Planning the 2012 Newbie Jam

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
I will be coming. Last year I helped hand out flies that were donated, and if you are doing that again, I could head that up. Other wise I can help where needed. Not much of an instructor as Im still learning myself.
surveyor06 wrote:
I will be coming. Last year I helped hand out flies that were donated, and if you are doing that again, I could head that up. Other wise I can help where needed. Not much of an instructor as Im still learning myself.

Don't sell yourself short - we're all still learning. Put yourself in the shoes of a newbie, and then look at your skills. Impressive, to say the least.

We'll still do the fly donation/distribution - I'd be grateful if you could handle that again, as well as doing some demo tying. Gloves and ice dubbing aren't mandatory this year. ;-)

I really don't want to make the instructors feel pressured into strict attendance (see - I'm learning too). Life has a habit of getting in the way of things, and the new format allows us the flexibility to cover for someone that can't make it at the last minute. The only strict rule for this event is that we all have to have fun. Anything involving mcfinn is guaranteed to be fun. Trust me on this one. :-D
Ed, I met McFinn last night at the TU meeting. The guy is a frickin riot!
We've got a new topic - "Approaching a Spring Creek". This will be an interactive presentation by salvelinusfontinalis, and will surely be epic. This program will expand on sal's awesome series of posts of the same name. Sweet!!!!!
Should be a ton of fun and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.

surveyor06 wrote: I will be coming. Last year I helped hand out flies that were donated, and if you are doing that again, I could head that up. Other wise I can help where needed. Not much of an instructor as Im still learning myself.

Don't sell yourself short - we're all still learning. Put yourself in the shoes of a newbie, and then look at your skills. Impressive, to say the least.

I personally can wait to observe the casting instruction because i need it but shhhhhhh! ;-)
Just a running tally to date:

Volunteers (7). Requested topic (open to change as needed and as appropriate)

Heritage Angler - organizer
pcray1231 - open to placement where needed
wheff - on-stream instructrion
fishidiot - entemology
mcfinn - gearing up
surveyor - fly donations/handout, demo tying
salvelinusfontinalis - approaching spring creeks

Attendees (2):


Requested topics. (0)

Kind of expected that this early. It's winter. Wintertime posters are serious about the sport. The newbies will rush the board in the spring. # of volunteers is probably more important to start anyway, we need to know that to come up with the schedule. Plus, I think we're pretty confident we'll get a good turnout on attendees.

Still, keep em comin. And for those attendees that have indicated they want to come. Don't forget about the topics question, we want to know what you want to get out of it!
Sal, lookin forward to meeting you too. Always enjoyed your posts immensely. Weird we haven't fished together or even met yet.

And yeah, even us "experts" learn at these things. You don't have to be hush about it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Hi Pat - Just an FYI...

whheff can't make it, as he just found out that his TU chapter is running an event the same day.

We should probably hold off on announcing which instructors are doing what topics, as I've received PM's from some of last year's instructors expressing interest in helping out. I've asked them to let me know what they'd like to do in the next two weeks, and I'll make an "official" announcement of the event, topics, and instructors at that time. We can always move things around, to a point - we're flexible. I'll call you before I make the announcement post, and we'll make adjustments as needed.

I can't begin to thank you enough for helping with this event - your ideas have made what I feel is a tremendous improvement to our program, and you're making things a ton easier for me. As far as I'm concerned, consider yourself co-organizer of this event.

Carry on - you're kickin' butt!

Ok, more volunteers is good. Did not mean the topics were final, merely what the person initially expressed interest in. I'm guessing most will get to do what they requested. And then we'll have a hole or two to fill, which will be accomplished by strong-arming the willing. ;)
Sal, lookin forward to meeting you too. Always enjoyed your posts immensely. Weird we haven't fished together or even met yet. And yeah, even us "experts" learn at these things. You don't have to be hush about it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Likewise. Really your one of the posters I've enjoyed the most because science my friend, is your strength. The systematic and random acts of science really are interesting.

Speaking of fishing together. You realize that we had a long discussion on the board about approaching wild brookies streams and we determined you and I approach them the same way. Don't waste time and skip less likely water and you'll catch more fish. We could probably fish all of Cherry Run in Clinton County from the middle and opposite directions. Turn around and cross back over each other to the mouth and headwaters. Its only 10 miles or so ;-)

I'm too old.

