Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

Elk right now. Hmm...

Fished Elk today, water was nice but starting to slush this afternoon. Things will be shut down again from here on out according to the temps.
Welp sorry to revive a seemingly dead thread, but anyone willing to give a good prediction for the upcoming weekend? Is this stuff about the ice flows crushing the fish true?
I haven't experienced it first hand, but I've seen pics before of dead steelhead along the banks of Elk killed by the ice jams. More so on the smaller water(which in this case would include most of Elk sadly). The bigger rivers/streams in Ohio and NY should be fine. There should still be plenty of fish though, plus maybe a few fresh ones once the ice clears??

As for this weekend.......I'd say it's a no-go. But it's Erie and anything can happen....
They get killed every year with ice jams. This year should be especially bad.
Im hoping these arctic temps are over and we can have some days in the 40-50s. I didn't make it to erie this past fall during to a busy hunting schedule, but had a blast last march and have been waiting to get back after them. Lets hope the ice melts quickly, but doesnt mess the water up too much
Any news on 16 or 20 mile? I heard those would likely be open this weekend.
Can any NE Ohio guys shine a little light on good ranges for conneaut and the grand? Going to be getting my ohio license for this spring.
For Conneaut I personally like it around 250-300. To be honest I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to the Conny gauge so I'm not really sure what the max would be, but I remember fishing it one day last year when it was getting into the mid 300s and blowing out. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on the numbers. I've fished it at a whopping 50cfs before and it still had a much better flow than the PA tribs usually do lol.

I don't have a lot of experience steelheading the Grand as every time I want to fish it it always seems to be blown out. It takes FOREVER to clear! Sometimes a week or more. If that's the case you could always check out the tribs, or head to the Chagrin, Ash, etc. Anything around and preferably under 500 and you should be good.

Edit: Post 1000! lol
Congrats on the milestone Streamer haha. and thanks for the help.
I'm sure 16 and 20 are open, but they're not going to be fish able.
Sunday might, but better bet would be next week.
Thanks, was seriously thinking bout a trip up to get away and try some of these new streamers I came up with this winter, but after looking at those gauges, man alive, probably spend another weekend on the ice.
Anything in Ohio going to be fishable this weekend? Or is it all either too high or iced over again?
I drove over the Chagrin in a few spots this past weekend and there were still huge ice jams even on the upper river, and where it was open it was muddy. Not sure if there's any fishable water anywhere, and if there is I bet it'll be pretty icy by the weekend. I know Elk is freezing back over....
Yea thats what im afraid of but was hoping for some better news... Dying to get out.. Looks like ill be tiling the bathroom for yet another saturday
We were pretty spoiled the last 2 Winters. This is historically pretty typical weather for the date in NE OH and NW PA. Warm weather will be here soon and with any luck maybe it will stay cool into May this year.
Figures the year I begin fly fishing and get addicted that winter makes a roaring comeback.