Planning the 2012 Newbie Jam

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
You're down as a maybe. This is a list for planning purposes anyway, nobody is being "held" to anything. Especially for attendees.
I don't wanna speak for em but most likely phish-on will be there and leftycraig
Pat - There's more attendees I'll add later that sent me PM's.

There's also one excellent addition to the instructor staff:

afishinado - he's giving up his VERY valuable time (literally) to be there, and I've penciled him in for the on-stream instruction. If I could pick any fisherman to do this, it'd be afishinado. Epic!

I find it most impressive that both of the moderators of the Beginner's Forum are taking the time to instruct at this event, in addition to the countless hours they already contribute here.

This event is shaping up nicely, and it will surely be a learning experience for people of all skill levels. Don't miss it!!!

I am interested in attending. I have spin fished my entire life. fresh and surf. I have been wanting to learn to Fly Fish for years and decided this is the year to start.
Welcome, that's how most of us started.

Every situation is different. But more often than not, I've found fly fishing to be more effective than spinning rods (and I was pretty good with the spinning rod and bait). It simply allows you to do more.

However, with fly gear, before you get to that point, there's a pretty tall learning curve. You'll have to be willing to accept lower success while you learn. At the very least, it will take a few years just to get back to the same success you enjoy now.

It's a fun journey and I welcomed the challenge. We'll do our best to help shorten the curve for you.
Im looking forward to meeting all you guys and hope someone can answer some of the 35,000 questions i have about chasing trout with the long rod. I've been fly fishing for bass all my life but just recently started fishing MOVING water and found out there is quiet a learning curve. lol. It's a little different than throwing hair bugs into lilly pads. So I hope you guys are ready for some questions.
I wanted to bring my friend along who just got into fly fishing so he could learn some things. But alas im going to Panama City the same day, SPRING BREAK! but im going to talk to him and see if hes down to go.
Other than bringing my rod, reel,etc., what type of flies do you recommend for this time of year?

boj wrote:
Other than bringing my rod, reel,etc., what type of flies do you recommend for this time of year?


It's all here.
I would like to attend. I've been wanting to fly fish for over 30 years. I have a long drive but I should be able to be there on time.
Welcome!! Coming from Delaware, depending just where at in Delaware, I might be on your way if you want to cut down the drive a little. Downingtown/Coatesville area.

I'll be leaving real early, though.
Due to a work injury(slap tear in shoulder). I will not be able to make jam. I am going for surgery this afternoon. 5 weeks in sling . 6 to 9 months before I can fish or work. I was told it is illegal to drive for first five weeks. I will see you next year . Depending where I'm at with recovery I might come to learn with out hands on. I'm thinking about using time off to learn fly tying when I get sling off.
Good luck with the surgery!

Oh man, that stinks Chisel!

Good luck with your surgery, and I hope you see fit to come visit with us. There's a lot to learn without having to cast, and if you can't drive yet, one of us will come get you, if you'd like.

FWIW - Flycasting can be good for rehab - ask your doctor. Maybe he'll prescribe many days off from work for your "therapy". ;-)

Tough luck man, hope you have a faster than prescribed recovery.
I'm out. Ill post part 4 at a later date. Have fun guys!
Out as in not coming? Aww. Shame to miss ya, Sal.

Chisel, lots to learn even without being able to function with the rod. Hope your recovery goes well.

your right and on second thought, ill be there. Hope you guys are ready for part 4, its better than the first 3.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

your right and on second thought, ill be there. Hope you guys are ready for part 4, its better than the first 3.

Sal, are your still going to post part 4 for those of us who can't make it? I really enjoyed reading your other posts.