Planning the 2012 Newbie Jam

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
Thanks for the advice guys, I plan on "restarting" fly fishing early March down here, maybe I'll be able to brush up before the Spring Jam. How far is the location from Bellfonte Airport? It would honestly be easier for me to fly up there for a weekend.

Anyhow, I definitely want to make the Beginner Jam to, I'll see if I can swing the day off...Looks like I wont be in FL till at least the following Tuesday.

Thanks again!!
Paulson wrote:
How far is the location from Bellfonte Airport?

About a half hour drive. The Spring Jam was held here:
Hoping to make it. Not 100% sure yet though. I need to google directions and all first, before I commit.
Thanks a lot for putting this together H.A. I'm going to try my best to be there.
I'll be looking forward to this. If there is any way I can help out Ed just let me know. If anyone is interested in hand tied leaders I could put together a few kits and formula sheets and attempt to demonstrate blood knots.
FrequentTyer wrote:
I'll be looking forward to this. If there is any way I can help out Ed just let me know. If anyone is interested in hand tied leaders I could put together a few kits and formula sheets and attempt to demonstrate blood knots.

Mike - I've seen your level of preparation at our last event, and it was impressive, to say the least.

Would you like to instruct the leader station? We may combine the knot station with the leader station, so you would likely have someone else working with you.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Mike - I've seen your level of preparation at our last event, and it was impressive, to say the least.

Would you like to instruct the leader station? We may combine the knot station with the leader station, so you would likely have someone else working with you.


Thanks, but don't be too impressed. I just have a lot of free time on my hands...
I could take a crack at instructing the leader station, or could combine it with knots, or work with whoever does knots. Whatever will be helpful.
I'm interested in attending, but can't say for sure. I like learning about fishing, but i like fishing more so if the weather permits and fish are running i'll prolly fish. My own knowledge and abilities compared to what there is to know will always be relatively small, so i think i'll always think of myself as a beginner no matter how long i fish.
I certainly understand where your coming from. When you have the time to get out, do it because life is way too short. I do hope to see you there. I think it was you that posted a pic of a beast letort brown. Wanted to talk to you about your experience with that fish but if you can't make it, no worries. Ill hit ya up another time. Good luck!
Sal, you got the wrong guy. Never caught a big letort brown.

As a brand Newbie I would love to attend this event if there is still room?

As far as topics, I'm pretty much just starting out so I'm interested in all topics from beginning casting, fly patters, entomology, knots.

Thanks to everyone who takes time out of their schedules to put this together!

Welcome to our online community. We'd be delighted to have you join us - I'm sure there's plenty of space. Heritage Angler is heading up this event and I'm sure will chime-in that we're full.
Fishidiot wrote:
Heritage Angler is heading up this event and I'm sure will chime-in that we're full.

Nah - we'll have lots of room (famous last words). Should be a really fun and educational day.

Forks, looking forward to seeing you there!

Looks like a good deal of pre-event buzz for the Jam so far, H.A. Well done.
Has anyone ever tried a (trouts, beefs, llama, whatever) cooking/recipe type thingy @ the newbie jams? Of course practicing catch&release does tend limit one's fish calories, but am just curious if anyone ever gets their streamside grill on, or has some manly shore lunch ideas.
Room for one more still?
pgjgarcia - There is no attendance cap on this event. The room we have is pretty big, and folks can wander through as they wish. Depending on the weather, some stations may be outside, as the casting station already is.

mcfinn wrote:
Has anyone ever tried a (trouts, beefs, llama, whatever) cooking/recipe type thingy @ the newbie jams?


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There is no attendance cap on this event.

No but as part of your Newbie hazing, you must big one six pack and one bullhead catfish.

I would personally like to see a huge turnout. The more people the better, the more questions and answers the more everyone will learn.Bouncing ideas from various walks of fly-fishing is always the most effective way to find small truths.

Welcome to the forum.
Ok, this is by no means all-inclusive, as I don't have those who spoke with Heritage via PM. But going through the thread, here's what I came up with.

Volunteers (8 and a half)

Heritage Angler - organizer
fishidiot - entemology
salvelinusfontinalis - approaching spring creeks

wheff - can't attend but can donate flies

Attendees (6 and 3 maybes):

snag - maybe
iceyguides - maybe
Paulsen - maybe

Thats pretty good. I fully expect the attendee number to be much higher than those who respond, plus lots will add as we get closer to the date. You can probably expect at least close to the number we got last year.

What's probably most important for planning purposes is the number of volunteers, and we got AT LEAST 8 there plus whoever responded to Ed via PM. That's a very workable number. We'll still take more, of course, but I think it's enough to be comfortable that we can take on about as much as we want to take on.

I'm still a maybe...won't know for another few weeks but would definitely like to attend.