Pocono Newbie Jam - Fall Edition

I didn't know that this was going to be a pot luck deal. I'm assuming we'll eat where we meet? If that's the case put me and FPike down for chips and pretzels.

Ok, here is a list of all that have made mentioned of coming. More are always welcome.

SNJChef- Wine and other goodies
Aducker- Shrimp
Sbecker- Hot dogs and rolls

Is there any interest in Learning about the Big Ol' Lehigh? I am really thinking about running a group to learn how to fish some bigger water. The Fall feeling has big browns running through my head.
Where is the meet up?

If its not far from Allentown, I could see I the mrs wants to go see her parents n make it. They live in emmaus...
I'm out. I've been traveling a bunch for work so I'm gonna spend some time with the fam instead.
Sorry you can't make it Paparise.

I have gone ahead and made the decision that we will eat at either P.J.'s or RiverWalcks for lunch. This will make it easier for everybody. Unless we get some major rain, I am thinking the Lehigh might be prime to take a group too.


I gotta tap out of this one. Life got crazy and have some serious travel coming up. Will get to fish the Po one of these times.
I've become a possibility. Leaving for a week-long conference on Sunday. So initially thought it was a bad idea to take Sat. for myself.

But now working out what to do with the baby. The Mrs. may visit her family that weekend, leave the baby with them for the week, and then I pick him up on my way home the following weekend. If that's how it goes down, that makes me wife and baby free on that Saturday.
Unfortunately I'm out...unless I hit the lottery and don't have to work for a living anymore...


For the people that are still game.....What did you want to learn? Did you want to do a brookie excursion? Just catch fish on a medium sized stream, or do you want to learn how to fish BIG water?

My entire FF experience this year has been small/medium stream. A change to larger water would be refreshing, although I am up for anything.
Well then Doc, sounds like you, Chef, and I will be exploring the Lehigh. More are welcome, plenty of water!
SBecker wrote:

For the people that are still game.....What did you want to learn? Did you want to do a brookie excursion? Just catch fish on a medium sized stream, or do you want to learn how to fish BIG water?

It doesn't mater to memto the size water i fish, whatbi need to work on is approach to any stream and what fly to use. But I'm fishing the afternoon so don't wait on me in the morning.
You really should put a general meet up time on it. Doesn't have to be exact, you can have a range. But it'd suck for a newbie to show up, expecting someone to lead them and help them, and nobody's around.

With PP in, and Swattie, myself, and k-bob?? as maybe's, there's the potential to have a pretty strong brookie contingent that could split up a bunch of different ways and take quite a few newbies on an adventure. Depending on demand. But those groups probably ain't making lunch.

730am? We could do a late lunch like 2ish, then whoever wants to stick around we could fish a medium sized stream. Would like some feedback.
It's looking pretty good that I'll be there, with the full day open now.

I am fine with whatever as far as the morning meetup time is concerned. 7:30 sounds just fine.

As far as lunch, I'd say it would depend on the interest level in the Brookie fishing. The streams I had in mind are all probably 30-40 minute drives from the meetup location. Add a 20-30 minute hike to get into/out of some of them and it really makes coming back for a lunch impractical, if not impossible. If a decent portion of the group wants to do the Brookie fishing deal, an early evening get together to eat/drink/wrap up the day may make more sense. Say 5:00?

There's some (supposed) good Brookie streams closer, but I'm not as familiar with those and would need to depend on pcray, kbob, or PP to help lead on those, assuming those guys will be there.

If there isn't much interest in the Brookie fishing, and fishing the bigger streams is the consensus, then I think a midday break for lunch/beers would work just fine.

Mostly depends on what guys want to do it sounds like...maybe do a roll call on the newbies and see what they're interested in (a few have already chimed in I think)? I'm fine either way...happy to help some of the new guys get into some Brookies...or fish the big water, where I'm probably as much of a newbie as anyone...unless I'm throwing streamers for Smallmouth.
Yeah, I don't know the area real well, except a few that k-bob showed me, and I don't wanna take a group to his honey holes. There's a few close by I've found on a map and wouldn't mind trying. But they'd be experiments. When leading a group I'd probably opt for more of a sure thing to make sure I show them a good time. But sure things in that area, for me, like Swattie, tend to be 30 minutes away.

Anyway you look at it most brookie outings are kind of day long commitments. Even if it were only a 15 minute drive from the meeting location, by the time you hike in and get where you wanted, you wanna stay there, not turn around and hike out, drive around again, to be at a lunch. That type of fishing just doesn't lend itself to the start-stop-start scenario very well.

Sounds like a hassle but I HIGHLY recommend it for newbies. Nothing is better for confidence than saying, wow, I thought I didn't know what I was doing but I just caught 20+ wild trout, and had a lot of fun.

That said, you certainly don't have to get out there real early, plenty of time in the morning to socialize and not get yourself in a rush. Brookie groups could do a morning socialize and/or an evening dinner/bar trip, but probably not anything in between. Morning get together's work well to split groups and compare plans. Otherwise we'd have to form groups ahead of time with meeting places/times, and the leaders have to compare notes on where to go, etc.
I am open to a more formal dinner greet up. Any of the guys going with me, we could easily grab some wings for a quick lunch.