Pot Luck Swap?

Almost there guys, hope to get them out by weekend.

How are things coming FlyfishermanJ...

I am stoked to see this fly collection...

Waiting on one more. Hope to have them by week's end.

Thanks for the update...and thanks a ton for doing this...this one was much larger than the little swap I did earlier...

boss_steb wrote:
Thanks for the update...and thanks a ton for doing this...this one was much larger than the little swap I did earlier...

right, didn't the last one not follow through?
You should have mine by Fri . :-D
If all works out maybe will have our flies by next Fri .

Now I have to find a patern for the midge swap :oops:
i sent mine last week.... should have them
flip, I got yours. Nice flies.

How many more are due?
gentleshepherd wrote:
How many more are due?

He said he was waiting on one more. Then Fredrick chimed in that he was getting his out this week. Seems Fred is the problem as usual. LOL.
jdaddy wrote:
gentleshepherd wrote:
How many more are due?

He said he was waiting on one more. Then Fredrick chimed in that he was getting his out this week. Seems Fred is the problem as usual. LOL.

I didn't want to out Mr No-30-Second-Ties, but..
There not my best work but they will cost you probably 3.50 at the fly shop . Evil twins get off my back :p

......................................Just Saying.......................................
Not twins, he's weird fat and I've gone way more svelte.

Did you drop 'em in the mail?

I'm curious to see what shows up.
Yes they are in the mail he should have them today
31 second ties?
Jdaddy and GFen Just The two of Us .
They were made for each other

Please, its wesender, jdaddy, and larissabecky.. I've set off a chain of followers.

Now, this just proves JayL wrong. If I were a hipster, I'd be insulted that they ripped off my style, and come up with something even more esoteric and/or ironic.

But, I'm not. Because I'm just too meh'd to care.

I think I'll go tie some flies.
all flies recieved, with a little co- op with the weather I should have them out mon & tues
Flies are separated and most are packaged to be mailed in the morning on my way to work. If mother nature permits, a trip to the post office to mail the rest at lunch tomorrow. Hopefully I will have time to post some of the recipes and names later this week. If you like you can post your recipes. Nice flies guys, glad we did this swap and looking forward to the midge swap in a few weeks.
