Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

I'll make the same comment as last year....

The numbers of fish have fluctuated over the years. I do NOT think that is a bad thing. When there are less fish, folks actually have to learn to fish for them (that's a good thing). The pressure has been high at times, but as all of us know, a little walking goes a LONG way.

Regardless of the numbers of fish being down, I have caught no less fish (and that is by no means because I catch only a few ). At the end of the day, you can make excuses, or you can get better at catching them. There are more then plenty of fish to be caught each year. This year will be no different.

We need more rain, but over the next few weeks, things will start moving. The only downside to the PA tribs is that the fish need good rain events to get into the creeks. There are already fish meandering around in the lower parts of the Ohio and larger NY tribs. The upper parts of those large river are way too warm for any significant migration upstream at this point, but the forecasted nighttime temps are coming down.

Hang in there's coming...

Very well said, could not agree more. Every year, it gets very annoying hearing people whine about how there are no fish, and how they won't bite, and the grumpy old timers talking about how much better the fishing was "30 years ago," blaming everyone else for ruining it.

That said, Erie does have some problems, such as pollution, lampreys, overfishing, poachers, and others, that affect the numbers. But, there are millions of steelhead stocked each year in PA and other states, and plenty more from natural breeding. It is still one of the greatest fisheries (haha FishErieS, just realized that) in the world, and I will always be thankful to be able to fish it.

Every time I go up there, there ARE steelhead around. It just seems that people often want to blame their lack of skills on low numbers. Or they won't want to work for the fish, or walk at all. I would much rather spend time walking and driving awhile to find a small, isolated pod of fish to myself that haven't been hammered to death, rather than stand choked at Manchester hole watching as the steelhead there that have been cast to countless times, avoid my flies like the plague.
When you say experts, do you mean baitshops, guides, motel managers....?

I talked to a guide who believes it, and I've heard of many baitshops speculating it.
No fish? Yea, I get a kick out of that one. And won't bite? What do they expect when the darn things have their noses pressed to the bottom.

What I don't like about it is those steelhead just don't act like real trout.;-)
FarmerDave wrote:
What I don't like about it is those steelhead just don't act like real trout.;-)

Nope, nor do the ones out West...salmon never do ;-)
Hoping for the browns to take off a bit as well. Caught my first one last year on a crystal bugger, a few minutes after my friend caught a brown. His was around 17 and mine was around 20. Would be nice to have browns like New York but can't see it getting to that level.
Now I never said there was no fish in PA tribs. There were less than in other years but buy no means did I say none.With that being said I walked at least 3 miles on chautauqua and litterly caught nor saw a fish. I am sure a few were present but the numbers were way off even for a average below average years.
To write it completely off to people don't know how to fish isn't fair. The NY tribs were dead first week of november plain and simple.
Is Erie the only place in Pa to chase steelhead?
We head up every year around the same week. last year we were up there when the storm sandy was tearing things up. The streams were low which had a affect on the fishing and then they were blown out which didn't help but we did catch fish.

Most of us know that the streams flows and levels have a major affect on the fish coming in. If the flows are close to normal and levels are good there seems to be better fishing and people are happy if they are lower, which they have been for a while, people complain there are no fish.

It is fishing and I am not able to go up several times a year so when the trip time comes around I fish what I find when I get there. Low flows and levels or good ones. We have been going up in the spring the last few years and actually have had better fishing but again the flows have been better than what they were in the fall
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Is Erie the only place in Pa to chase steelhead?

Yes. It's the only place that touches the lake. Steelhead by definition are lake or ocean run. We're actually pretty lucky that there are so many tribs in PA that touch lake Erie.
If only there were more :)
Thanks Ryguy .. the way my life is I have to schedule well in advance prior to making a 3 day-ish 425 mile trip but after doing some research it looks great and putting it on my bucket list.

Steelhead fishing technique similiar to trout?
It's a nymphing or swinging game. Be prepared with some good sized split shot. Sometimes all it takes is getting the flies down in the column where the fish are stacked up. There's a good thread in the fly tying section on what flies to use. Lots of knowledgeable guys on this site for steelhead, so maybe someone can fish with you, or you can even attend the steelhead JAM.
ryguyfi wrote:
I usually make a prediction of the first real run and this year it's going to be early. Tuesday Sept 17th will get the fish moving and in the streams permanently.

My prediction isn't looking so hot this year. Looking at the extended forecast, it might be October 17th. Not much rain being predicted in the next few weeks.
for those in Eastern PA, NY is actually closer - though thats Ontario steelhead rather than Erie.
Any updates? Steelhead ally flies are posting nice fish already from this past weekend I guess their was a good but of rain also seen a few guys posting up their fish on Instagram most were caught on wollys it seemed like...who has been in the area recently?
It's dry as a bone on the PA tribs. There was not a good bit of rain. There was a little rain and the flows did not even bump. There are a few fish in a couple of the lower creeks. Don't believe everything you see posted ;-) Be patient. We need a serious rain.
From what I hear from friends, it's a little more than a few fish. But it could be them just enticing me to come up and drink
I'm hoping for some miracle. Mitzi (my wife) and I are going to have a romantic - fishing get away the last weekend of Sept in Erie. She has already warmed up by catching a dozen smallmouth on the 7wt. Prettiest loops I've ever seen. No kidding, I'm so proud of her. Perhaps a good gully washer on the 27th.
StarvinMarvin wrote:
From what I hear from friends, it's a little more than a few fish. But it could be them just enticing me to come up and drink

It does not take much rain to bump some fish into the lower Elk or even up to the project waters on Walnut. Even if there are 200 fish on Walnut right now, the water is low and clear. The fish are swimming in circles in Manchester hole and 17 guys are standing around the hole yanking as hard as they can to "hook" a fish. Lower Elk is essentially the same way right now. Don't waste your time. The rains will come and the fish will run. When that happens, it will be on.
Was planning to make my first trip up the last weekend in September, but that was before the last two "heavy" rain/ thunderstorm systems completely dissipated over Erie, and soaked about everywhere else. Now, the good news is that (and I'm probably going to jinx it now) is that a good amount of rain is forecast into this weekend.

If nothing else, at least have plenty of flies tied.