Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

naaa, it has just been in there for a week or so.

No resident rainbows in Elk Creek. Very little water in the summer and what's there is very warm.
Resident rainbow? Haha.

But yeah, it's not super fresh.
how's that rain going up there?
That fish looks like a 1 year old steelhead... what's that called again Jack??? :-D

webcam looks good right now. Lots of people fishing. Unless we get more rain though, it'll be back to low levels by Wednesday.
Per the gauges, streams are heading up fast.

Still not as high as the event on Sept. 21-22. But still rising, tough to tell how high it will go. One negative is that it was a relatively warm rain for October, but air temps are falling behind the front as the streams spike out.

Erie international reports 0.64" of rain yesterday, and another 0.82" today.

Might be a small band set up along the lake shore and push in tonight. Won't amount to a whole lot, but may or may not amount to more than a drizzle. After that it gets dry again, for a while. Karen's remnants ain't gonna make it that far inland.

For the eastern side of the state, Karen's remnants may reform into a pretty good Noreaster around next weekend time frame. Too warm for snow, obviously, but it could kind of stall over us and dump a bunch of cold rain.
Lake Erie Brown trout are in.

Two of the four from this morning. All four from the same tailout.
Six puncture wounds in my right thumb tryin to get my fly out.


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Nice browns, dano, good to see you got into some fish.
Nice fish Dano. Glad to see some numbers of browns coming into the tribs. I've had high hopes that the stocking efforts would turn out well.
No I am truly envious.

Gotta work around the house tomorrow.
Nice! I am absolutely beside myself to catch a lake run brown this year. It seems I can only hope....
Sweet! Those are some awesome browns..
Headed up again next weekend, would go this weekend but have tix to the psu game. Hoping at least one of the days of rain they have predicted for next week doesn't disappoint.
Wow, those are some nice lake run browns. I would actually prefer those over steelhead.. Great catch Dano
Do those lake run browns jump and tail walk like the sea runs ?

Lovely looking fish.
Fished Elk and Conneaut yesterday with my brother. Really tough day for us, only got one fish on Elk and missed one or two others. There were tons of people and a decent amount of fish, but no water as expected.

After lunch we hit Conneaut for a little bit. There were a few fish to be found and thankfully we pretty much had the whole creek to ourselves once we out walked everyone at the easy access spots. There I lost a really nice hot chromer to some downed trees, fought another for a brief second, and my brother caught a little buck. Nice way to end the day, but I don't think I'm going to make another steelhead trip until we get some serious rain. We had a good time though, better than staying home and doing nothing....


And the highlight of the day is when I witnessed a chipmunk swim across the stream!

The real highlight would have been if a huge brown trout would have eaten that chippy as it was making it's way across :-D
The real highlight would have been if a huge brown trout would have eaten that chippy as it was making it's way across :-D

Now THAT would have been awesome, though I probably would've crapped my pants lol

It was actually a pretty decent sized chipmunk......thought it was a squirrel at first.