Need some input on a product I'm designing

JasonS wrote:
Awesome. Forgot the cup holder tho.

If you need investors let me know.

Added the cupholder in. It has embossed fancy lettering, might cost more imo.

looks good. still not close to my design. Looks. Good you should make it out of platinum
wsender wrote:
So I took the some of the suggestions of people in this thread, plus a few of my own ideas, and made a quick model.

(slow clap)

Hoverboard capabilites?
mike_richardson wrote:
looks good. still not close to my design. Looks. Good you should make it out of platinum

as in true engineering, i didn't read the customer requirements. i just went with what felt right and i got a winner.

also platinum is completely impractical.

i'm developing this. i'm going to 3d printer tomorrow. all hail the glory that is capitalism.

If made out of platinum you definitely could target the spring ridge clientele. Folks with that kind of dough would line up to buy something no one else could afford - or want - one of the two.
So far, no one is being entertained but the posters of this "humor." Consider that before posting again.
You should make the box out of lead that way you could store kryptonite in it and superman would be none the wiser. lol
I don't mind the mocking. I got a lot of solid information to consider in my design. Thanks again for all of the helpful insight, and even the not so helpful.
JackM wrote:
So far, no one is being entertained but the posters of this "humor." Consider that before posting again.

My thoughts exactly. If Mike thinks he has a good idea, who is anyone to say otherwise? I think my advice was solid. Get it made, get it known, and get it to the masses. Competition will be thick once the big companies see his product is selling. They will look at the patent, figure a way around it (it's sure to happen), and since they already have a known "brand", it will be almost impossible to compete. I have a feeling the same people that are mocking him are the very same kind of people that will buy his finished product, or a knockoff of the same product. Just an feeling..
I don't know Jack, I'm crying out loud laughing right now. My wife doesn't understand what's so funny about the NCAA Tournament. .
Fly fuy ill laugh all the way to tge bank. Honestly it is nothing like what you gyys are thinking. I have a good plan and am going to ru with it. If it flops ill still have rhe pride of knowing i tried to make a living out of sonething i love to do.

Thanks again for the helpful input. I knew half the replies would be garbage, and i would get a ton of flack, but the helpful insite will be incorporated into the design.

Take care i think this one ran its course. And i apologize to the college professors. Of the site my fat fingers dont work well on my droid.

From a guy that did what you are about to do ten years ago, let me tell you to enjoy the ride. It will take you places, you will meet many people, have opportunities to fish some awesome places and get some good deals on equipment. Other than that just hope to break even when all is said and done.

After awhile being in the business became a drag on enjoying the passion itself. When that happens if you are lucky someone will come along and offer to buy your business. I just sold mine this month and now it's time to enjoy.

Thanks for the input Dotman. I'm hoping to just use this product for extra income at first but then move into supplie materials and all sorts of stuff.
I guess this means the Little Conemaugh is destined to remain a stinking polluted mess? My suggestion for your box or case is VELCRO lots and lots of VELCRO and maybe consider some SPELLING COURSES at those institutions of higher learning you attend. I'm gettin the feeling ...............nevermind.
What the heck was that about?
In all seriousness Mike, good luck and I hope you make a ton of money.
Its not about a ton of money to me, to be honest. I think it could have potential to go big. I would hate looking back and regretting not trying. I just want to make it as perfect as I can before even trying to market it. I have 3 testers lined up now. I got more progress done at lunch today. It is almost ready for the first "real" product to be made and tested. I am still working out where I want to place everything.

Once i get the better product ready. I will make a few to get tested. Not sure if you have to have the patent first. I have 1 pretty big name in the industry who is going to test it for me but I hope i think I trust him.
If you have to hope you trust someone, or think you trust someone, they cant be trusted. That is pretty much opposite the definition of trust.

I would talk to my lawyer in private and see what he advises. I know your excited but its a dog eat dog world. Secrecy may be the prudent move now. And also making a ton of money for doing something you love is more gratifying than just being happy you tried.

Good luck
In business don’t trust anyone and if someone claims you can trust them and they truly mean it, they will sign a legal confidentiality/non-compete agreement, which affirms they can be trusted. If they won’t and play mister nice guy with the old line of, “Trust me……you can trust me,” bend over and get ready because there’s a reason why they won’t sign anything – it’s because they don’t want to be held to anything and they can’t be trusted.

That said, if you are looking for a tester, consider me. Unlike others who say they can be trusted, I mean it when I say I can be trusted because I am trustworthy. And you can trust me on that.