Pot Luck Swap?

I'm in, up until the total requirement for this swap exceeds a box of hooks, then I'm out. :)
Come on now, you know damn well that you are not going to use a Crown condom anyways. Midaswell use sheep skin.

FWIW, there is a fly shop online that sells them 4 / $2. You get 6 Vladi's out of one condom.

Points: Don't tie a bunch and store them as the will rot. Try to remove as much of the lube on them with a towel as possible as they are slippery bastards. You have to find the proper tension on the material to keep it from slipping on the hook. You don't need a bunch of them as their design causes them to bounce on the bottom and not get hung up a lot.
WH...I think the Vlad should be included in the program! Thats seems like it would be a good fly for the first day of trout.

Gfen...Glad you decided to participate now that your man crush has joined. Maybe he will give it a kiss for you :)
I've tried the V-worm on opening day - not especially effective. A pink San Juan worm is the ticket. ;-)

Shane - We have to be a bit more careful when we pick on the official PAFF whuppin' boy. He looks like he could run pretty fast now. :-o
This is getting a little weird. Now my original post is back and the one I posted the next day after my original post disappeared is gone...
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Shane - We have to be a bit more careful when we pick on the official PAFF whuppin' boy. He looks like he could run pretty fast now. :-o

When was this vote taken, is there a nomination process and who do I tend my resignation letter to?

I'd like to run for PAFF gadfly, though...
I tied up a handful of something last night, and I was very pleased.

I feel the urge to share.
I think the Vlad should be included in the program! Thats seems like it would be a good fly for the first day of trout.

A great variation on the pink condom worm is to use a regular color condom and put a very light touch dub on the underlying thread wraps. It's a really awesome looking anchor fly. Some guys feel better throwing them instead of pink as it looks more like "bait".
Count me in. Somehow I got lost when the site went down.
I'm thinking about tying some spun deer hair flies for the swap with the deer hair I picked out of my grill/headlight/hood/quarter-panel this evening....
I'm thinking about tying some spun deer hair flies for the swap with the deer hair I picked out of my grill/headlight/hood/quarter-panel this evening....

That sucks, but sounds like roadkill compardun to me!
Pot Luck Tiers thus far,


That brings us to 12, do we want to put a cap on the amount of tiers?

12 seems like a good number of tiers. Manageable and rewarding.
whatever you guys decide is fine with me.
That's one 25 count box of hooks, and one spare for yourself.

That's reasonable.
jdaddy wrote:
I think the Vlad should be included in the program! Thats seems like it would be a good fly for the first day of trout.

A great variation on the pink condom worm is to use a regular color condom and put a very light touch dub on the underlying thread wraps. It's a really awesome looking anchor fly. Some guys feel better throwing them instead of pink as it looks more like "bait".

I have only caught 1 fish on the Vlad. It was probably one of the biggest I ever caught though.

Another variation I tie is with the regular color and use a swimming nymph hook, weight, a green underbody and after rapping the condom I put beard on and it looks like a Rhyacophila.

!2 is fine with me too.
I got this a little late but I would like to get in this as well
I got this a little late but I would like to get in this as well

Jump in the next one. They have a pretty good logic set out here of tying 12 multiples of two which uses one box of 25 hooks.

If this one rolls well, then we can start one asap and we'll be top of the list.
12 works for me, but if more are added no big deal. Just so that I have this correct 1 fly for each name? I was inaother swap on another site and missed that they wanted 2 of each in different sizes.
I think we're doing 2 for each person, which is common.

Although, I was having fun with 99c-for-25 Walmart bait hooks last night, so people might get a freebee third.