Planning the 2012 Newbie Jam

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
Certainly, but only sometime after the Jam. It is only fair that those that attend get to see it first.
I still plan on attending. I may even have some co-workers meeting up with me there.
No but as part of your Newbie hazing, you must big one six pack and one bullhead catfish.

And some smoked Kibalsea or Soprosatta so that we can have poor man's surf and turf?

This should be a sticky. I am brand new here and glad that I found this post. I may try to make it. It's my wife's bday but she seems ok with me going.
Is this in Emmaus?
bric2000 wrote:
This should be a sticky. I am brand new here and glad that I found this post. I may try to make it. It's my wife's bday but she seems ok with me going.
Is this in Emmaus?

Hi bric - Yes, it's in Emmaus. Click here for the announcement in the Events Forum.

All the details are there, including directions to the Pool Wildlife Sanctuary of the Wildlands Conservancy. Feel free to bring your family - this is a family friendly event, and there's lots of shopping and other stuff to do close by.

Should be a fun day - hope to see you there!

Just curious, will this be a rain or shine event?

yep, rain or shine. We do have access to a building there.

We'd prefer shine, as in a perfect world, it allows us to spread out more and have only what is necessary indoors, and the rest outdoors. But we'll make do with whatever nature throws at us.
Really looking forward to this.
I need to stop fishing so much and finish up my presentation :lol:
I am also looking forward to it. I hope that we will have enough of a schedule of events and co-localization of stuff that it will be possible for presenters to catch other presentations.
Basically, what we're doing is cramming 8 "presentations" into 3 1/2 hours of time.

Rather than having them go off one at a time (won't fit), or two at a time, which would guarantee missed presentations, we're running them all during this time frame. People can see whatever they want to see. This means the instructors will have to do more than one presentation, but it also gives them flexibility to take a break, and watch other instructor's programs.

Will everyone get to see everything? Probably not. Choices will need to be made as far as what programs you want to see, but in talking with pcray, we feel this is the best way to offer a wide range of programs in a limited time frame. Interaction between instuctors and spectators is being emphasized, and that can't happen in a rigid schedule, and short time frame.

We don't have that classroom available all day - there's another group that has an event at 1PM, so we're out of there at noon.

We can always continue with questions, etc, at the afternoon onstream session in the Parkway, but I doubt it will involve additional presentations by the "morning" instructors.

Interaction between instuctors and spectators is being emphasized.

In my mind, at least, this is the driving factor behind the format.

These are big topics, you could literally spend a whole day on any of them. Give an instructor a rigid 20 minutes to lecture, and he naturally tries to cover too much ground. You end up a mile wide and an inch deep. And for a given spectator, half of what's covered may not even interest you, and the time and leeway isn't there to request more details on a specific aspect.

We're trying to be more open than that. We have spectators of various skill levels and different interests. The more flexible we can be, the more everyone will get out of it.

Instructors have total freedom to teach as they see fit. They can set up a lecture if they choose and communicate a schedule for their area. But me personally, I'm not preparing a lecture. I'm preparing to discuss whatever I may be asked to discuss within my topic.

My topic is small mountain freestoners. I am preparing info on finding them (maps and lists and all that fun), gear choices, leader construction, fly selection, reading water, tactics, casting (including hands on), etc. I don't expect to go through all of that with any one group. Some of it I may never be asked to cover. But I expect a group to come by and maybe want me to go into detail on how to find the streams, and I'll pull out the lists and maps and show em. Then maybe another group who wants help casting in tight places, and we grab a few rods and step out into the yard.

And other spectators may never come to my station, because fishing small mountain freestoners doesn't interest them. And that's fine. If I had a rigid 20 minute slot, I'm wasting their time, and preventing them from learning more about something they do care about. In this format, I'm not wasting their time, and those who do care about my topic get more individual attention.
I really like the sound of your station pcray...that's my favorite kind of FF probably, only rivaled with big WW stream Smallie fishing maybe. Just from your posts and pictures, I think we probably enjoy fishing a lot of the same kind of streams, and I'd love to see how our tactics compare...Wish I could be there but my weekends are all but used up until mid-April. Maybe we'll get a chance to fish together at the Jam or otherwise this year.

To anyone going (or thinking of going) though, I would definitely recommend taking the time to check out this station. Once you know what you're looking for, you'll find that these kind of streams are more plentiful than you think and offer very rewarding fishing experiences IMO. pcray's posts on this kind of fishing are top notch and I'm sure his presentation will be too.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Swattie. I was less trying to advertise for my station, though, and more kind using it to explain the format, which is admittedly a little confusing. Including instructors who are currently starting to prepare.

I think the format also gives more leeway for future growth. This year, 8 topics. Next year, we could get 10, and so on.

Yeah, there's lots of people I'd love to fish with on the board and haven't yet. You are definitely near the top of the list. I'd love to fish with you. In the last few years, my fishing time has been a little more at a premium. Quality over quantity, I'm having to make my few getaway's really count. This year will be even more in that direction with the newborn.
Yeah...wasn't my intent to pull or draw anyone away from any of the other presentations, which I'm certain will be top notch as well given the presenters. I think a lot times guys think that small mountain freestone fishing only exists in the NC, but in reality it's pretty accessible in just about every corner of the state...within an hour or so's drive anyway. Main point was to not rule it out just because you think you don't live near any mountains!

PM coming on the fishing part.
I will also be attending. Hopefully I will have 2-3 people with me as well.

Hey Guys,

Literally brand new to the site, found you guys after doing some exhaustive research on fly fishing, gear, flies, tactics, casts, you know - the whole bit. Needless to say, lots more to learn - so mark me down, possibly plus one for this event!

- Jimbo

I only started fly-fishing in January and one of the earliest things I did was join this forum. You'll find this to be a great bunch of people who are very willing to help with any questions.

Jimbo87 wrote:
Hey Guys,

Literally brand new to the site, found you guys after doing some exhaustive research on fly fishing, gear, flies, tactics, casts, you know - the whole bit. Needless to say, lots more to learn - so mark me down, possibly plus one for this event!

- Jimbo

Welcome Jimbo. Dave is right, great bunch of guys who will answer your questions and get you on the stream if you ask nice and don't be mean like Dave! JK, Dave
Hey Jimbo - Did I qualify my statement and say MOST of the people here are really nice? :-D
The format does seem to be the only way to make this work, and HA and Pcray have obviously put a good deal of thought into it. It might be a good idea for each presenter to bring a small sign letting participants know the theme a presenter is planing to cover. Basically advertise to try and bring customers into your station. I heard rumors that the leader station will have free jerky :)