Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

I had to take my kid to a hockey game in Erie yesterday, man cold and raining long and steady....creeks gotta be up after that
Heading back tomorrow, anyone else?
Stopped in to give my brother a hand in Girard. Walked the back path to Elk. It might fish later Monday. Should be good by Tuesday and just in time for the next batch of rain.
Today's paper in the outdoor/sports section was a headline that read "Public fish, private water" that went into detail of the 500ft of stream that in now posted but still getting stalked on elk creek. (Tribune Review of Pittsburgh)
LetortAngler wrote:
Today's paper in the outdoor/sports section was a headline that read "Public fish, private water" that went into detail of the 500ft of stream that in now posted but still getting stalked on elk creek. (Tribune Review of Pittsburgh)

Here's the article:
This was also on the Trib Site for those that are interested, not sure if they have done things like this before?

"Steelhead logbooks
Anglers who head to Erie this fall and winter to fish for steelhead are being asked to participate in a research project.
Fish and Boat Commission biologists believe steelhead catch rates have been on the upswing in recent seasons, but they want to quantify that. They're asking anglers to tell them what they're catching using free logbooks.
Anglers who sign up will get a logbook in which they are to record information on when and where they fished, how they did, stream and weather conditions at the time and more.
They'll send those to the commission using a postage-paid envelope at the end of steelhead season. Biologists will compile all of the data then send the logbooks back with details on how the anglers did compared to everyone else.
To get a logbook, contact Mike Hosack at 814-474-1515 or"

Marvin, We are heading up Friday morning for the weekend. The weather looks like it could be pretty great so, can't till we get there
I won't be there but Friday but Wednesday and Thursday I will be. I think the next couple days are going to be off the charts hot
Planning to head up this weekend and possibly next weekend if the conditions hold steady (not blown out, not too clear). Wanted to head up this past weekend but something came up I couldn't get out of, sounds like it may have been for the better anyway.
Saturday was great but Sunday no real fish able water
bjkaledas wrote:

I have been reading your posts the last two years and I just wanted to say thank you for always having helpful/honest posts about steelhead. I can tell you have the same addiction/love for fishing steelhead as me and you are one of the reasons that now fisherie is worth actually looking at. For some reason the moderators seem to be doing a better job over there so you can actually get something out of the forum.

Sorry for the late response, but thank you very much for that, it means a lot. Realistically, I love steelhead fishing, and get very excited for it every fall, eventhough I'm a few hours away, every trip is worth it, and it is a one of a kind feeling hooking into a huge fish with attitude and watching it bolt across the stream. I'm not a local, or any kind of expert, but I do like to share what I've learned in my effort to make the most of my time in 20 years of fishing Erie. Sure, there are negative things about Erie fishing, but I'm willing to deal with these to fish there.

As for FishErie, it's definitely improving, but still threads asking a simple question, and getting 10 smart alec replies back for every one helpful one. I mean, I like to try to be helpful over there, and usually ignore the idiots who try to backlash me. Other times, I know you're not supposed to feed trolls, so to speak, but sometimes people over there say something so outlandish and uninformed, you just gotta step in. I posted a report over there for my first trip, and had a bunch of people talking smack because of the way I handled that brown (apparently my hands were in the gill cover, didn't even realize this till I saw the pic), and of course, today somebody posted a report with a photo on it, and within minutes, a few people posted an entire thread bashing the fellow for spot burning. There are still plenty of the same hypocrites who will accuse you of "whining," because you made a great point that pokes a hole in the logic they want to be true. These are the probably people who give Erie fishing a bad name. I doubt they are like that in the real world, without being anonymous behind a computer, if they are, they have bigger problems. It's the same thing on the tribs, every once in awhile you encounter an utter a**, who crowds you, and is rude. At the end of the day, they're just fish, and idiots are not worth your time or attention, and it's better to ignore them and move on, there are millions of fish stocked each year, and there will be fish in the next good hole.
The rains this past week have really moved in a lot of fish. And because the flows have been sustained, the fish are way up in the creeks. Spread out a little and enjoy the fishing.
I used to do a fair bit of Erie fishing. I now live far enough away that I make far fewer trips, but I try to get 1 good long weekend trip per year. It's always a weekend, though. Day trips are out from this distance. So I only see weekend type crowds.