We do need to fish together here at some point. I know some neat and interesting places in Luzerne , Lackawanna, Wyoming and Wayne Counties.
Sal, I'm sorry that I will not be there to meet you. I really enjoy your posts and the topics you cover.
Maybe at some other JAM.

Ed, I have a bunch of flies I could give for the new guys. Let me know what rock to leave them under for you. :)
Count me in as an instructor for anything but casting.
I'm planning on attending. Need help with everything especially casting.

whheff wrote:
Ed, I have a bunch of flies I could give for the new guys. Let me know what rock to leave them under for you. :)

Thanks Bill. I'll drag you out fishing at least once before the Jam. No need to resort to the flyfishing/geocacheing bit. ;-)

BMarx - You're in. I'll be in touch via PM in about two weeks to discuss the topic pcray and I pick for you. Thanks for being flexible!

So far, the only topics assigned are Entemology (fishidiot), sal's program, and casting. I'm planning on doing the casting instruction myself, but I have visions of Old Lefty wheeling like mad down I-80 in a wheelchair with an orange triangle on the back at 2 in the morning. If it is at all possible, I'm sure he'll be there.

Sounds interesting, and I am particularly looking at the Central PA jam....I've been dying to find a good excuse to get up to Spring Creek. I breezed through this thread quit fast, but as it gets closer please keep posted. My gear set up is good, all the rest...I'm all ears!
In the event you're not aware, the central PA "Jam" is in May. This is THE jam and is our largest, annual event and isn't geared toward beginners or any particular issue. The one being discussed in this thread is geared specifically to help beginners.
You're welcome to attend either - just wanted to make sure you were straight on these "jams."
See what happens when I post before I read? Thanks for the clarification none the less, I will have to see if the date works...I might be down in FL that weekend or the next. I am interested in both however, seems you guys really go all out!
Yeah, the central PA jam is our signature event. It is not instructional, it's simply a bunch of people getting together over a weekend in the prime of the season. It is open to all skill levels, and all levels are encouraged to attend. Plenty of fishing goes on, groups going out to a number of different streams. Then there's drinking and socializing, stories being told, people sharing their arts (we have musicians, painters, and lots of fly tiers). It is a social event.

We have other "jams" as well, spread around the state, that are usually on a smaller, more local level, but still with the same basic idea as the main jam. Most of them follow some sort of theme. There's a steelhead jam, a SE PA stocky jam, and a few which target a particular hatch.

This particular one is a considerably different in form than all of them. It's meant to be a teaching event for the benefit of beginners, put on by more experienced members. Sort of a collection of seminars, completely free of charge. The goal is to shorten the learning curve as much as possible. It's of course all about fishing, but it's much less of a fishing event, and more about teaching people to fish.
There is plenty to learn at the Annual Spring Jamboree as well. We have always had a local guide/shop owner speak to us at one of our fire rings, Friday or Saturday nights. The talk was on a more intermediate level. There was no teaching how to cast, etc. in the early years. But with the last several, we have had some professionals among as provide instructions that would be helpful at all levels.

There is under-control adult fun in the evenings and you can even learn a lot there. Most importantly, you will learn that among us are people from all walks of life, athletic ability, occupations, interest in fly fishing. You will no doubt, with little effort, make new friends in the sport, and maybe end up fishing with someone who can teach you just one thing that will make you a better fly angler-- and that is what it is all about.

I salute all the folks who put this beginner jam together as it serves to show that we are not elitists and do not try to hide our sport and the joy it brings from anyone.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

My parents took me out to lunch today. They've been talking up a new Chinese buffet near their house, and I never turn down a good buffet. :-o

Any of you guys remember "A Sporting Lifestyle" - the recently deceased Orvis shop in Allentown? Yup, it's now a Chinese buffet. The lunch buffet is $6.99 - all you can eat.

The food was excellent, and they have a "party room" that will accomodate our size group for the Newbie Jam. There's no way we'd all fit in Cali Burrito, soooooo.....

We have reservations for March 24th at 12:30. :-D