Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

Well I made it official and planned my first trip for next weekend.
Well here is the scoop....
200 fish is the game in town temps 80*f forcast for thursday.
The hotels and resturants want you here and so to the bait shops visitor be where.
Up state NY/SR is on fire now:)
StarvinMarvin wrote:
Well I made it official and planned my first trip for next weekend.

You better pray for rain of biblical proportions the next few days...otherwise, you are wasting your gas money.

CRB is dead on. Trust us, we're telling you the truth. And believe me, I'm not trying to keep you away. When the fish are in, I'll be there....and you will never find me. Come one, come all. Makes no difference to me. I'll catch my fish either way at that time ;-) has 1-2 inches of rain forecasted for tonight. Another half inch tomorrow.
Hopefully it's rain as much as the forecast is showing should stir up the fish a little might head up Sunday if we get all that rain
By next weekend I'm guessing there will be fresh fish, and its the only time I can take my friend this year. Weve been trying to go for the last 3.
If we get the 1-2 inches of rain projected, there will be fish around. The big frustrating thing with rains like being projected for today and tomorrow, this time of year, when it's bone inch and a half of rain sounds like a lot, but it won't do as much as you hope for. That being said, your best best is to watch the camera at Uncle Johns. If you see it blow out...there will be SOME fish to be had. If it doesn't blow, those same 200 fish that the locals have been pounding on all week will be all there are.

Trust me bro...I have my fingers crossed too. What we really need is several days of nice steady soakers and the temps to stay cool. In any event, if these rains happen, it will move some fish in. Here's to hoping!
I trust you, I just would rather go, and if it sucks, just fish wild streams on the way back home.
StarvinMarvin wrote:
I trust you, I just would rather go, and if it sucks, just fish wild streams on the way back home.

My exact plan for early next week. That's one good thing about the trip back to where you live. A nice handful of streams on the way back down.
The Grand in OH jumped from 71cfs to 327 in an hour and a half. We'll see what happens I guess...
looks like instead of rain, mud fell from the sky.
ryguyfi wrote:
looks like instead of rain, mud fell from the sky.

I saw that on the cam... The downside to the rain for the Erie area is that they are projected to get a ton of it in a short period of time. That helps move some fish into the lower creeks. But, it's been so dry that it will not help as much as we want it too. I just want to push the brakes on this line of rain and make it slowly drop rain for a couple of days.

Oh well, it will get some fish it the creeks. It will not result in the numbers we want, but it will be something for people to stand shoulder to shoulder over :-D
This is one of the Eastside tribs a couple days ago.
Gonna take a bunch of rain to get it done...
Water is up on Elk. Hope you are there enjoying it:
Yep it's BLOWN now! That will get the run started. I was only off by 4 days on my prediction. I'll take that.
All 200 fish will be at the tressel hole by sunup Sunday. :cool:
and 400 people around them