PAFF 2017 STEELHEAD JAM: 26-29 Oct in Erie

Barring death or disability me and nephew will be at Sunset Motel, late arrival Friday night, and will be at Folly's Sat. morn. Looking forward to seeing old and new friends. Only staying for the day Sat.
We are all good with Folly's for the pavilion meeting point. If you need anything please support them. I'm headed up tomorrow afternoon
Good luck steel men - wish I could join yuh.

Post some pics and tell some tales. We're looking forward to 'em.
I just checked water levels, and it looks like that rain didn't help much up in Erie. Streams very low with very little rain in sight between now and the weekend.

The two weather sites I checked said not much chance, but I asked a an autistic savant that I know who is a weather fanatic, and he says we should get some before the weekend, ... then snow on Sunday.

Maybe he is messing with me, but he is almost always more accurate than weather channel.

Fingers crossed, but we may have to fish in the lake.

Where's pcray when we need him?
FarmerDave wrote:
I just checked water levels, and it looks like that rain didn't help much up in Erie. Streams very low with very little rain in sight between now and the weekend.

The two weather sites I checked said not much chance, but I asked a an autistic savant that I know who is a weather fanatic, and he says we should get some before the weekend, ... then snow on Sunday.

Maybe he is messing with me, but he is almost always more accurate than weather channel.

Fingers crossed, but we may have to fish in the lake.

Where's pcray when we need him?

Looks like a little rain on Wednesday, and a deluge right when you guys get out early Saturday morning.

You guys have all the luck!! :lol:
Wow, looks like the forcast changed significantly. They were calling for low of 28 on Sunday (I think).

Chagrin river looked to be in pretty good shape when I drive over it last night, but the PA Tribs were still way low as of yesterday.

We'll see.

I still haven't bought my PA license. I guess I will have to do that, today.

May have to buy an Ohesian license, too.

Meeting at Folley's End Campground Pavilion between 7 and 7:30 Saturday AM.

Creeks are low, but rain is coming. Bring your raingear.
CRB wrote:
Still low and clear.

Most of the rain hit from Northeast, PA into NY.

mid to upper 20-Mile fished good early and Chautauqua has about 18" vis. and just starting to drop.

Hi all,

I just wanted to say i had a fun time at the Erie jam and it was nice meeting those who came. I look forward to learning what i can by observation and fishing with some of you on future trips.

Alby, you should have stayed one more day.

Water came up a little bit on Elk, but still very low. Fish started moving. We never did make it to our intended spot.

A lot of fish caught on bait, but I managed to land 2 and lost a third on flies. We never moved more than a couple hundred feet. Called it quits a little after 2. Had to head home for farm stuff.

Here is the crew at the pavilion. There were at least five others not pictured. Great to see old friends!


Some stream pics too




What do you mean by that?
Thanks to everyone at the Jam for putting up with Moose and I and shepherding the two octogenarians around. Loads of laughs !! The Avonia was a good spot for meet and greet. Thanks Norm for your help after my Back layout on Elk. Good to see Albatross and Farmer Dave continue to catch fish in less than ideal conditions. They fit the 10% that catch fish while some of us fill the 90% category.
Moose and I left Pa. and went to NY. Much better conditions there. Lots of nice water in Chautauqua Creek and more fish. If you get a chance that's the place to go rather than Cattaragus Creek. IMO> Seems like little pressure and good access points. Saw a guy centerpinning catch 5 nice steelies, he kept 3 . Probably in the 20 inc plus range. The state has access areas:
that are user friendly.
We finished the trip fishing for browns in Johnson Creek. Load of salmon and some scattered browns following them. Put a hook in a nice brown. He rolled once giving me a good show of his colored up body and was gone. Small egg pattern hooks are tough to get to hold on in bigger fish.Foul hooked a salmon and was glad that it pulled out. Good few days with Moose .
Once again thanks to all the Pa. FF brothers. GG
Good to see you and Moose and all. I caught fish, but am not a part of the 10% elite.
Wish I could have joined you guys. Post some pics!