It is a great fishery. And before my yearly trip I get all amped up about it, like I'm getting now. But after fishing it, I always feel a little dirty for having been so excited about the circus.

When it's up and fish are spread out, the crowds aren't terrible, you can find plenty of elbow room with fish, and I usually do well. But doing well drives home how good, and ultimately, how fake the fishery is. It begins to feel like one of those trout tubs at the outdoor shows for kids to fish in. It's like, "I just drove 6 hrs for ridiculously easy fishing for a bunch of pelletheads that are way too big for this water."

When it's low and clear, in upstream areas there may only be fishermen every 100 yards or so, but often there are only fish every hundred yards or so, and the two are in the same places. Even if it doesn't get to the point of being disrespectful, it's still combat fishing. You're trying to get there "first" and set up on a pod. If you succeed, you spend the next few hours defending said pod, watching all anglers who even approach with nervous suspicion. Full defense mode. Someone below you is fishing towards you, in that riffle, where you know there's 3 totally fed up fish. They came from you're hole, you landed one and scared the snot out of the other two. He hooks one and you can see he lands it tail first. "Snagger", you mutter. You shuffle down to keep him from getting too close to your hole. When he gets out of the water to walk by, you shuffle back up, always keeping yourself between him and that pod of fish! But it is a shuffle, not a walk, the goal afterall is to look like you're not purposely moving to keep him away, but rather just wondering around a bit while fishing This can go on for many hours. You're catching some fish. Remember, this was the GOAL!

If you fail to get a good spot early, you end up walking all day looking for those few un-pestered fish, and everyone you walk by eyes you with that same nervous suspicion. You often find a few in a run somewhere that nobody else is fishing. Sort of. I mean, there's a guy in that pool up there, and one in that pool down there. I'm 50 yards from either, but "am I too close?" You can see that the guy up there shuffled down, and the guy down there shuffled up, so obviously your close enough to make them nervous, even if you really have no intention of moving into their pods of fish. And there look to be like 3 fish here in this shallow little run. Maybe one will hit. A minute later, you have one hooked, by the tail. It wasn't on purpose, but that's what happens in shallow runs. And you only fished that run because that's all that was available, and you gotta fish somewhere. You know dang well the guy up there, and that guy down there, are muttering "snagger" under their breaths.

After landing and releasing it, you're embarrassed so you start walking again. Down around a bend you lucked on a guy who looks to be packing up to leave for the day, in front of a honey hole. So you stop to give him time and make sure that's what he's doing. You can't just stare at him, that's so obvious that your looking to pounce on his spot. So you pretend to look close for fish in that thar 2" deep riffle. He is leaving! Right around that time, another dude comes in sight moving towards the hole from the other direction. And dang it, he thinks your actually looking for fish in this riffle, rather than waiting for the hole! Ok, who's closer? The race is on!

Ah, steelhead fishing....
For you guys that are new to steelhead, the following link is to a great concise primer on the entire topic. Give a quick look. This guy did a great job putting this together. I share it with folks often. Hopefully it helps. (Might have posted it here before, but it's worth a repeat).
Just out of the ordinary, are there any other good Great Lakes/ Lake Erie steelhead fishing forums other than FishErie and PAFF?
There used to be one called steelheadsite or something like that, but I haven't visited it in years. I think it is still out there. It was a lot of fun until the moderators got excessive.

However, when I visited it, the PA page was rarely used.

Moderation is OK in moderation.
The Steelhead Site is good. The moderator in the Ohio forum is grumpy though... :-D
FarmerDave wrote:
There used to be one called steelheadsite or something like that, but I haven't visited it in years. I think it is still out there. It was a lot of fun until the moderators got excessive.

However, when I visited it, the PA page was rarely used.

Moderation is OK in moderation.

Unfortunately, it was becoming worse than FishErie and strict moderation became essential. I moderate the OH forum. We got rid of the majority of the stupidity, but it has taken a while to build back up a group of folks that just want to be helpful. I so wish our forum could be as awesome a PAFF.
A couple of beauts from yesterday. And I did not see another person the whole time!



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Nice fish, hoping to get first 1 on the fly rod at the jam in a few weeks