Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

Just left. Elk was pretty well blown early and spent the rest of the morning looking for good water. Finally made it to twenty mile about one or so... Water was perfect. Landed only one lost three trying to keep them from running down through the rapids. Elk should be prime tomorrow if the rain holds off. Good luck this weekend guys
trike23 wrote:
Dano I would love to read that NY report. Is there a link to it?

The 2013 DEC report gets published in 2014. My info was verbal from the NYDEC biologist gathering information. Part of the research is in partnership with the Bowling Green U. otolith study. There is at least 2 more years of electro surveying and netting to come.
This year, biologist netted near shore walleye and bass during the time that the juvenile steelhead move to open water to study the predation theory. No walleye sampled had consumed trout and he felt that the walleyes had only spawning on their mind. The amount of trout consumed by bass was negligible and most gobies were the victims of near shore smallmouths. So, the myths that walleye and bass are the reason for declining NY steelhead numbers may be just that, a myth.

For your reference, here's a past article that mentions the decling NY steelhead fisherie. It states that NY fingerlings average 5-5.5 inches in length. Most fish stocked are between 4.5 and 5 inches.

Past NYDEC reports:
Guys at work told me Albion got 4-6" All area south of I-90 had about 1-4" on vehicles this morning. Stopped by Elk tonight on way home still muddy and rising with some snow still on the ground where I was. Could get more Lake effect rain tonight. Temps 3o's- 20*fs. Lake temp still warmer than the area. Windy and rain tomorrow. My prediction elk will not be "prime" but .
Anybody not in on the Steelhead Jam have an interest in showing up? It's in 2 weeks
possibly, my vehicle has a timing belt issue, and it may end up in the shop, maybe ill try and find a bud to go with
Hopefully going to be spending two days there (next Wednesday and Thursday). I had made the trip for close to ten years straight, usually managing to land on the last few days of October, at least, and some years a number of additional times. But 2011 and 2012 I just did not make it up to Erie. I'm looking forward to returning this year. Even though it is a contrived fishery, it's still a fun fishery.

Is it worth walking the stream around Sterrettania or McKean?
What setup does everyone use for steelies? Seems like a big difference between what is used between Erie and Ontario? Where would a 7 weight fit in between 9 and 10 feet and/or a 6/7 switch? I have an Allen Alpha 7/8 that I would like to match up with a rod (obviously not expensive) that would allow me to fish 2-5 times per year for steelies and cover all my bases. Thanks!
salmonoid wrote:

Is it worth walking the stream around Sterrettania or McKean?

Yes, they are way up at this point.
Big Bass:

7wt 10' single hand is ideal. 6 or 7 wt switch is fine as well. All I ever use is a 7wt switch. If you have a 6wt switch, that is more than enough rod. I use a single handed 6wt in the winter now and then and it will be fine if that is all you have.
Big Bass, you could check out the Allen rods or the Shadow rods, I have the Shadow warrior 7wt like it alot
I need to stop reading this thread, it's depressing for me...
ryguyfi wrote:
I need to stop reading this thread, it's depressing for me...

I'm calling you on this. You have a new baby boy. WAY cooler than steelhead ;-) Soon man...soon. Enjoy the little guy!
It is WAY cooler than steelhead fishing, but doesn't mean I still don't miss steelhead fishing. I'll have my kids up there in no time riding a rod like a horse pulling in some steel though.
Can't wait to see it!
Fished yesterday, started the day out at 16 mile conditions were absolutely gorgeous, water perfectly tinted, yet still could see some fish moving about. Caught two here, had 4 or 5 hookups, hot ticket was pink sucker spawn and minnow streamers. After lunch, headed to the tomato patch on 20 mile, caught two here, had many hook ups, had one on that was easily one of the biggest steelhead of my life, just about had him in but couldn't get the net on him, he took off downstream and broke me off. After this, some rain and higher winds began, and the action seemed to slow down. Of course, after heading home to watch that PSU/ OSU debacle with my buddies, I probably should've flaked, and stayed up in Erie another day. May go up again next weekend, or the weekend after.

And with all the talk about it, and before anybody has a hissy, I cropped the background out of the photos in order to avoid any so called spot burning. Got one more that I'll have to work on, can't get it to load.



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It would be terribly difficult to spot burn 16 or 20 Mile Creeks. Looks like you had a nice day. Keep up the good work!
Now I can say I caught a wild steelhead!

I'd have to say that's stocked fingerling/smolt not necessarily wild.
Who's stocking fingerlings this time of year?
That's a par BTW, not a smolt.