bead/cone. Maybe wrap it with wire to help durability but KISS. Orange hot bead and black body has been killer for me but tie everything in at least 5-6 colors. The fish can key on different colors on different days so be prepared. Bring your tying gear as well as you may find a hot pattern and be prepared to tie a bunch in between the fishing.

great information thanks.

i have buggers in olive, white, black, orange, brown, purple, chart yellow and egg sucking leech, plus a whole bunch of popsicle type flies in black/white, blurple, sunrise etc from when i was up in Canada.

does red ever work ? - i fish red marabou leeches for LL Salmon in NH in the spring.

do bombers, mice ever work swung on the top ?

I have crystal meth spawn, stonefly nymphs , steelhead spiders, GPs and Reapers in small sizes should the water be low and clear.

i prefer to swing flies, but the eggs and buggers are my back up plan.



If you going up in November I would focus primarily on eggs and then have black stones as back up (also combo with flashy wing cases and estaz thorax). Unlike Erie and other tribs, there's a real salmon run here and the steel are on the eggs. If you fish DSR/lower river the fish are fresh and less selective, but they get pickier as they survive the gauntlet of lead chuckers going up the river.
pro4mance wrote:
Non toasted buns = Blasphemy

True. I toasted them in the toaster oven instead and afterwards felt so dirty about it.