Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

stal42 wrote:
It takes a lot of restraint to not say something to a guy who would walk in on a kid fishing. I really just don't understand people. I will fish bad water, before I walk in on "better" water that someone else is fishing. Maybe I'm too respectful, but it just don't understand why people feel that need to do that.

I think I'm going to take your advice and go catch some stockies with her locally on a fly rod so she can learn to land them. Up until now, she has only used a small spinning rod but thank fully she has been catching trout for about 3 years (caught her first at age 2) out of the local ponds and lakes. I can only dream of the day that she makes a steelhead trip with me!!!!

It's hard to get the kids out for steelhead when they are little because the streams are swift and the conditions are usually cool. So, it's hard to justify putting them near deep fast water and then when you get them there, they get cold and want to leave in about 5 minutes. That's why I held off so long. But it was cool to she her handle a 24" fish like it was nothing. Their aptitude for learning is so great when they are young. Be patient, the time will come and hopefully you'll have a steelhead partner in the future!
Great patience there Pat....
Not sure why many of those fellas up there have no respect for others, see it everyday..

Had a couple young boys come crawl into my back pocket one day when I was hitting fish pretty good.
Handed the rod over to them on the next few fish I hooked up on and helped make their day. Even got a little grilling from their dad when they showed him their fish (strigered) that they had landed. He wanted to make sure they had caught them and not mooched someone elses fish...

I got more enjoyment out of watching those boys land fish than if I had landed them myself..
bingsbaits wrote:

Had a couple young boys come crawl into my back pocket one day when I was hitting fish pretty good.
Handed the rod over to them on the next few fish I hooked up on and helped make their day. Even got a little grilling from their dad when they showed him their fish (strigered) that they had landed. He wanted to make sure they had caught them and not mooched someone elses fish...

I got more enjoyment out of watching those boys land fish than if I had landed them myself..

I agree with you on that Bings. I would have done the same. In fact, any time I'm on the stream and a dad and kid come along, I offer up my spot all together. You and I don't fish where there are no fish, so I'm happy to give up a good spot for a kid. To me, it's a no-brainer. And I always do what I can to help someone who is obviously struggling along the stream.

The kid I was referring to was in his mid 20s.