Not a pretty picture for the start of the season

Water temps can shoot way up on small streams early in the year because there are no leaves on the trees. With low flows the effect gets amplified. But plenty of rain at least in next 2 weeks will get things back closer to normal. The real trouble will be this summer
Yeah, red dots on the USGS site mean the creeks are on the "high side".

Not really, the red dot means the levels are low:


It started raining here in Exeter. Suppose to pick up a little later. It's a cold rain
Nice soaker here today. Over the nect 5vdays, not much sun to evaporate what fell. Panic called off for now but I think they got short changed in NC
Teh_Fly wrote:
Yeah, red dots on the USGS site mean the creeks are on the "high side".

Not really, the red dot means the levels are low:



I was being sarcastic.

We did get a nice rain today that actually soaked into the ground. I am going to hit my local ATW tonight since the levels went up and I can actually fish it without getting snagged every cast.
Downsides - early algal blooms, lots of small branches and still lots of leaf detritus in streams, overall greater stealthiness required, angler angst

Upsides - fish inventory is a whole lot easier with low clear flows; generally not possible in mid-spring most years. Some streams I've fished recently revealed phenomenal YOY populations and some holes with 6-12 fish of the wild variety in them. The silver lining with these early low flows is you get a glimpse at how good some streams really are.
Don't forget all the food that gets washed in too. Sam Juans work well for me after rain.
It looks like the blue dot express should be rolling through a good portion of the state tonight, and throughout the week. What a difference a week makes.
This week is exactly what we needed. Soaking rain and cooler Temps. Good: I wanted rain real bad. Bad: I'm going camping at Penns tomorrow through Saturday. Watch what you wish for. Still glad we got the rain.
Just had to bring this back. It's too wet! lol...
Lol at "blue dot express"

Turning to black dots in SE PA :-o :-o
It looks like that Brookie I sacrificed to the water gods worked. You're welcome everyone.
Antiedem creeks looks scary. Can't believe how much water was pumping through the country club section by 422
Bumping this again.......
Mason Dixon line and Pittsburgh area has had some rain. The North Central and North East portion of the state are quite dry. No tropical depression or rain in the forecast. Swattie, sacrifice more gemmies please.
kray - Working out the logistics for a potential backpacking trip next weekend, so that may just happen.
Delaware is low. In the lowest 25% of flows at Montague. . Cannonsville had to be bumped up to meet the 1750cfs target for Montague over the weekend. I don't think Wallenpaupack generates over the holiday weekend, so potentiall look for more water in the west branch over the fourth weekend. Would not be surprised if Blue Marsh or the Po ramp up to meet low flows down river - - for the salt line and Trenton target. SAlt line is a few miles upstream from usual location for this time of year.
I'm not sure it's even rained in the Catskills in the last 6-7 weeks. Every system has gone around them. Not a good situation up that way
I was up that way last week....the only rain we had was a few thunder storms at night. Water was too hot to fish come 8 a.m. Definitely need rain.
was just on the WB last wed, thur, and friday. That area needs a good soaker in a bad way. The slime is also making it not enjoyable to even fish.