Need some input on a product I'm designing

mike_richardson wrote:
Thanks for the input on the magnets. I have the thing drawin up with counter sunk area for magnet installation. it will have great functionality since it is counter sunk. You wond be able to bump the hooks and make them fall all over the place.

This being said my current set up is me table in my den and a tote filled with all of my tools and such hap-harzardly placed through out.

I did just purchase a cheap plastic drawer set for my nymph stuff.

Are you by chance Irish?
the entire set up with case and material holding inserts will be 10 x 12 or so. I just tested it out at lunch in the pack and such. Made it very easy to carry enough materials to tie about 6 different flies, the pack is going to have inserts for tools and inserts that zip to hold material.

Ok, enough detail giving i will be screwed. I am not that worried about the patent because my investor has all of the machines to produce this product, all the discounts on material, an already knows all of the patent stuff. He said a rough guess would be about 7500 for the patent.

The thing I am desinging has nothing like it and to secure a patent on this and to be the only person who can sell something like this would be worth the invest ment. for sure. I am dreaming big but just the functionality of the test pilot is getting me pretty pumped. I hope to get the finalized product developed soon. I need to come up with a way to secure the vice more effectivly. the standard knobs that come with vises leave a lot to be desired for a sturdy hold. I researched knobs with a nylon tip that i think would work a lot better.
"Are you by chance Irish?"

German and Irish and fit the steryotpes associated with both. ;)
Once you work with the initial test pilot version and make some changes you should select 4-6 other people, get them to sign confidentiality/non-compete agreements, and give them the revised version and let them all use it for a little while (make sure they all work separately so you get 4-6 inidividual feedbacks). It's basically a small scale consumer test because what you think might be the cat's *** in design they might think sucks and offer some good alternatives. You'd hate to mass produce the final production model and see reviews with the same 3-4 comments of, "this couldn't have been better." Flush those problems out early before it hits the street.

What kind of a warranty will come with it?
Maybe this isn’t the correct legal term but you can’t patent an idea (a portable fly tying case) only the unique solution(s) whether a product or process.

That portable tying case is nice. It looks like is has just about everything you would need. I really am curious as to what improvements could be made.
BradFromPotter wrote:
so my question is can you still patent something that has been made already in many different forms?

fwiw, brad has the second nicest travel kit i've ever seen. iirc, maurice has one that's even nicer, but i might be wrong on the owner.

as to the OP, you can be as clever as you want, but nothing's gonna supercede a C clamp vice and a couple of zip lock bags.

if you need a bigger zip lock bag to store teh smaller ones, that's cool too.

anyways, good luck storming the castle.
Anchorman-"I'm storming your castle on my steed, m'lady"
B from P that is a nice kit. It is about 3 times as large as what I am going to create though. Mine will be nothing like that.

I think you are getting good advice that "patentability" isn't the same as "a good idea." It is much more complicated. The best thing you can do is be first on the market and continue to provide quality and claim priority in advertising. "We were first and still the best."
Good input Jack. My VP was the one pushing the patent mainly. I will be having rigorous testing of the finished product by myself and a few other. I have one member lined up for the "testing" phase. It will be a while of testing by myself to esure 100% satisfaction.

Great point about having multiple products out there to be tested. Every guy is different in their preferences and is why i started this thread in the first place, because what works for me may not work for others.
To be 3 times smaller than the above kit sounds like you somehow managed to stuff 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag!
JasonS wrote:
Anchorman-"I'm storming your castle on my steed, m'lady"

Princess Bride- Miracle Max (played by Billy Crystal)- "Have fun storming the castle!"

Green weenie,

Is a lot different, and will not have the total number of features but in my opinion will be much more functional, as I said before it is not intended to replace a home tying station, but allow you to add a few material items and tools and take it where ever you want to, and tie anywhere. Stream side on a rock if you find one flat enough.

Would be good for the JAM's maybe Ill donate one for the Jam once I get it kicked off.

Maybe include a T.A.P. member ship. LOL I had to. It almost seemed like you guys were getting a long with me for a few seconds, and I just couldn't have that ;)
If it comes with a T.A.P. membership I would use it as a worm box.
If it comes with cigars i will use it as a travel humidor