Pot Luck Swap?

Ok, That will work for me. Just needed to know. I'll work on my projects this weekend.
While not nec., it is only polite to tie a couple extra for dkile, the mods, and the your swap host!
Wait, Maurice and Afish get stuff from me...


Well, Afish manages a fly shop that I'll be tithing to, so maybe.

Maurice? Let me think about that..lessee...well, OK, likes my legs. He's in.

Fishidiot? Classy guy, might need a battlefield tour someday. He's in.

But dkile? What's THAT guy done lately? He's no Shakey.
let me get this straight we are tying two flies for each person of the same pattern in 2 different hook sizes?
I'm getting confused. I've been in a lot of swaps and never tied 2 per person. I'll do it if that's the deal, but I would want to throw in extra for the mods and the host, so that is going to be more than 25 hooks. I would rather do 1 per person and let more people join in for a greater variety.
I am a bit confused...but i am in if you need another...

FlyfishermanJ-PM me if you need another tyer...i have some interesting ideas on some new flies...

FrequentTyer wrote:
I'm getting confused. I've been in a lot of swaps and never tied 2 per person. I would rather do 1 per person and let more people join in for a greater variety.

I agree with FrequentTyer. 1 fly per person and add a few more tiers. Someone always drops out for some reason and the more tiers the better.
I also agree with FrequentTyer of the one per person scenerio.
i have been lots of swaps and all they were was 1 fly per person, 1 for swap master and 1 for forum owner. thats it none for the mods., unless they are in the swap..thats the norm for swaps. only xtra would be for a fund raiser too.
question is it ok to use a black bead for the head of a nymph?
Let's here from the swap master to see what the rule is?
2010 Pot Luck Swap

As the name implies, you may tie any pattern that you like. You are only required to tie one pattern, but can submit more if you desire. There is a limit of 16 tiers and the deadline to enter is Saturday, November 27th. Due date for your entries is January 1st, 2011. You will need to email or PM your pattern name to me, but please do not post them on this thread. We are attempting to keep the patterns secret. I will make all pattern recipes known and post them after they have been shipped. Please fllow the guidelines and you should have your flies shortly after the deadline.

The total number of participants is 16. So everyone should tie and receive 16. Also, optional extra flies may be tied for Dave Kile and the Moderators who keep this site running smoothly.

Flies will be returned in the containers they were mailed in, if possible. Please write your name on your fly box- If you don’t I will. Keep in mind that the other flies may be larger than yours, so make your container large enough to handle that possibility. Please include a stamped return envelope. Whatever it costs to mail to me, it will cost me at least that to return, so match the postage. To the guys that are doing this for the first time- do not send them in an expensive fly box. I have had flies get lost in the mail in the past.

It is nice to provide the other tyers with the fly pattern recipe, instructions, etc. At a bare minimum, provide the materials list for each part (e.g.: Hook: #14; Thread: brown; Tail: Medium Dun Hackle; etc...); preferably, give the recipe, step-by-step instructions, and a short explanation of the use of the fly; it's history, if you want, etc. Again, you can email or PM this to me, but please do not post them until given the ok to do so.

Please email me when you have mailed your flies so I can look for them in the mail. I will email you back that they have arrived safely. I will PM everyone my email and mailing address once the swap is full or the deadline has passed.

Pot Luck Tiers thus far,


This brings us to 15, not sure if jdaddy is in or not though.

Swap is full. Let's start tying!

I would like to play also.
Will do a golden bumble for the swap

Looks like I am late.
Well I will catch the next swap.
Wet you were one of the first people to offer to join! your post was lost I think we should allow you in, but now have to pick a Diff. pattern because it is suppose to be a surprise. Not suppose to tell anybody what your tying.
If Wetfly and Jdaddy want it, they get grandfathered in. With the advent of one-fly-per*, we're under my 25 count. :)

* - Yeah, that was my fault. Sorry guys. I jumped to a conclusion with no basis in this reality. Even Third Stage Guild Navigators get the Blues.
Thanks guys

Will start on the flys

Well going off the 25 hooks in a box theory I would suggest we go to 20 tiers with 5 extras to cover dkile and mods. I would be in on that. I mean seriously, lets get as many as possible in here to dollar cost average down on the postage.

But bad news for Jerry. Vladi likes my ties. But not to worry, you can burn the material off and use the ultra sexy hooks.