Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread


LOL, I wasn't banned, but I didn't know you moderated that. I wouldn't have mentioned it if I didn't like it.

It's been years since I checked it out though. I left about the time it was getting kind of ridiculous and never went back mostly because I moved and haven't fished much for steelhead in Ohio since moving to the farm.

I was told by someone on there how it wasn't much fun anymore and he wanted me to come back. I tell you what, if you don't go fishing with me this weekend, I may have to rejoin that site to test your limits.;-)

Wow, I have got to get out more.

P.S. I deliberately misspelled banned.

FarmerDave wrote:

LOL, I wasn't banned, but I didn't know you moderated that. I wouldn't have mentioned it if I didn't like it.

It's been years since I checked it out though. I left about the time it was getting kind of ridiculous and never went back mostly because I moved and haven't fished much for steelhead in Ohio since moving to the farm.

I was told by someone on there how it wasn't much fun anymore and he wanted me to come back. I tell you what, if you don't go fishing with me this weekend, I may have to rejoin that site to test your limits.;-)

Wow, I have got to get out more.

P.S. I deliberately misspelled banned.

The difficult thing (and this is from the site owner's perspective) is that we are a site that specifically addresses the needs of those new to steelheading. Let's face it, if you are a seasoned veteran, you don't need much in the way of reports or help catching fish. The site got bogged down with a group of people that made it their personal playground and were totally abusive to folks asking the sames questions that someone else had asked the season before. So, the site owner asked me to moderate because I'm willing to enforce HIS rules (I did not make up the forum rules he did...I just enforce them).

Most of the new crew is very helpful with the same old newbie questions...over and over again. That's what were here for.

Feel free to help out however you can.
So, spot burning Pond Brook down by Twinsburg would not be tolerated anymore? LOL!
FarmerDave wrote:
So, spot burning Bond Brook down by Twinsburg would not be tolerated anymore? LOL!

I just had to moderate something like that yesterday. And the stupid thing is....if I moderate it, 7 people complain. If I don't moderate it....7 people complain. This world would be so cool if it weren't for people ;-)
That's a big old softball for FD there.

Wait for it....
Read his avtar :-D
pcray1231 wrote:
That's a big old softball for FD there.

Wait for it....

Naaa, he already covered the people suck part only in moderate terms.

I actually did spot burn Pond Brook on there once. I think it was early September and people were asking if they were in yet. I described how they made it all the way up the Cuyahoga to Tinkers Creek which flows through Twinsburg to Pond Brook which is basically a ditch through a swamp and were trying to jump over the dam to get into Aurora Lake.

It was classic, and yet so obvious that it was a joke, but a couple people bit.
Nice fish PatrickC.

Thinking of making a run up to the tribs this weekend...hopefully the conditions and fish cooperate!

I actually did spot burn Pond Brook on there once.

Don't be giving away my honey hole :roll:

Hey, if they make it over the small waterfall(s) on lower Tinkers it's definitely possible LOL.
streamerguy wrote:
Nice fish PatrickC.

Thinking of making a run up to the tribs this weekend...hopefully the conditions and fish cooperate!

I actually did spot burn Pond Brook on there once.

Don't be giving away my honey hole :roll:

Hey, if they make it over the small waterfall(s) on lower Tinkers it's definitely possible LOL.

Hmmm. Somebody else who knows that area.

I actually had caught a lot of fish out of Pond Brook and not just carp.
Looks to be a great weekend to head up, from what I hear, they got a lot of water and fish into the creeks, and they should come down just a bit in time for the weekend, giving that the precipitation on the radar seems to be breaking up into small pits and pieces.
You can all be thankful that this snow is not predicted to make it up there.
You should hope that they don't come down at all. They are perfect right where they are.
Sounds like its got a good tint, just hoping none of the on/ off rains forecasted will muddy things up too much.

Strangely, on Google earth, the streams still look low lol. I know that's not the best way to check them, but still
For what it is worth. With google earth check the date at the bottom for when the image was taken, that will help to show how recent what you are viewing was. I am not aware of how to go to a more recent image if that is even possible.
Uncle Johns Elk Creek Cam ( ) is the best way to monitor it. Right now is perfect. You can barely see the island and the water has color. That changes a little year by year, but if you learn to correlate that with the flows on Brandy Run, you should be able to make reliable estimates of the conditions.
Anyone up there today? Im heading up tomorrow morning. Looks perfect on Elk right now from what I can tell. Any other stream reports anyone can offer up? Don't want to burn a "sick" day for nothing!
Muck, we are heading up as well tomorrow. If the rain that is forecast doesn't get too hard it should be great. But in any event it should not be hard to find streams to fish, so,,,,,I think I can hear you coughing now!!!
Something will fish in Erie tomorrow. Here's how you can estimate the upcoming rainfall a little better. It's almost never more rain than the NOAA projections, but quite often less:
I do check that site out as well as accuweather/erie and they are "usually" pretty close in the their forcast amounts as well.
I think i definitely feel that head cold settling in.