New Flies just off the vise

I quit tying realistic flies because it takes too long and its stupid to spend the time if you arent gonna fish it. I also had the salmon fly phase. Its art not functional. I forget where I was going with this but simplistic impressionism is, in my mind is what makes the best flies to catch the most fish.

Edit: oh yea screw extended bodies.
You should a partridge collar to your Royal Wulffs that would be bada** and would surely fool the Phishes
RowJimmy wrote:
You should a partridge collar to your Royal Wulffs that would be bada** and would surely fool the Phishes

Don't hate what you fear.
I fish partridge and yellow and lime all the time with clients and they have been rewarded quite nicely with them. For some reason no matter how many times you tell someone to cast their nymph rig upstream they feel obligated to do it their way and cast them down and across. So after saying UP STREAM for the 78th time I cut the hares ear off and replace it with a soft hackle and smile!
RowJimmy wrote:
hey feel obligated to do it their way and cast them down and across. So after saying UP STREAM for the 78th time I cut the hares ear off and replace it with a soft hackle and smile!

Some day, I hope to have jdaddy get you drunk on his dime so I can listen to guide/client stories all night long.

Also, just do up a hare's ear soft hackle.
Leteras wrote:
Once again Ramcatt avoids posting one of his flies. Who is the snake oil salesman now. It appears to be you.

Not that Ramcatt needs my endorsement, but the dude can tie.

My world is turning completely into "___ & partridge", flymphs, classic wets, Clyde style flies, hairwings, etc, etc. Realism is out for me. Its all about presentation and movement.
gfen wrote:
RowJimmy wrote:
hey feel obligated to do it their way and cast them down and across. So after saying UP STREAM for the 78th time I cut the hares ear off and replace it with a soft hackle and smile!

Some day, I hope to have jdaddy get you drunk on his dime so I can listen to guide/client stories all night long.

Also, just do up a hare's ear soft hackle.

Lime seems to be the top producer. Come to Roosevelts Saturday night I'll be in rare form and will be willing to tell stories. It's really not bad at all I've really been having fun!
turkey wrote:
Not that Ramcatt needs my endorsement, but the dude can tie.

I wasn't gonna let that out just to watch the embarrasment continue.

RowChimmy wrote:
Lime seems to be the top producer. Come to Roosevelts Saturday night I'll be in rare form and will be willing to tell stories. It's really not bad at all I've really been having fun!

Do not know what that is, and I've got prior engagements anyways.

Lime is the one colour I don't use. Purple, which is fail but man, is it pretty, yellow and orange. Or partridge.
gfun wrote:
I wasn't gonna let that out just to watch the embarrasment continue.

It'll probably continue.
Bra's been strangely quiet since the Murpet challenge was thrown down.
I have to disagree that biots don't move. While they don't move like rubber legs they are still pushed by water and a stonefly will often hold its legs out to grasp for rocks during causal drift.
I have to agree with Mkern on the biots. If you guys say it lacks movement I will do a realistic jointed stone and post a picture when its completed. If the whole body moves then it will not need the rubber legs to add life to it. Also add a magic head to a jointed stone and it moves freakishly real.
Leteras wrote:
I have to agree with Mkern on the biots. If you guys say it lacks movement I will do a realistic jointed stone and post a picture when its completed. If the whole body moves then it will not need the rubber legs to add life to it. Also add a magic head to a jointed stone and it moves freakishly real.

Yeah, but the fish sees that realistic stuff floating by all day long. If you ate hamburger everyday, wouldn't you jump at the chance to eat a juicy rubber-legged steak?
gfen wrote:
RowJimmy wrote:
hey feel obligated to do it their way and cast them down and across. So after saying UP STREAM for the 78th time I cut the hares ear off and replace it with a soft hackle and smile!

Some day, I hope to have jdaddy get you drunk on his dime so I can listen to guide/client stories all night long.

Would have worked well tonight imo.
Leteras wrote:
Also add a magic head to a jointed stone and it moves freakishly real.

JESUS H CHRIST. We are bringing in teh magics? Freak show ensue.

jdaddy wrote:
Would have worked well tonight imo.

would you have paid my way at the diamond cabaret?
gfen wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
Would have worked well tonight imo.

would you have paid my way at the diamond cabaret?

Sure. But no driving for me. Instead I made temptations for Slammer. Rickinpa makes sculpin for all yummy. zomg.


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i larned to do that once, but never bothered to do so.

when this iv is out, i'm fishing tully and then you're paying for me at al's. i'll drive. i'm gonna have to ensure you're trashed so you're free with the cash.

becker's not allowed to come. chimmy is.
gfen wrote:

i larned to do that once, but never bothered to do so.

when this iv is out, i'm fishing tully and then you're paying for me at al's. i'll drive. i'm gonna have to ensure you're trashed so you're free with the cash.

becker's not allowed to come. chimmy is.

This is all correct. Note that Slammer will be along for photo ops because that is how he rolls. He understands that taking $500 and turning into singles makes a pile of goo for the girlz.