Pot Luck Swap?

UH fred, have you been by, cause one of my roosters are missing feathers !! figured you needed some for the swap.LOL
Started mine yesterday finnaly.... I have five complete but I have to put eyes on and epoxy the rest :-D
Mine will be sent out tomorrow. sending 20 is that enough?
17 is the min, but you can send as many as you want!!
Dude, I just realized I didn't drop a couple bucks in the envelope for postage.

I will amend that, and I'm sorry.
Jerry! I just pm'ed Fly telling him I did the same thing! Well the wife sent it out and forgot to throw a couple bucks in. I am going to send him another envelope with a couple bucks in.
Jerry! I just pm'ed Fly telling him I did the same thing! Well the wife sent it out and forgot to throw a couple bucks in. I am going to send him another envelope with a couple bucks in.
I'm gonna go read the papers
read the papers
SO you just dump monies in the box instead of pre-paid postage? That makes this easier. God I hate shipping crap.
I did two patterns with 42 total. was going to send yesterday but PO was crazy. I'll be sending out sometime this week.
jdaddy wrote:
SO you just dump monies in the box instead of pre-paid postage? That makes this easier. God I hate shipping crap.

Send money for Becker and I, too. We're good for it?
i too have procrastinated on mailing the flies ill send em sometime this week
I finished mine today, will try to get out this week - I am really busy with appointments for Medicare plans - out early home late almost daily. Can't wait - it all ends on the 31st! Yea!
Not sure if I mine got to you...I forgot about the 13 oz rule in the mailboxes and dropped my flies in the mailbox (also had my fly box in it...)

It looks like they are getting done...I have another 18 about done to be sent...nothing fancy...

FlyFisherman, Can you let us know once you receive them? Just so I know my package gets to you.

Sorry for the delay, have had some computer issues lately.
Flies received:

and a guy named Glenn S.

Not too shabby with 2 weeks to go, 11 out of 18.
I also don't think anyone will be disappointed, all flies are looking good!

Mine will be in the mail on Dec 27th.
Send money for Becker and I, too. We're good for it?

I can do that. Just confirm that money was not sent already and I will ship everything tomorrow.
Not sent lol